Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Description and photos of the largest spiders in the world

The largest spider in the world was discovered in the last century in Venezuela. The body length was 9 cm, the leg span reached 28 cm. The list of the largest representatives of arachnids included inhabitants of tropical countries, but some of them live in Russia. All of them inject a toxic substance when they bite, but not one of them can kill a person.

Top 10 Giant Spiders

In the world there are about 42 thousand species of spiders. When a bite is injected, a poisonous substance paralyzes the victim, saliva is injected, which dilutes the insides, and sucks the contents. But not always the largest spider is the most dangerous for humans.

Terafosa Blond or Goliath tarantula

An arthropod with huge limbs, a large abdomen, powerful jaws quietly hunts mice, frogs, toads, snakes. The largest spider in the world was discovered in 1965 in Venezuela. The leg span was 28 cm, the body size was 9 cm. The average dimensions of teraphosis were 8 cm, the limb span was 25 cm. In 2001, a huge creature with a leg span of 35 cm was described, but the body was less than 9 cm.

Inhabits Goliath in Venezuela, Brazil, Suriname. The body is dark brown. A photo of the largest spider in the world is presented below. The animal did not become widespread, since it is forbidden to export from habitats; it practically does not breed in captivity.

Geteropoda maxima

The largest spider received this title due to long limbs with a span of about 30 cm.The body length is 4.5 cm, which is inferior to the previous representative of arachnids. It lives in Laos. The large body is brown-yellow in color, limbs with dark spots. One of the representatives is in the Paris Museum of the National Museum of Natural History.


Females, males of the same color, are slightly different in size. They live in caves, feed on insects. For a person they are not dangerous. Often exotic lovers start a pet. Due to the excessive interest of collectors, a huge spider gradually disappears from nature.

The biggest spiders in the world
The biggest spiders in the world

Baboon spider

Inhabits tarantula in tropical, subtropical countries. A shaggy large creature with long brown hair grows to an impressive size. The leg span reaches 30.5 cm. This is one of the friendliest creatures on earth. The family lives together for six months, willingly shares food. Often relatives live in the neighborhood, digging joint tunnels. They hunt insects, small spiders, bugs. The poison is toxic, but not dangerous to humans. Often, exotic animals are kept by collectors in terrariums.

Purple tarantula

Shaggy large spider lives in tropical countries, some species are found in Europe. The leg span is 25 cm. They lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Tarantulas Do not weave a web, wait for the victim in secluded places. They know how to dig deep, long tunnels underground. During running, they develop an impressive speed.

Large tarantulas have a unique color with a purple tint, thick, long hairs covering the whole body, legs, and powerful jaws. Often kept as a pet.The main diet consists of insects, small spiders, beetles, as well as amphibians, birds.


A well-fed female does not leave the shelter for months. Spider bite for a person does not pose a mortal danger, causes discomfort, pain.

Huntsman or crab spider

Giant spiders inhabit nature in Australia. They have a bright red-orange color. The span of the limbs reaches 31 cm. At the ends of the legs there are discrepancies resembling crab claws, hence the name. Terrible crab spider not dangerous for humans, hunts insects. In the process of chasing a victim, he develops a great speed and can jump well.

Golden Spinner

The rarest big spider. It lives on the island of Madagascar, South Africa. Known for his ability to weave cobwebs huge sizes. The diameter often reaches 1.5 m. The locals use the web for making shiny, golden napkins, scarves, and balls for fishing. The span of the legs of the golden moth is 12 cm, body size is 4 cm.

The biggest spiders in the world
The biggest spiders in the world

A rare species of large spiders was officially introduced to humanity in 2000. Males are 2 times smaller than females; they die immediately after mating. The poison is toxic, but not dangerous for humans. At the places of the bite, redness, swelling appears, allergy sufferers have difficulty breathing.


The American Museum has a large canvas measuring 3 square meters. m from the web of the golden moth. It took 4 years to make it, dozens of workers, the spiders themselves. The threads were taken, the animals were released.

Banana spider

The largest spider in history, weaving a web. Its nets are so strong that birds get entangled in them, and fishermen use them to catch fish. Body size does not exceed 4 cm, leg span reaches 12 cm. The color is bright - yellow with black stripes. Spiders live in Australia on banana trees. Many larvae are laid, thereby causing irreparable damage to the culture.


In 2010 year banana spider was recognized the most poisonous on earth. The poison is extremely toxic, but death can be avoided with timely medical attention.

South Russian Tarantula

The giant spider belongs to the family wolves. It hunts insects, bugs, caterpillars. Homeland is Asia, live everywhere, meet on Russian territory, Ukraine. The body is gray-black, covered with thick hairs. Size about 3.5 cm. Lives in minks underground, tree hollows. It rarely comes out, attacks from its secluded place. Webs a web at the entrance to the hole, as well as to form a cocoon for the larvae.

People South Russian tarantula bites when threatening his own life. Swelling, pain, redness appears at the site of the attack. In children, people with weakened immune systems, weakness, headache, nausea, and dizziness occur.

The biggest spiders in the world
The biggest spiders in the world


What this giant looks like is well known to the inhabitants of our area. In the world there are about 1 thousand varieties crosses, about 30 lives in the countries of the former CIS. A distinctive feature in appearance is the presence of a light cross on the belly in the upper part. The size of a large spider reaches 2.5 cm.

Lives in the wild, shaded places. It occurs in the forest, at the edge of the forest, as well as in abandoned houses, sheds, and garden trees. The poison of a large spider is not dangerous to human life, but causes some discomfort, deterioration of well-being. Swelling, redness, then suppuration, pain appears at the site of the bite. In children, people with weakened immune systems, weakness, headache, chills, and other symptoms of intoxication appear.

Teghenaria wall

A large brown spider with long legs. The leg span is 15 cm. Lives in caves, on the walls of old houses, abandoned buildings. It lives in Europe, Africa, Argentina, Asia. House spiders This species is ubiquitous. A loving creature bites a person at risk to his own life. In most cases, trying to hide faster.A rather impressive speed develops when running for a short distance.

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