Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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What wasps eat

What the wasps eat depends on the stage of development, the species. Conditionally divided into 3 independent families - public or paper, floral, solitary. In the world there are 4800 species, 6 subfamilies, 260 genera. 150 people live in Russia species of wasps.

Catering for public wasps

Taste addictions of adults, larvae are different. Food is handled by working individuals. Provide power uterus, young offspring, make reserves for a rainy day. Wasps feed on floral nectar in summer, honey of bees, juices of fruits, vegetables, berries. They love sweets, as well as rotten foods.

You can find adults in the vineyard, on raspberries, strawberries, apples, pears, plums, apricots, melons, watermelons. Attracts insects kvass, lemonade, fruit, vegetable juice, jam, syrup. Predators often attack bee colonies and destroy the hive in just 2 hours. They eat honey, bees are taken to feed the larvae.

The assertion that wasps eat meat is not entirely correct. Common wasp eats juices, sweets. Protein food is needed for larvae. They hunt bugs, flies, butterflies, grasshoppers, caterpillars, spiders. Often predators can be found on meat, fish. Bite off prey, carried away to the nest.


Wasps chew meat, roll up small balls, give to larvae, they secrete saliva, which serves as food for adults. Food is exchanged. Adult wasps can feed on meat, but only after the calves eat it.

Single Wasp Nutrition

Adults eat nectar, fruit, vegetable juices, honey. Protein food is required to feed the younger generation. Unlike public wasps, solitary do not build multi-tiered nests, feed offspring alone in a special way.

Single Wasp Nutrition
Single Wasp Nutrition

The female attacks bugs, spiders, bees, large insect larvae. Paralyzes the victim, but does not kill. Pulls into a previously prepared hole in the ground, on a tree, lays an egg in the body. After a few hours, a larva appears, which begins to eat the victim alive for 2 weeks.


Wasp venom immobilizes the victim, but leaves her alive. In this way, the insect provides its young with nutrition for the entire developmental period. The larva eats up organs gradually, begins with the least important. Only at the end of the development of the parasite does the victim die.

What wasps eat depends on the species.

  • The wasp philant, the second name is the bee wolf, eats honey, feeds the larvae with bees. For them, nectar, sweet food, acts like poison. Having caught a bee, the philanthropist squeezes, eats honey, then feeds the carcass to the younger generation.
  • A large earthen wasp skolya preys on the larvae of a rhinoceros beetle, grub. The insect burrows itself into the ground, searches for a victim, paralyzes it with poison, drags it into a previously prepared mink. Lays an egg. A separate hole is created for each larva.
  • Pompilids or road wasps choose various spiders as food for their larvae. Some of them prey on poisonous tarantulas. Nests are built in the soil or inside branches, shoots, old hollows. The body of the spider is enough to feed one growing individual.

On a note!

The specificity of nutrition of single species makes them useful for humans. Adults eat nectar, helping to pollinate plants. Larvae are fed insects, most of which are agricultural pests.

Vegetarian Nutrition

Adults, growing offspring eat exclusively flower nectar. The official name is Mazarina (Masarinae). Belong to the family of single wasps. Outwardly, they look like public relatives with yellow-black stripes on the body. Size no more than 10 mm. Nutrition of adults - nectar, pollen, carry stocks in goiter. Benefit by pollinating various plants.

Vegetarian Nutrition
Vegetarian Nutrition

Nests are built in the soil or on tree branches, in old hollows. A separate cell is created for each egg. It is filled with flower nectar, sealed. In this way, the female provides the younger generation with nutrition for the entire development cycle.

Hornets Eating

Large representatives of the aspen family are endowed with powerful jaws, a strong sting. Food is similar to paper wasps, but due to the large size hornets able to prey on larger insects, even animals. Adults eat fruit, vegetable, flower nectar, and honey juices. Often attack bee hives, eat honey reserves, bee corpses are carried away by larvae.

On a note!

To provide food for the younger generation, hornets prey on smaller wasps, locusts, grasshoppers, spiders, amphibians, rodents. Even birds can suffer from predator attacks. Hornets are extremely aggressive, grouped. If one member of the family discovers a power source, in a moment there will be a whole swarm.

Wasps themselves become victims of birds, bokokhod spiders, hedgehogs, bears, skunks, toads, rats, mice. Bears, hedgehogs ruin hornet families, without fear of being bitten. The sting does not reach the skin, thanks to thorns, thick coat. The shrivel pricks wasps on wooden spines, then eats. Flytraps, beetles catch striped insects on the fly, tearing off the abdomen with a sting.

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