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The most dangerous spiders in Russia

Poisonous spiders in Russia are not as dangerous as in the tropics, but a bite can cause a severe allergic reaction. There are dangerous representatives of arachnids everywhere, live in the wild. They bite as self-defense, only some species attack on their own, invisibly to humans.

Photos and names of the most poisonous spiders in Russia

All representatives of arachnids they are predators, possess poisonous glands, feed on insects, their larvae, and small relatives. When bitten, saliva is injected, a toxic substance with a neuroparalytic effect. The spiders that are found in Russia do not apply to the most dangerous arachnids around the worldbut a few of them stand out that cause the greatest discomfort, deterioration of well-being.

Karakurt (Black Widow)

The list of the most dangerous spiders in Russia is headed by a black predator of the genus black widows with a characteristic pattern on the inside of the abdomen in the form of an hourglass. Young spiders are black with 13 scarlet spots on the upper abdomen. As you grow older color karakurt changing, becoming more uniform. The dimensions of the female reach 2 cm, the male - 1 cm. The legs are long, powerful.

Common in the Saratov region, Orenburg, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Rostov, Volgograd. In hot summers they migrate to cooler places - to the suburbs. With the onset of winter in the northern regions, the black widow dies, in the south - it winters successfully.

The most poisonous spiders in Russia are karakurt, they behave cautiously, calmly, do not attack people if they do not feel danger. If a predator is accidentally pressed, pressed, a painful bite will follow. A red spot appears, a swelling at the site of the attack, after 15 minutes there is a deterioration in well-being - abdominal pain, cramping, dizziness, difficulty breathing, trembling limbs, heart palpitations, etc.


For treatment spider bite use antihistamines, you need to enter as soon as possible.

Poisonous spiders of Russia
Poisonous spiders of Russia

South Russian Tarantula (Misgir)

The most poisonous spider is ubiquitous throughout Russia. The size of the females reaches 3 cm, the males are slightly smaller - 2.5 cm. The body and legs are covered with short, dense hairs. The color can be different, depending on the habitat - brown, red, gray. But there are necessarily spots that form a pattern on the upper part of the abdomen, go to the extremities.

On a note!

In the natural environment tarantulas live in arid places - steppe, desert, forest-steppe. We have these poisonous spiders in the south of Russia. Distributed in the Saratov, Kursk, Astrakhan, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Tambov, Orel regions.

South Russian tarantulas live underground in deep burrows up to 50 cm. Numerous mazes are built, the entrance to the dwelling is protected by a web. They prefer to wait for the victim, sitting in his house.

Spiders are dangerous for humans by an allergic reaction; they do not lead to death by bites. A red spot, swelling, pain appears at the site of the attack. Yellow skin tone - bruise, lasts up to 60 days. A more severe allergy from a bite is manifested with a deterioration in well-being in people prone to allergies, small children.


Poisonous spiders of central Russia. Especially common in Voronezh, Leningrad region. Predators have a bright yellow-orange color, thin legs, powerful chelicera. They live in thickets among grass. Do not weave hunting nets, prefer active hunting. They feed on insects, their larvae.

On people heiracantiums they don’t attack, but they can bite while defending themselves. The poison is not life threatening, but causes pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, weakness. Traces of a bite on the body pass within a week. Antihistamines will help speed up the healing process.

On a note!

Spiders bite in Russia, if pressed down, pressed down. After the attack, they try to hide faster, rarely bite repeatedly. The dose of the toxic substance is small for death, but a severe allergic reaction can occur.

Other types of poisonous spiders with less dangerous consequences

There are several dozen varieties of arachnids that need to be avoided.

Poisonous spiders of Russia
Poisonous spiders of Russia
  • Phalanx (Solpuga). Poisonous spiders in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. Outwardly, they are more reminiscent of scorpions, have powerful claws, jaws. Salpugi aggressive, capable of attacking themselves, but not life threatening. Traces of a bite on the skin disappear completely within a month.
  • Setochnik (Cross). Common spiders in Russia, Tatarstan everywhere, other countries of the former USSR. Colors crosses it is different, but always on the upper part of the abdomen there is a characteristic pattern in the form of a cross. Non-aggressive, live in forests, fields, gardens. They bite, defending themselves. There is swelling, pain, redness. A severe allergy from a bite occurs in young children, people with weakened immune systems or pathologically weak.
  • Sackman (Handbag). Spiders are found in Altai, in the arid places of Russia. The body is light yellow in color; the cephalothorax is red with powerful jaws. The bite resembles the attack of a wasp, a bee. The consequences go away within 3 days.
  • False black widow. Differs from a poisonous relative in color. On the body there is a picture in the form of an hourglass, but not scarlet, but pink, beige, brown. Harmless creature. People suffer from bites due to their own negligence. After a bite, a local allergic reaction appears, sometimes weakness. Common spiders of the Black Earth, Russia.
  • Black Fathead. Males have a bright, colorful color, females are a bit more modest. The abdomen of males is red with black dots, the body length reaches 2 cm. This spiders of Crimea, Karelia, Russia. There are unusual spiders in Mordovia. They rarely bite, the bite is not life threatening, causes an allergic reaction.

Jumping spiders in Russia are small in size, varied in color. You can meet in your own house, apartment, climb through open windows, cracks in the wall. People are attacked for self-defense. The bite is painful, but the poison is low toxic.

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