Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Thiuram powder from cockroaches

Thiuram powder from cockroaches
Tiuram Powder

Thiuram from cockroaches is used to destroy a large number of insects, to prevent re-infection of the premises. Highly toxic substance is widely used in the rubber industry for the vulcanization of insulating material in the manufacture of cables. It is allowed to use at home with strict adherence to the instructions.

Operating principle

Cable powder is used to prepare an effective Tiuram product, which quickly destroys cockroaches, is not addictive, gives a 100% result. Insect poisoning occurs after contact with the drug. White powder adheres to the body, penetrates the chitinous cover in the tissue, disrupts metabolic processes, causes paralysis, quick death. A small dose of Tiuram is sufficient for poisoning cockroaches.

Tire powder does not lose its properties for a long time. Indoors, his actions last for six months.

On a note!

The drug is not afraid of sunlight, resistant to high temperatures, loses its properties only under the influence of moisture. It is finally neutralized in an alkaline environment. Thiuram is a highly toxic substance, therefore, the application requires special care.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • high efficiency;
  • prolonged prolonged action;
  • lack of smell;
  • low probability of insects getting used to poison;
  • destroys all sexually mature, immature individuals;
  • wide spectrum of action;
  • quick effect in 30 minutes;
  • affordable price.


  • high toxicity;
  • special care is required in the process bullying cockroaches;
  • visibility - the powder is clearly visible on the treated surface;
  • dangerous to animals.


If it enters the respiratory tract, the esophagus causes poisoning of varying degrees.

Composition, release form

Tiuram powder from cockroaches is available in the form of a white or gray powder, granules. Powder is used to kill insects. It is produced by a domestic company, sold in bags of different packaging - from 3 g. A bag weighing 15 g is enough to process one infected room. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

The active ingredient is pinerobutoxide. Toxic substance with a quick nerve effect. Attracts cockroaches with flavorings. Thanks to additives with a special smell, cockroaches crawl to poison much faster, get dirty, die.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer recommends using Tiuram similarly. dust. Sprinkled in places of the greatest concentration of insects, along the trajectory of their movement. A thin path is crushed along the baseboards, near trash bins, sinks, toilets, behind furniture.

It is allowed to prepare a solution, diluting the powder with water at room temperature. The product is poured into a bottle with a spray, a household spray. They process furniture, floors, water pipes. In the implementation pest control it is necessary to use rubber gloves, a respirator. You need to gently powder the powder without creating dust.

On a note!

Thiuram is often used as a poisonous substance in the manufacture of poisonous bait at home.Mix with egg, potatoes, other food products.

For exposure, the powder is left on the surface for 3-4 weeks. Then sweep away with a broom, carry out wet cleaning. Soap, baking soda is added to the water.

Where could I buy

Thiuram is a toxic chemical that is not particularly common in hardware stores. You can buy the drug in specialized trading institutions, from employees of the SES. It is possible to order powder on a website on the Internet. The price of a bag weighing 50 g is 150 rubles.


Reviews about Tiurama in most cases are positive.

I fought cockroaches for almost 2 years. I tried expensive, cheap tools. The effect was temporary. Ready to use any poisonto exterminate reptiles. I found Tiuram on the Internet - my last hope. The powder helped. For a month hordes prusakov has disappeared.

Marina, Moscow

Tiuram helps to bring out the entire family of cockroaches in a month. The recommended dose is 0.5 mg of powder per 1 square. m. The room should not be small children, animals. If there are any, it is better to move to relatives for the duration of the action. Proper use and adherence to safety measures is the key to success! We could get rid of cockroaches in the apartment in 20 days. We lived all this time with my grandmother.

Inna, St. Petersburg

Analogs from other manufacturers

Thiuram is the only drug with a powerful effect. Since its toxicity is too high, many buyers prefer to use less effective, but safe powders. They all act identically - paralyze, kill. Penetrate into the body through the intestinal tract.

  • Fenaxin. The active substance is phenvalerate. Low toxicity, refers to pyrethroids.
  • Pyrethrum. Acts on the basis of the natural component of feverfew. Obtained from Caucasian chamomile. Completely safe drug, but the action lasts for a maximum of 2 hours. Frequent processing is required.
  • Fas Double, Super Fas. Active ingredients thiamethoxam - 4%, Z-cypermethrin - 1%. Retains properties for about a month.

Are popular Dusty Clean Housecontinues to be used crayon Mashenka.

Tiuram is a highly effective tool that does not have direct analogues. In hardware stores not for sale. Requires extreme caution when using. Destroys cockroaches in situations where others powerful drugs powerless.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Anna

    We moved to the apartment, and there are cockroaches. Poisoned for 4 years. Not a single poison could completely kill the whole family. Tiuram was advised to us by a specialist of the SES service, he also sold us the powder. Within a month, these creatures disappeared. This product has no analogues!

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