Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Cockroaches and bedbugs

Cockroaches and bedbugs
Cockroaches and bedbugs

Many apartment owners, faced with a large number of pests, rely on the natural enemies of insects. The assumption that cockroaches eat bugs is quite expected, but erroneous. Enemies in nature are only those species that compete with each other, having a similar diet or habitat. These insects have nothing to do.


Bed bugs and cockroaches can live together in an apartment or even in the same room. But their habitats are different. Bed bloodsuckers live in close proximity with a person - in his sleeping area. The food source of these invisible parasites is the blood of the residents of the house. The main place for their deployment is bedding, mattresses, beds, sofas, wardrobes.

On a note!

The close residence of numerous pests is often found in dormitories, houses with dysfunctional residents, and shelters for strollers. Unsanitary conditions are the first reason for this phenomenon.

The daily diet of the Prussians - food waste in the kitchen, cereals, food debris on the table and on the floor. Representatives of cockroach Avoid close contact with humans, unlike their bloodsucking neighbors. Bed bugs and cockroaches get along together because their paths do not intersect and they do not interfere with each other.

Can a prusak harm a bug

Cases when cockroaches attack bed bloodsuckers are very rare. This only happens in a situation where there is an acute shortage of food for parasites in a limited space. Then omnivores the Prussians turn into predators. They eat bed bugs, destroy their eggs and young. But this is not a reason to relax the owners of the apartment and wait for one type of pest to destroy another. It is necessary to deal with uninvited guests comprehensively in order to destroy them all.


The natural enemies of bed parasites are spiders and ants. They eat bedbug eggs and prey on their parents.

Methods for controlling insects can be different:

  • destroy bugs and Prusaks with a generator cold fog and hot smoke;
  • process the room aerosols, gels;
  • apply folk ways - lay out twigs and leaves of plants in the house, whose smells are afraid of insects and try to leave the house.

If both representatives of harmful insects are wound up in the apartment, you should not wait for the cockroaches to eat the masonry themselves masonry of bug eggs and destroy adults. Take measures to eliminate unpleasant inhabitants of the home as soon as possible.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Anton

    I never thought that some pests could devour others. It would be nice if all the nasty insects were enemies to each other.

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