Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What do cockroach larvae look like?

Cockroach larvae go through several stages of development, outwardly similar to adults, only smaller. They are born from the ooteka, which the female carries with her until the very birth or drops after a few weeks. The biggest mistake is ending the fight after killing adult insects. Larvae continue to actively develop in the ooteca in a secluded place, after some time they are born.

What do larvae look like?

A baby cockroach looks like an adult, but there are some differences. Immediately after birth, the larvae are completely white. The chitinous cover is soft, extremely vulnerable. Insects are highly active, quickly eat up the remains of the ooteka, join the cockroach community. After a few hours, under the influence of light, room temperature, the shell hardens and darkens. They differ from parents in a more saturated dark color, small size, even mustache, lack of wings.

It takes an average of 30 days to mature. The larva molts after a few days, turns into a nymph. After that, she will have to transform 5 more times. Before molting, the carapace on the back cracks, gradually creeps out of it white insect. After a couple of hours, the chitinous cover hardens, again acquires a characteristic color.

On a note!

At the last stage of development, the nymph has dense wings, and the genitals develop.

A photo of the home cockroach larva is presented below.

Cockroach larvae

Differences between the larvae of red and black cockroaches

Two types of cockroach settle in the apartments: black, red. The former are distinguished by a dark, almost black color, large size, short wings, a large head, and a twisted mustache. Red Prussians have a thinner body, long mustache, neat head. Larvae of black cockroaches are larger than red ones, have a massive body. The rest of the cubs are very similar.

Larval stage

The fertilized female carries the eggs in a special capsule, which is located at the end of the body. Embryos develop internally up to a point. A female red cockroach carries an odex with her almost until the birth of the larvae. Leaves in a secluded place either 2 weeks before they are born, or in case of danger. The dense shell protects the eggs from temperature changes, poison, dry air. Inside there are food reserves in sufficient quantity for the full development of larvae.

Larval stage of cockroaches
Larval stage

Females black cockroaches leave the swelling 2 weeks after the formation of the eggs. They are not as caring mothers as their relatives. A baby cockroach is called a nymph. Until the moment of growing up he will have a period from 1 month to a year. Depends on living conditions temperature, food availability, water. Under adverse conditions, the development process slows down.

The cockroach nymph practically does not differ from the imago, it leads a similar lifestyle, except for mating. It becomes vulnerable during molting, when after dropping the chitin shell her body becomes soft for several hours.

Destruction at the stage of development of the embryo

The larvae of domestic cockroaches are under reliable protection, staying in the ootek. Not a single toxic substance penetrates through a strong shell.You can only get rid of egg laying manually if you can hiding places of cockroaches. But you can not be sure of the complete destruction of pests. Females hide masonry with larvae in the most unpredictable places. It is possible to get rid of nymphs only after they are born. An aerosol will be effective, spray, dust, trapssolution poisonous lure from boric acid.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Veronica

    You cannot kill the larvae in the ooteca. You can only freeze, but such a method in a modern apartment is impossible to use. You need to buy good poison, process the floor, skirting boards, places for furniture. After birth, the larvae are very vulnerable, will quickly die from the smallest dose of poison.

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