Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Aktar Remedy Against Aphids

Aktara is a new generation insecticidal drug with a wide spectrum of action. Refers to low-hazard substances, does not harm the human body, animal, earthworms. Acts on almost all pests of the garden, the garden with a different apparatus of the food system. Actara from aphids is one of the most common remedies. Allows you to get rid of a large colony of pests in 1 treatment.


The active component of the drug is a broad-spectrum insecticide - thiamethoxam. Synthetic compound inhibits processes in the nervous system, causes paralysis, death. It is absorbed by plants 2 hours after treatment.

Penetrates the body aphids contact way, food. For aphid poisoning, a minimal dose of poison is enough. The death of insects occurs already during processing.

On a note!

Properties are stored for 15-30 days depending on weather conditions.

Solution preparation

The aktar aphid is produced in several forms:

  • concentrated emulsion;
  • compressed tablets;
  • powder;
  • granules.

Before spraying, you need to prepare a solution. The use of the finished product is allowed for 2 days after dilution in water.

Forms of release of the drug Aktara
Forms of release of the drug Aktara

Actara against aphids acts quickly. The concentration of the solution is less than for other pests of garden crops. 10 g of water consumes 2 g of the product. Initially diluted in 1000 ml of cool liquid, stirred, add the rest.

Terms of use

Instructions for use Actara contains recommendations on the correct use of a toxic agent.

  • In the process of working with the drug, use rubber gloves, a protective suit so that the solution does not fall on exposed skin.
  • Plants are sprayed with a garden spray bottle, spray bottle, watering can with a wide nozzle. Spray should be directed in the direction of the wind.
  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure in dry weather in the early morning, closer to the evening. Heavy rains and high air temperature decrease the effectiveness of the product. If it rains after spraying the crops for 2 hours, the procedure should be repeated the next day.
  • The effect of the drug lasts up to 20 days. Reprocessing is carried out to consolidate the effect after this time.


Aktar should be used against aphids in early spring before the first leaves bloom or after flowering. In other cases, you should use folk remedies. Processing crops with a broad-spectrum insecticide destroys the beneficial insects that come to pollinate the flowers. Between the last processing and harvesting must pass at least 20 days.


Safety for humans

When using poisonous aphids, it is necessary to assess the ratio of benefits and harms. Actara contains a relatively weak insecticide, but the dose is enough to destroy small aphids.

It is gradually split under the influence of temperatures, light, completely removed from the green part of plants, root crops within 20 days. In some cases, lasts up to 30 days. To avoid negative effects on the body, you should adhere to these terms before eating foods.


In case of violation of the processing rules, Aktara causes poisoning. Signs: nausea, dizziness, vomiting, weakness, headache, pallor of the skin, worsening of general well-being. At the first symptoms, you should take activated charcoal, rinse your mouth with soda solution. If necessary, seek help from specialists.


Reviews about Actar are mostly positive. Beginners and experienced gardeners and gardeners share their impressions.

Attacked aphids on cucumbers even before flowering. Plants perished before our eyes, folk remedies did not help. Spread Aktaru, sprayed the bottom of the leaves, the stem. The very next day there were no bugs. Cucumbers immediately started growing, the crop was received late, but good.

Veronika, Moscow

Last year from aphids strongly currants suffered. In this he processed the bushes even before the leaves bloomed. Re-sprayed after harvest for prevention. There were no problems with aphids. Good effective and inexpensive.

Anna, Voronezh

Aktara is a universal remedy. I use to process all garden crops, horticultural, if pests attacked. Effective already during the procedure. Once it turned out that after spraying apple trees it rained for an hour. This did not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Aphids from Aktara completely disappeared in three days.

Sergey, St. Petersburg

Application insecticides allows you to quickly solve the problem with aphids, but you should always adhere to the rules of use, remember the safety of oneself and others.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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