Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

What does a tarantula spider look like

At the words: spider tarantula, a resident of the English-speaking space usually seems huge tarantula. The inhabitants of the southern regions of the former USSR immediately recall the large gray spiders of the genus Lycosa, digging holes in the dry steppes of southern Ukraine, the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Now, the same associations will arise among citizens of Belarus and residents of more northern regions of the Russian Federation. Due to global warming or for other reasons, but the population of the South Russian tarantula in Russia has significantly expanded its habitat.


According to the photo and description, it is difficult for an amateur to determine what species this individual belongs to. For a specialist in the absence of a known-sized object on the photo (matchbox, for example) and an uncomfortable angle definition kind of spider - also a difficult task. All spiders wolves similar to each other and differ in size and habitat. The most famous are the South Russian and Apulian tarantula.

It is easiest for a non-specialist to distinguish adult individuals in size: the body length of South Russian is 2.5-3 cm, Apulian - 7 cm.

On a note!

Among southern Russians, individuals are much larger than the indicated sizes.

The color of the tarantulas is reddish-gray. The body is covered with thick bristles. There are slight differences in color, thanks to which two species can be recognized at a certain angle in the photo of the tarantula spider. The South Russian “skullcap” has a small dark spot on his head. But the spider must be photographed exactly from above so that you can see this "hat".

On a note!

The Royal Spider Baboon is not a tarantula and belongs to Pelinobius. This is a tarantula. Not the largest in its group, but the record holder in size in Africa. Since this tarantula looks very similar to real tarantulas and differs only in brown color, it is often confused with representatives of the genus Lycosa. The length of the body of the baboon is even inferior to the Apulian tarantula, so it is also impossible to determine the size of the spider to the tarantulas.

The confusion is added by the fact that in English, tarantulas are called all the large, non-weaving web of spiders.

Tarantula spider
Tarantula spider


Externally, tarantulas do not fundamentally differ from other spiders. But their internal structure is more primitive than that of higher "species".

The cephalothorax of the tarantula inside is “empty”, all internal organs are located in the abdomen. On the front of the cephalothorax is 8 eyes. Distribution organs of vision unevenly:

  • bottom row 4 small eyes;
  • medium - 2 large;
  • upper - 2 small ones.

The latter are located on the sides of the cephalothorax, allowing representatives of Lycosa to see around 360 °. Tarantula's vision is very well developed, as this spider hunts at night.

There are 5 pairs of limbs on the cephalothorax. The first pair of limbs was transformed into powerful chelicera, with which the tarantula bites through the prey shell. The second pair - pedipalps, helps grab and hold prey. In the male, it is also a reproductive organ, because of which its pedipalps are more developed than in the female. The remaining 3 pairs are designed for movement.

On these three pairs are thin sensory hairs, which play the role of tactile and auditory organs. Due to the hairs, the spider hears the approach of danger or prey. On this, the similarity between the different species of tarantulas of the genus Lycosa ends.Due to different living conditions and climate, the lifestyle and breeding dates of these spiders do not match.


In the beginner’s terrariums, one can most often find the South Russian tarantula, as the most unpretentious and cheap species of all Lycosa. But even taking into account the fact that the maximum price of a tarantula of this species is only $ 28, this will result in a substantial amount if the spiders die quickly. Even with the purchase of young tarantulas at the age of 3-4 months. Such spiders cost only $ 1-2.

South Russian Tarantula

The Latin name for the species is Lycosa singoriensis. The common name of the species is misgir. There is also the name "earthen spider", which Lycosa singoriensis received for its lifestyle. Prefers living in a dry climate.

South Russian Tarantula
South Russian Tarantula


  • Deserts
  • semi-deserts;
  • steppes;
  • forest-steppe (less often).

It is not found near large bodies of water, as it does not like moist soil.

Life time

Lycosa life expectancy varies greatly and depends on two factors:

  • link frequency: the more often a spider molts, the less it lives;
  • the possibility of hibernation.

In nature, Lycosa singoriensis lives for approximately 2 years. In captivity, he has no way to hibernate and stop for a while in development. Because of this, the life span of an arthropod is reduced to 1 year. Also cuts spider life in an apartment life too full. The more arthropod eats, the faster it grows and is forced to molt. Shedding takes too much vitality. You can avoid very frequent changes in the skin, if you keep the animal from starving.

On a note!

Feed the spider 1 time in 1.5-2 months.


Since Lycosa are nocturnal animals, the study of their habits is difficult. Lycosa singoriensis dig vertically located minks and braid them spider webpursuing 2 goals:

  • protection of walls from shedding;
  • creation of an alarm system.

Thanks to the web on the walls of the hole and the network that is spread around the hole, the South Russian tarantula hears in advance the approach of both danger and prey.

For the winter, before hibernation, the South Russian tarantula deepens the mink and closes the entrance to it. May not hibernate if caught in a warm room.


Lycosa singoriensis hunts by jumping out of a mink for insects running past. The bulk of what this spider eats is small insects. Including agricultural pests. But the South Russian tarantula is not averse to bite with smaller relatives.

South Russian Tarantula
South Russian Tarantula

On a note!

Attacking prey or protecting the hole, Lycosa singoriensis is able to jump vertically up 10-15 cm.

The chitinous shell of the captured prey of the tarantula punctures with chelicera and injects poison, which dissolves the victim's insides. After 1-2 hours, the spider sucks out its lunch.


The powerful tarantula chelicerae look terrifying because the spider needs to pierce the hard shells of beetles with them. The poison is designed for small insects. Therefore, Lycosa singoriensis easily pierces human skin, but can not cause serious harm. Feels like the consequences of the attack of the South Russian tarantula are similar to bee sting or wasps:

  • sharp pain at the time of a bite;
  • local edema;
  • drawing pain in place spider bite.

Sometimes the skin turns yellow. Yellowness lasts about 2 months.


Lycosa singoriensis mating games begin in late summer. Having found the female, the male actively moves his forepaws and vibrates with the abdomen. Ready for mating, the female repeats the movements of the male, offering to move on to active actions.

On a note

After mating, a hungry female can bite a partner, so the male is quickly removed.

The fertilized female hibernates for the winter, and in the spring creeps up and exposes the abdomen to the sun. Warming promotes the rapid maturation of eggs. The female lays eggs and weaves a cocoon around them, which then attaches to the spider glands. After hatching a spider, she gnaws at the cocoon.

On a note!

The female never leaves the cocoon unattended, and if the offspring are threatened, she is ready to fight for him to death.

Having got out into the wild, spiders climb onto the abdomen of the mother and are placed there in several layers. And the female becomes like a blackberry spider. In the close-up photo you can see what kind of “pattern” the spiders sitting on the mother form. The total number of cubs can reach up to 100 pieces.

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