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Methods and remedies for spiders in an apartment or private house

How to get rid of spiders in a private house or apartment, there are a number of proven methods. Several types of arthropods are brought into the human home. All of them weave a web in the corners of rooms, behind furniture, on window sills, in cabinets. Hiding during the day, crawling out of shelters with the onset of darkness. For humans, they are not dangerous, but they can bite.

What are the spiders afraid of?

Arthropods settling in an apartment, a man’s house, are afraid of direct sunlight, some smells. They do not like it, if they are constantly disturbed, spoiled by nets, and prevent hunting.

In its activity, the arthropod is guided by the sense of smell, touch. It responds well to movement. By smell, the male finds the female, the hunter senses the approach of the victim. In order to scare away the “unexpected guest”, to expel forever, it is necessary to create adverse conditions.

Folk remedies

From house spiders You can get rid of simple, affordable means. Arthropods are afraid of certain smells. A person does not feel frightening aromas or they are pleasant for him.

  • Chestnuts, hazelnuts, and orange skins will help to remove spiders from the apartment and prevent their penetration. They are laid out in the corners of the rooms, behind the furniture, on the windowsill. The method is convenient in that you do not have to repeat the procedure often, the protection can lie in its place for six months, while arthropods are likely to enter the house.
  • Essential oils help fight spiders. Use lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, mint, geranium, lemon. They infiltrate fleece, lay out in all places where unwanted guests can settle. Or a solution is prepared - the essential oils are dissolved in water, poured into a bottle with a spray. Each week, during the cleaning process, window sills are sprayed, the corners of rooms, baseboards.
  • Remedies for spiders in a private house are prepared on the basis of vinegar, ammonia. Use in case you need to instantly expel arthropods. Vinegar or ammonia is added to the water - 1 tablespoon of liquid. The solution is used to wipe furniture from the back, skirting boards, window sills.
  • Destroy spiders in the house using boric acid. Sold in a pharmacy in powder form. It smells nothing, does not get into the air, is safe for humans. The house does not lose effectiveness for about 6 months. Washes off with water. The powder is scattered along the baseboards, on the windowsill. Spray with a solution of the wall. The tool is suitable in case you need to get rid of spiders on the balcony, outside.
Popular methods of combating spiders
Popular methods of combating spiders

All folk remedies are safe for humans, effective. The choice depends on personal preference. In late autumn, all protection can be removed, since with the onset of cold weather arthropods die or fall into suspended animation.

On a note!

Despite the constant temperature in the house, by the end of autumn spiders disappear too. This is explained by the lack of food. The main diet is flies, mosquitoes, fruit flies. However, in an apartment with complete unsanitary conditions, if any cockroaches, antsSpiders live year-round.

How to get rid of spiders in an apartment in other ways

Spiders infiltrate the house, apartment through open windows, doors, cracks in the wall. Rarely does a man bring them along with things that have been in nature.There are several ways to get rid, the choice depends on personal preference.

  • You can just kill the spider. But you always need to remember that a large “lodger” can hurt a bite. Therefore, it is necessary to act with gloves or crush with a towel. Deadly destruction is best replaced with a humane way. Carefully take a spider with a napkin, shake it out the window at the street, or take it out into the yard. He will not return back, but in nature will become useful.
  • To scare off spiders on the ceiling, for furniture you can regularly clean. If you constantly wave a broom in the corners, clean up, use detergents with aroma, the predator will run away by itself. If a cobweb hangs in the corners - a clear sign that there has been no general cleaning for a long time.
  • You can not get rid of spiders outside the window of the apartment, but do everything possible so that they do not get inside. Mosquito nets are hung on windows in the warm season, doors are closed, and cracks in the walls are closed. Things after a walk in nature are immediately thrown into the wash.
Ways to deal with spiders
Ways to deal with spiders

On a note!

Spiders start in the house by the end of summer, weave a web until late autumn, while flies fly indoors. There are two ways to solve the problem - regularly remove the cobweb, do not give life to spiders, or get rid of flies.

What to do if there are a lot of spiders

This situation occurs in a non-residential building, in the attic, outbuildings. Use special preparations based on an insecticidal substance.

An effective remedy for spiders in the apartment is aerosol, spray. There is no need to use a highly toxic solution with prolonged action. Spray from spiders is sprayed directly on arthropods, in the corners of rooms, behind furniture. They process walls, ceilings, window sills. After 2 hours, aerate well, carry out spring cleaning.

You can poison arthropods with any spray, often use:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor
  • Clean house.

Preparations smell pleasant, do not spoil furniture, do not leave stains on the walls, are quickly washed off with soap and water, baking soda.

Dichlorvos in various variations - Varan, Neo, Super, will help get rid of spiders in the country, in the garage, in the yard. Spray the walls inside, outside the house. The tool against spiders acts instantly, retains properties on the street for a day, indoors for about a week.

You can poison the spiders in the house with dust. Powder is scattered behind furniture where no one sees it, and arthropods crawl with pleasure. Effective remedy Crayon Mashenka, Clean house. Keeps properties about a year. Poison from spiders is sold in specialized stores.

Fighting spiders in a summer cottage is not practical. Predators benefit by eating a huge amount of pests. One female eats about 4000 insects per season. Arthropods are not dangerous for humans, so they do not get rid of spiders on the street. If you do not touch, do not push, predators will not bite.

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