Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of aphids on beets

Beetroot is an unpretentious crop, with minimal care it can give a good harvest. But pests like aphidcause significant damage to the culture. The plant weakens, is exposed to disease, growth stops. Aphid young seedlings are completely destroyed. How to deal with aphids on beets, each gardener has to solve the problem.

Methods of struggle

The modern market for insecticides offers a wide selection of quality products. You can get rid of aphids on beets in 1 treatment. Active substances are absorbed by the tissues of the plant, creating protection for 20 or more days.


The basic rule is to spray the beets the last time 20 days before harvesting.

Beet aphid appears in early April, but mass reproduction can occur at any time during the growing season. With an already formed root crop, it is more advisable to use biological products. The funds act at the expense of the vital products of microorganisms. Poison aphids gradually, causing asphyxiation. Eating vegetables is allowed 5 days after spraying.

Beet aphid
Beet aphid

Folk remedies for aphids on beets are used at any stage of crop growth. Getting ready homemade drugs based on pungent substances, soaps, herbal tinctures. Multiplicity of application is unlimited. Efficiency depends on weather conditions, the degree of beet infection.

Agricultural control measures, they are also preventive, envisage crop rotation, deep digging of the soil after harvesting, before planting seeds, changing the location of the beds.

Signs of defeat

Aphids on beet leaves settle in the lower part of the plate, on the stems. Hiding from direct sunlight. Torrential rains and cold weather can stop pest breeding. In other cases, beet aphid breeds rapidly - in a season up to 20 generations.

Wingless black aphids on beets are present until the end of July. Then winged individuals that are able to migrate to different crops of the garden are born. After the mating season, eggs are laid on trees, shrubs, and weeds. In the spring they return to the beds with beets.

On a note!

Aphids on beet leaves form numerous colonies. All individuals feed on plant juices. As a result, sheets are twisted, deformed, turn yellow, fall off. On the reverse side, upon careful inspection, black small bugs are visible no larger than 3 mm.

Pest preparations

Pest Control
Pest Control

How to process beets from aphids, there are no special difficulties. You can use any systemic insecticide. Poisonous preparations help to remove aphids instantly, protect against insect invasion for another 30 days.


Processing beets with insecticides is carried out in dry, calm weather. During operation, rubber gloves and a protective suit should be used so that the solution does not get on the skin.

When choosing an effective remedy for aphids, you should pay attention to such drugs:

Biological products are not so fast. The effect has to wait a few days, they are removed from beets within 14 days.Treatment should be carried out several times during the fight with a frequency of 14 days, then for prevention every month - 1 time.

Remedies for aphids on beets based on biologically active components:

  • Arrow;
  • Spark bio;
  • Inta Vir;
  • Jaguar;
  • Envidore.

Spraying the green part of the beets is carried out using a garden spray bottle, spray bottle, watering can with a wide tip.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies against aphids
Folk remedies against aphids

Aphids can be removed from beet beds with safe folk remedies:

  • dilute 200 g in 1 liter of water laundry soap previously grated on a coarse grater, add 9 l of water;
  • mix baking soda, salt, soap base;
  • dilute 50 ml in a bucket of water ammoniaadd to 10 l of water, 200 ml table vinegar, 100 g of laundry soap;
  • chop celandine, pour cold water, leave to infuse for a day, put on the stove, boil for an hour, add a soap base;

    On a note!

    Instead of celandine, tops of tomato, potatoes, wormwood, and tansy are also used.

  • pass 200 g of horseradish through a meat grinder, insist in a sealed container for 3 days, strain, introduce soap;
  • mix spices - cinnamon, coriander, mustard, pepper, pour 10 liters of water, add soap;
  • dissolve 200 g in water wood ash, 100 g of soap, mix thoroughly. Instead of ash use tobacco powder, shag, dry ingredients sprinkled between rows in a beetroot bed;
  • pour onion peel with water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for 24 hours, strain, add laundry soap.

The fight against aphids with folk remedies is carried out at any stage of beet vegetation. Before using the vegetable for food, just wash it under running water and peel it.

Beetroot is an extremely sustainable crop, but can be significantly affected by aphid invasion. Care for the cleanliness of the land should be in advance.

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