Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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First aid for wasp sting

What to do if a wasp has bitten, do not panic. In most cases, symptoms are limited to local allergic reactionpass in a few days. Do not worry if a wasp has bitten in a hand or stung in a leg. Danger is a bite in the neck, face. It is necessary to take an antihistamine.

Wasp Bite Symptoms

A striped insect is often confused with a bee, especially if its bite was followed unexpectedly. Man intuitively discards the pest, not having time to discern the features. You can determine who bitten by the consequences. A bee always leaves a sting, a wasp not.

Insect squirts poison, which instantly causes an allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. With strong immunity, the consequences of a bite are limited to pain, local irritation. There is swelling, swelling, redness, later itching appears. A photo of a wasp sting on a human body is presented below.

With weakened or pathologically weak immunity, hornet venom, in addition to local manifestations, provokes severe general symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fainting;
  • blurred consciousness;
  • visual impairment;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • diarrhea;
  • cold sweat;
  • temperature rise;
  • difficulty breathing
  • arrhythmia;
  • laryngeal edema.

If an insect bites into the head, the poison quickly enters the bloodstream. The central nervous system is disrupted, it increases the production of histamine, which leads to tissue edema, respiratory spasm, inflammation, and other serious consequences. With a bite in the tongue, the likelihood of laryngeal edema increases. If the wasp stung on the lip, hit the eye, instantly there is a strong swelling, in the finger - the whole arm or leg may swell.

On a note!

Wasp venom is a strong toxic substance. Especially dangerous for pregnant, little children, elderly people, allergy sufferers. The probability of serious consequences increases if several bites from one individual or several have followed. With an increased dosage of poison, a person can die from a wasp sting.

How to understand that an allergy has begun

Swelling and redness from a wasp sting always present. Symptoms of severe allergies appear within 20 minutes.

Wasp sting
Wasp sting

What do allergic manifestations look like:

  • the scale of inflammation increases;
  • pain, itching intensifies;
  • overall health worsens.

Initially, a person may feel weak, dizzy. Then begins a breakdown in stool, digestion, headache. A photo of a severe allergy is presented below.

For shortness of breath, breathing problems, an ambulance must be urgently called. In this case, emergency administration of adrenaline, an antihistamine, will help to avoid Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. Otherwise, the person runs the risk of dying.

On a note!

Local allergies are characterized by increased symptoms, increased lesions, and an additional rash.A wasp sting takes a long time, suppuration, compaction occur. The presence of ulcers, wet wounds indicate the attachment of a secondary infection. This situation is dangerous for humans by the development of weeps, eczema. The use of antibiotics is required.

First aid for wasp sting

After an insect attack, a number of specific actions must be performed to avoid serious consequences.

  1. Initially, you need to rinse the sore spot with clean water. At home, use laundry soap. Water will help get rid of dirt, residual poison on the surface of the skin. In the wild, they use mineral water, any clean pond. Cold water also helps relieve swelling from a wasp sting, stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Disinfect the wound to prevent infection. After a wasp sting, ammonia, medical, hydrogen peroxide, zelenka, iodine, alcohol tincture based on medicinal herbs are used. An excellent option would be calendula, valerian, motherwort, glod. If you anoint the wasp sting for half an hour after the attack of the pest, you can avoid severe swelling, large-scale inflammation.
  3. Neutralize the effect of the poison. A toxic substance remains in the wound, which gradually enters the bloodstream. To neutralize the poison, use an acetic solution - 100 ml of water for 1 teaspoon of the product, boric acid. A solution from a tablet of Furacilin, Streptocide - 1 tablet per glass of water. You can treat a wasp sting with a paste of baking soda - add a little water, apply to a sore spot until it dries completely. Soda with a wasp sting kills the pathogenic microflora, neutralizes poison, eliminates itching. In the wild, they use dandelion juice, celandine, and plantain. Lemon juice or acid helps from a wasp sting.
  4. Cold can help slow down the spread of poison. They put ice cubes, a cold compress, a heating pad, a bottle of water, meat from the freezer. Leave for 15 minutes.
First aid for wasp sting
First aid for wasp sting

On a note!

If the insect has bitten by the leg, arm, a tourniquet is applied above the sore spot. This will prevent the spread of poison through the blood. After disinfection of the wound, neutralization of the poison, the bandage is removed.

What to do if a wasp or a bee stings, an allergic reaction begins, an antihistamine should be taken urgently. Be sure to drink a pill if bitten by a wasp, an increased dose of poison has entered the body.

Antihistamines with a wasp sting

Produced in the form of drops, tablets, ointments, gel for external use. With a strong allergy to a wasp sting, take the drug inside, and also treat a sore spot. Antihistamines reduce the activity of histamine, stop the inflammatory process, eliminate external symptoms.

  • Claritin. It is produced in the form of drops, baby syrup, tablets. The active substance is loratadine. Antihistamine action develops within 2 hours after ingestion. Maximum properties last 8 hours. Accepted according to the instructions, taking into account age. An analogue is the drug loratadine. The cost of 555 rubles.
  • Suprastin. Available in the form of tablets, injection. The active substance is chloropyramine hydrochloride. Suprastin with a wasp sting is taken 2 times a day with meals. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the symptoms. Children under 1 year old are given ¼ tablets. The price of packaging is 140 rubles.
  • Diazolin. It is made in the form of tablets, dragees. The active substance is mebhydrolin. Take 1-3 tablets per day. Price 43 rub. for 10 pieces.
  • Fenistil. Drops for oral administration of Fenistil-gel are on sale. Apply a thin layer to the affected area. The tool helps relieve swelling, reduce itching, redness. It stops the inflammatory process, blocks an allergic reaction. The cost of 400 rubles.
  • Zirtek. Antiallergic agent for oral administration. Allowed to children from 6 months.The drug facilitates the course of allergies, prevents complications, stops the inflammatory process, and relieves itching. If the arm is swollen, treated 2-3 times a day, applied to the face 1 time. The cost of 320 rubles.
  • Zodak. Available in the form of tablets, syrup, drops. The active substance is cetirizine dihydrochloride. The antihistamine effect begins within 20 minutes. The drug stops the pathological process, helps to cope with external symptoms. Allowed to children from 6 months. The price is about 300 rubles.
Antihistamines with a wasp sting
Antihistamines with a wasp sting

