Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Cockroach Dusts

Dust from cockroaches is produced by domestic, foreign manufacturers. The action of drugs is based on contact insecticides. In contact with the body of an insect cause paralysis, death. Dusts are produced in the form of a powder that does not lose properties from 2 months to 6. The preparations are relatively safe, it is allowed to use in residential premises.

Operating principle

Powder from cockroaches enters their body upon contact. Eats away chitinous cover, disrupts metabolic processes, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, provokes paralysis, death. The process lasts several hours, the rate of death depends on the dose of the drug. On average, a cockroach colony becomes infected in a week; mass extinction is observed after 14 days.

Dust acts on cockroaches for a long time, therefore it is used to destroy pests and prevent re-infection.

On a note!

Active components are resistant to temperature, light, but do not tolerate moisture. Sprinkle new tracks from the powder after 2 months, with a strong infection of the room - 30 days.

Pros and cons


  • ease of use;
  • affordable price;
  • lack of a specific smell;
  • prolonged prolonged effect;
  • safety in compliance with elementary rules of personal protection.


  • valid only on contact;
  • visible on the treated surface;
  • reduced efficiency when used in a bathroom where humidity is high;
  • there is a risk of poisoning on foods, tables on which cockroaches crawl.


The tool does not affect the well-being of the person, pets, but if used improperly, if the powder gets into the respiratory tract, it causes intoxication of different severity. In the process, you need to use rubber gloves, a fabric mask or a respirator.

Feature of popular products

Dust against cockroaches is sold in hardware stores, on the Internet. The price of one bag is from 20 rubles. Products of domestic, imported production are offered. They differ in composition, duration, price.

Clean house

Universal Clean House from the Russian manufacturer for the persecution of insects, rats, mice. The powder is white, odorless. Price from 20 rub. for a bag weighing 50 g. Enough for processing 10 square meters. m square. There are several active components - cypermethrin, malathion. The synergist is piperonyl butoxide. The basis is talc. Destroys sexually mature, immature cockroaches. Does not lose toxic properties for 2 months.

Dust Clean House Cockroaches


The powder is gray, brownish in color. It is odorless. Properties saves 60 days. A Russian company is engaged in production. Active substances: deltamethrin, fenthion. The composition contains fillers, lubricating oil, which prevents the creation of toxic dust. Dust Absolut is sold in packers-dusters of various sizes. 80 g is enough for processing 25 square meters. m square. Price within 50 rubles.

Dust Absolute from cockroaches
Dust Absolute

Chinese dust

The most effective and often used is Dust Chinese dragon aka Clean cuisine (Qian Vo Duan). Minimum packing of 15 g. Enough for processing 15 square meters. m. Cost about 60 rubles. Validity - 7 days.During this time, adults, nymphs of different ages are destroyed. After 1-2 weeks, repeat pest control to kill larvaethat came into being from the ootek left in a secluded place. Active substances - broad-spectrum insecticides. What exactly is in the composition is difficult to say. Information is not particularly disseminated, but chinese remedyAccording to the manufacturers, it is safe for humans, animals.

Dust Clean Cuisine (Qian Vo Duan).


Dust domestic production. Odorless white powder is sold in bags of different capacities. Minimum - 60 g. Packing 125 g is enough for 30 square meters. m square. Price from 50 rub. Acts on the basis of fenvalerate, boric acid. Composed of Fenaxin there is a lubricating oil, talc. Properties are saved for about a month.

Use dusts is allowed in residential premises, but with safety measures.

Phenaxin from cockroaches

Instructions for use

The rules for treating premises with cockroach dust are identical for all drugs.

  1. Before using the powder, you need to clean the infected rooms, move the furniture so that you can crush the dust.
  2. Open the packaging in places of the greatest concentration of insects, along the trajectory of their movement. Be sure to apply on the baseboards, the space behind the furniture, around the sinks, toilets, fall asleep in the cracks.
  3. Spray the powder from a low distance so as not to create dust.
  4. Pest control carried out with open windows, at the end of the procedure they can be closed.

It is possible to determine whether dust from cockroaches helps, by the presence of dead insects. They begin to appear in 1-2 days. Leave the drug for exposure for 7 days or 2 months, depending on the degree of infection of the apartment. After successful destruction, they sweep away the powder, wash the floors with water and soap, baking soda. Alkaline solution finally neutralizes the effects of toxic substances.

On a note!

Dusts are often dissolved in water to form a solution. They process furniture, pour it into the cracks. Do not do this, because in a humid environment, the active substances are destroyed, so the procedure is useless.


Reviews of dusts confirm the effectiveness of drugs with a slight infection and indicate a low effect with a large number of cockroaches.

Dusts are good if used in combination with others remedies for cockroaches. We poisoned initially aerosols, then sprinkled paths from the dust Clean House. Pest control was performed twice a month. Prusakov brought finally.

Anna, Moscow

Use is inconvenient. There remains a powder that looks like garbage. Prusaki do not die immediately, at night, particles of poison fall on the table. Have to wipe every morning with an alkaline solution. Cockroaches develop resistance with prolonged use. Leave for 2 months is not allowed. They run around the powder, but not all die. They fought for a long time until they had a full disinsection effective poison.

Veronika, St. Petersburg

Cockroach dusts were widely used in the last century. In modern conditions, they are used as an aid, more often in non-residential apartments, basements, corridors.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Karina

    The action of the aerosol lasts for a maximum of 2 hours, then the properties are reduced, a thin layer of poison is not enough to kill a cockroach. If you eat dust in places where these pests like to crawl, the process of their destruction will be accelerated. We Absolute and Dichlorvos brought out the Prussians in a month.

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