Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Large wasp insect

Insect similar to wasp has nothing to do with the way of life and behavior with the wasp itself. Experts call this phenomenon of imitating an image a protective disguise. Since wasps are very aggressive, they attack many insects, some of them prefer to copy the color. Observations have shown that wasps do not attack their own kind.

Ghost flies

One of the most useful insects in our area, which a man in every possible way tries to attract to his site. Externally, the striped insect is very similar to a wasp, but also has similarities with a fly.

  • The abdomen is striped with a black and yellow hue, but unlike predators, yellow is predominant, the stripes are narrow.
  • The wings are different. They are more similar to a fly - wide, transparent. In flight, they also behave differently from wasps.

Germs account for more than 6 thousand species. Some strongly resemble wasps, others hornetsthird bees. Distributed everywhere. In the warm season, they can be found in the beds with carrots, dill, parsley, flower beds with flowering plants. Adults feed exclusively on pollen; it is one of the most important pollinators.

Ghost flies
Ghost flies

On a note!

Parasites are larvae. Outwardly resemble leeches. They have no legs, are inactive, feed on aphids, insect eggs, spider mites. During the season, huge colonies of parasites of garden, garden, flower crops are destroyed. An insect that looks like a wasp has nothing to do with it. But many predators try to bypass the fly.


Black insect, outwardly resembles an earthen solitary wasp. The bug has an elongated body, a mustache. Similarities to the wasp are found thanks to the striped abdomen. The upper part is covered in black, covered by wings, and black and yellow wide stripes are clearly visible from below.

The bug the predator itself is a predator, easily attacks even poisonous spiders. Distributed everywhere. The brightest representatives live in tropical countries. It is active at night, in the afternoon it is in shelter.

Bedbug predator
Bedbug predator

Some species feed on human blood, warm-blooded animals, are the object of destruction. Most attack insects, spiders. It features a huge exposure. Can sit in shelter for a long time, wait for the victim. As soon as she sees her, she rushes to attack immediately. The proboscis sticks, launches a toxic substance. The poison instantly paralyzes the victim.

The same behavior is observed in road, earthen wasp. These representatives of the aspen family are called predators because of the need to lay eggs in the body of the victim. Larvae dig into the belly, eat out from the inside. Until the end of the cycle, only the shell remains from the beetle, spider, large larvae.

Glass Butterfly

An insect that looks like a wasp with a long body can turn out to be a butterfly. Outward similarities are striking. A distinctive feature is the wide transparent wings with a pronounced pattern in the form of elongated lines. The body is large, massive, similar to a large wasp. Coloring in yellow-black wide stripes. Long, curled antennae are clearly visible on the head.

Glass Butterfly
Glass Butterfly

On a note!

The flight is different. The butterfly flutters easily, does not make sudden movements, does not create buzzing sounds, as is characteristic of wasps.

The most common types of glass-butterfly butterflies in temperate countries are currant, poplar, and apple. It is a typical representative of garden pests. Caterpillars emerge from the eggs, which feed on the insides of the shoots. Introduce into the stems, under the bark. Glassworks are hard to notice, bring out, cause great harm to gardening. The wasp is associated exclusively with such a coloring.


Wasp-like insects - bees. They are extremely often confused with each other. Bee and wasp have some similarities in lifestyle, even they sting just as painfully. The bee has a rounded shape, head, chest of gray-black color with thick long yellow villi. Massive paws, long mustache clearly visible. A striking distinguishing feature is the lack of an "aspen waist" - a thin jumper between the chest and abdomen. The color is yellow-black, but the stripes are narrower, covered with yellow villi.


Bees feed exclusively on nectar, form honeycombs of wax, which they themselves produce. Due to their ability to reproduce honey, they have long been domesticated, live in hives. Periodically attacked by the aspen family. This fact disproves the assertion that wasps do not attack their own kind. The similarity in color should be explained by something else.


An insect with a long body and a sting makes many puzzle over the name of this creature. Riders belong to single wasps. They do not build typical nests, do not swarm. Distributed everywhere, include many genera, species. They differ in color, body length. Some do not have wings at all, more like ant.

Wasp rider
Wasp rider

The most striking representative is a rider with a long tail. An elongated body of black color, high limbs, narrow wings, a sting. Unlike other wasps, riders use a sting to lay their eggs. They pierce the victim’s body, inject poisonlay their offspring. On this mission of the female ends. Larvae develop independently. Spiders, beetles, butterflies, larvae of large insects become victims.

Beetle barbel

Plagionotonus mimics the color of wasps - representative barbel bugs. Outwardly reminds bedbug. A solid chitinous cover, an elongated body, a distinctly distinguished head, a very long, twisted mustache. There are no transparent wings, the insect rarely flies. Color black and yellow stripes.

Beetle barbel
Beetle barbel

The body length of an adult reaches 22 mm. The female lays eggs in the wood. Over a lifetime, reproduces about 100 thousand of their own kind. Larvae gnaw through numerous passages, spoil the tree. Transformation into an adult takes a long time - up to 10 years. A typical representative of pests with which a person is fighting a merciless one.

The insect, which is extremely strongly reminiscent of wasps, is a representative of the same family - the hornet. The largest species, characterized by aggressive behavior. Destroys wasp hives. The size of the body reaches 3 cm, the usual wasp - 1.5 cm. Massive body, powerful jaws, strong limbs. The giant wasp bites painfully, the poison causes severe allergies.

Wasps are unique insects, lifestyles, behaviors whose physiological abilities are a constant object of study. Insects that have external resemblances to them are no longer similar.

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