Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of aphids on zucchini

Zucchini refers to a precocious culture, therefore it is undesirable to use insecticides during intensive growth. To protect the land using biological, agricultural, physical methods, folk remedies. Experienced gardeners and gardeners know how to deal with aphids in zucchini.

Who have to deal with

Zucchini aphids are common. Small insects with a body length of not more than 3 mm form entire colonies. For the entire warm season, up to 20 generations are replaced. On vegetable marrows the melon aphid starts. At the end of summer, winged individuals appear that can migrate to other cultures. They lay eggs that remain to hibernate. In early spring, larvae appear, begin sabotage.

You can see aphids from the back of the leaf, on the stems - green, yellow small bugs. Symptoms of zucchini infection:

  • twisted leaves, yellowness, dark spots;
  • the presence of mucus, the death of young shoots;
  • falling of flowers, stopping the development of the fetus.
Zucchini aphids
Zucchini aphids

The main methods of struggle

How to process zucchini from aphids, gardeners think at the sight of a large colony of pests. It is much more effective to worry about this even before sowing the crop:

  • Collect in the garden all remaining greens after harvesting, burn. Particular attention should be paid to the beds where aphids were born. They are also recommended to light bonfires.
  • The beds should be alternated, do not plant for two years in a row in the same place. Aphids of zucchini, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, legumes, less often carrots, beets, tomatoes are attacked. Between them it is worth planting plants that repel insects with a persistent smell - calendula, onions, garlic, mint, marigolds, mustard.
  • Dig the soil should be twice - after harvesting, before planting seeds.

Compliance with these simple rules will save zucchini from aphids, increase the productivity of the land. If the pests managed to settle, it is recommended to fight according to folk recipes.

Folk remedies

Fighting aphids at home
Fighting aphids at home

Reduce the number of parasites capable of weather conditions - cold, prolonged rain. In other cases, it is recommended to use solutions of folk recipes.

  • In 10 l of water add 200 ml table vinegar, 100 g of laundry soap.
  • Dilute in a bucket of water for 1 tbsp. spoon baking soda, salt, 200 g of laundry soap.
  • 200 g wood ash add tobacco powder in 10 l of water, introduce soap base. Also, ash and tobacco are sprinkled with beds of vegetable marrows between the rows.
  • Combine in equal proportions red, black pepper, cinnamon, mustard. Mix thoroughly, add 100 g of soap.
  • 400 g of onion husks pour 10 l of boiled water, boil for 20 minutes, leave to infuse for a day. Add laundry soap.
  • Chop glass garlic, pour 10 liters of cold water, insist 3 days. Before use, strain, add soap.
  • Grind the tops of potatoes or wormwood. Pour with water, cover, leave to infuse for 3 days. Put on the stove, boil for about an hour. Enter the soap.

On a note!

It is necessary to fight with folk remedies in dry weather in the early morning, late evening. If it rains, repeat the treatment. Repeatedly spray zucchini every 3 days for 2 weeks.


Chemicals against aphids
Chemicals against aphids

You can get rid of aphids on zucchini chemical meansby treating the seeds before planting. During the period of active growth, it is allowed to process the culture with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid, copper sulfate.

With severe infection of zucchini aphids, the use of Karbofos is allowed, Actara funds, drug Tanrek. The solution is prepared immediately before use. A minimum of 20 days must elapse between spraying and harvesting.

The use of biological products is recommended, which operate on the basis of the vital products of microorganisms. Arrow belongs to them. Spark bio, Jaguar, Fitoverm. The same means are used if aphids were found on squash.

To protect the garden and zucchini from the attack of aphids, it is necessary to take measures before it appears. Watering the affected area with hot water is one of the most effective folk remedies.

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