A contraindication to the use of medications is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. A wasp sting in a child without consulting a specialist for no more than 5 days. If there is no improvement within 3 days, you need to see a doctor.

How to treat a wasp sting with severe allergies

For therapy, hormone-based drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids are used. The drugs quickly eliminate the external manifestations of allergies, stop the production of histamine almost instantly.

  • Sinaflan. A remedy for a wasp sting based on a hormonal substance. Use with vivid manifestations of allergies. Shown if swollen leg, arm. Apply on the face is not recommended. Ointment from a wasp sting quickly removes external symptoms, stops the pathological process. They treat wounds with swelling, inflammation 1-2 times a day. The duration of therapy is not more than 7 days in adults, 5 in children. Not recommended for babies, babies up to 2 years. The cost of the tube is 22 rubles.
  • Prednisone. It is made in the form of tablets, solution for injection. It is a hormonal drug with the active substance of the same name. Prednisone is 4 times more active than antihistamines, it quickly stops allergies. It is recommended to take with swelling of the larynx, difficulty breathing, weakening heart rate, lowering blood pressure. Dosage is calculated based on age. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed 90 minutes after ingestion. It starts to act within 20 minutes. Price 25 rub.
  • Dexamethasone. Hormonal drug in the form of tablets. It has a pronounced anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant property. Antishock, antitoxic effect is associated with the ability of the drug to increase blood pressure, reduce vascular permeability. The cost of 190 rubles.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. Hormone for external use. It is allowed to apply from birth. Apply a thin layer to the affected area 1-2 times per day. The medicine for a wasp sting is used no longer than 7 days. Helps with swelling, swelling. The price is 30 rubles.
Glucocorticosteroids for wasp stings
Glucocorticosteroids for wasp stings


Hormonal remedies for wasp and bee stings are used after consultation with a specialist. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components.

Means for treating bites in a normal reaction

Painful sensations are present for several days. The sore spot itches, itches. In this case, it is allowed to treat a wasp sting with folk remedies, pharmacy drugs.

  • Some herbs have anti-inflammatory, healing, regenerating, decongestant properties. If the wound continues to bother, hurt, it is recommended to apply a compress from a wasp sting from a decoction of chamomile, calendula, celandine, St. John's wort, and thyme. The potion is poured with boiled water, insisted 20 minutes.
  • Aloe juice accelerates tissue regeneration, eliminates painful symptoms, relieves inflammation, if the skin has time to turn red. Wipe the sore spot or make lotions. To eliminate edema, you should first put an aloe leaf in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Menovazin will help anesthetize a wasp sting. It is produced in the form of a solution, ointment. As part of 2 painkillers, menthol. Relief occurs already at the time of application.Menovazine stimulates blood circulation in a damaged place, eliminates stagnant processes. You can cure a bite in a few days completely.
  • Star. The balm contains camphor, menthol, little cloves, peppermint and other natural ingredients. Bites should be treated 2-3 times a day.
  • Panthenol. The tool stops the inflammatory process, disinfects, accelerates tissue regeneration. The skin is treated twice a day.
  • Onions with a wasp sting neutralize the action of the poison, disinfect, stop inflammation. Make lotions, compresses, apply a fresh vegetable. Relieve swelling and pain after a wasp sting can also be done with garlic juice.
  • Levomekol. A local antibiotic is used if suppuration, weeping wounds appear, there are signs of secondary infection.
Means for treating bites in a normal reaction
Means for treating bites in a normal reaction

On a note!

A bite of a wild wasp can be extremely painful. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, external agents should be used. They are wiped with Menovazine, Lidocaine, as well as toothpaste with menthol and shaving foam.

What you should not do

After an insect attack, poison should not be squeezed out, since this accelerates the process of poisoning the blood. It is forbidden to pick a wound with a needle, hoping to find a sting. Such actions contribute to the penetration of a secondary infection. Do not drink alcohol after a wasp sting, since alcohol spreads wasp venom through the blood faster, and the chance of developing a severe allergy increases.

You can avoid a wasp sting, being careful. At the sight of an insect, do not commit abrupt actions, do not try to kill. When the wasp dies, it secrete a special enzyme that calls for help from other relatives. If there is a nest nearby, multiple bites will follow in a few minutes. Insects sting when threatening their own lives, as well as protecting their hive.

When to seek help from doctors

Vivid allergy symptoms occur within 30 minutes after the poison enters the bloodstream. If during this time there is no deterioration in well-being, the sore spot is limited to a small swelling, you can treat the wound yourself.


An ambulance must be urgently called for when lowering blood pressure, fainting, heart failure, laryngeal edema, difficulty breathing. The reason for contacting a doctor is fever, chills, fever, constricted pupils, pallor of the skin, impaired coordination of movements, diarrhea.

Initially, you need to call the reception center, they will say what to do - go alone to the hospital or wait for an ambulance. An allergist should be involved in the treatment. In its absence, functions can be assigned to a dermatologist, therapist.

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