Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How many eyes does a spider have

Spider eyes
Spider eyes

How many eyes a spider has depends on the species. In the natural environment around the world lives 42 thousand species. They differ somewhat in appearance, lifestyle, and habitat. In the process of evolution, the organs of vision were formed depending on the real needs of the animal. So cave spiders practically do not see anything; among horses, the power of vision is equal to human.

What are the eyes of the spiders

Most representatives of a huge family own 4 pairs of visual organs. Why does a spider have 8 eyes, due to their lifestyle. Almost all species of arachnids - predators, some hunt, sitting in their mink, others wait in webStill others are actively looking for prey while exploring the area. Such a number of pairs of eyes in the spider provides him with a 360 degree outlook.


The main organ connecting the animal with the outside world is the legs. On the lower part there are villi responsible for the sense of smell, touch. Arthropod feels the slightest fluctuation in air, gusts of wind, approaching the victim.

There are rare species of arachnids with 12 eyes. There are also owners of only 2 pairs.

Where does the spider have eyes

The most important pair of eyes is in front. Outwardly differs from the rest in size. The rest are on the sides on either side. A photo of the spider’s eyes is located below. You can consider them without a magnifying glass large representatives of the familytarantulas, tarantulas, goliathsother

The main organs of vision are medial, located in front, transmit the general picture. The remaining pairs are collateral, warning of the approach of the victim, a natural enemy.

On a note!

Some species have faceted eyes. They are placed on the sides, outwardly from the front they practically do not differ.

How the animal sees

The vision of the spiders is blurry. The predator sees no further than 25 cm from itself. Pictures appear in the form of silhouettes, shadows. It responds well to movement. Scientists also managed to find out that spiders see infrared light coming from a living creature.

Initially, additional eyes catch the picture, then the focus is concentrated by the front ones. A clearer image appears, thanks to which the predator understands that it is an insect, and not an inanimate object.


The vision of spiders that weave hunting nets hunt passively, much worse than active relatives. The spider, sitting on the web, catches the vibrations of the threads, only then it brings focus. Horse spiders do not weave a web, do not wait for prey to approach, they themselves look for it. The power of vision is equal to human, the predator notices the victim from afar, but sees everything in black and white.

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