Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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How to protect grapes from wasps during its ripening

How to get rid of wasps on grapes, there are several proven methods. However, before you do this, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons. Wasps they eat the pulp of berries, suck out juices, spoil whole clusters. In places of puncture, the grapes begin to ferment, rot. The presence of wasps in the vineyard protects the crop from aphids, ants, bedbugs, and many other parasites. After the complete disappearance of the aspen family, the likelihood of infection of the culture with other, more dangerous pests increases.

Methods of struggle

Conditionally divided into 2 large groups - mechanical or physical, chemical. Wasp fight in the vineyard professional drugs, folk remedies.

Mechanical destruction

You can save grapes from wasps and bees even before they appear on the site in large numbers. It is necessary to carefully examine the territory for nests. Earth wasps pour boiling water, doused with flammable substances, set on fire. If the nest is under the roof of the outbuildings in the attic, it is easier to drown. They collect a bucket of water, carefully approach the aspen house, quickly dip it into the water.


Ordinary plastic bottles for drinks will help protect grapes from wasps. Process making traps does not take much time, does not require special skill. From a few dozens to hundreds are caught in one trap per day.

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle, turn inward in the form of a watering can.
  2. Fix with adhesive tape, adhesive tape, stapler.
  3. Inside the bait for wasps. Insects like fruit, sugar syrup, honey, jam, lemonade, kvass, beer.
  4. Hang traps for wasps in the vineyard throughout the plot.

The method does not provide 100% protection, but significantly reduces the extent of damage to the berries, and prevents it from attacking en masse.

On a note!

Adhesive traps for insects are sold in finished form. They have a bright color to attract pests, an impressive size. You can do it yourself at home, where a sheet of plywood, plastic, oilcloth is used as the basis. A thick layer of non-drying glue is applied on top. Hang around the site.

Insect traps
Insect traps


If wasps eat grapes already at the ripening stage, you can protect the berries with special nets. The method is great for small areas where the number of bushes does not exceed 5 pieces. Tassels of grapes are immersed in a transparent grid, tighten the lace on top. This uniform does not interfere with the ripening of the crop, does not allow pests. The main disadvantage of this method is the complexity. It is necessary to seal every bunch of grapes. Nets protect against wasps and birds.


To protect grapes from wasps during its ripening, you need to know what are they afraid of. This can be done using strong odor products. The advantage of the method is accessibility, absolute security. The disadvantage is the minimum validity period. Protection remains while aroma is present.

  • Vinegar from wasps is used grape, apple, table. To prepare a solution in 1 liter of cold water add 100 ml of vinegar.Grapes should be sprinkled early in the morning.
  • Soda from wasps is used during the ripening period of berries, when chemical means of protection are prohibited. Soda solution increases the sugar content of berries, prevents the formation of rot, promotes the healing of berries after punctures by proboscis of insects, helps to repel wasps. For 10 liters of cold water you will need 5 tbsp. tablespoons of baking soda, 20 ml of liquid laundry soap. You need to process grapes from wasps in the evening or early in the morning.
  • Liquid smoke, which is used for smoking fish, meat, will help scare away wasps from grapes. Impregnate the soil. The action continues until the smell is present.

The scare method can be combined with other methods of control to increase effectiveness. If wasps beat grapes, one must act immediately. A small colony of pests can spoil a small vineyard in a few days. It is allowed to spray solution at any period of cultivation of a culture.

Chemistry against insects

The grape harvest is saved with special insecticidal preparations, poisonous baits. Timely processing protects the berries from wasps and flies, many other pests.

It is allowed to use chemistry directly for processing berries if more than 20 days remain before harvesting. Before eating, thoroughly wash the clusters. Poison mixed with bait, placed in a vineyard not on berries, can be used at any time during the growing season of the plant.

Boric acid

Boric acid from wasps in the vineyard
Boric acid from wasps in the vineyard

One of the proven means of folk "medicine" is the use of boric acid. The drug is sold in a pharmacy in the form of a white crystalline powder. It has intestinal effects. The action begins after ingestion. Causes muscle paralysis, death. The proportions of boric acid from wasps should be such as not to interrupt the taste of the bait.

To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a bag of boric acid - 10 g in 1 liter of cold water. Stir until crystals are completely dissolved. The finished product is odorless, with the right combination with the bait does not change the taste of food. In each bait add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of poison solution.

On a note!

As an additional ingredient, acidified jam, juice, lemonade, kvass, beer, honey, sugar syrup are used.


Preparations for the vineyard against wasps are recommended to be used without smell, so that the persistent aroma does not deter pests. The goal in this case is to kill, not to drive away. If wasps attacked the grapes, they continue to sabotage, treat the bunches with a solution of insecticides diluted in accordance with the instructions.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. The maximum effect lasts 4 hours, the residual effect is from 14 to 30 days. Initially, the poison acts by contact. Insects die within 5-15 minutes from muscle paralysis. Then the poison is absorbed by the tissues, kills pests in the process of nutrition.

If wasps eat grapes, the culture should be treated with modern, odorless, effective insecticides - Lambda Zone, Get, Delta Zone. Sold in concentrate form. When working with drugs, rubber gloves, a protective suit, and a respirator should be used.

Insecticides from wasps
Insecticides from wasps


The finished solution is also mixed in the bait, poured in a saucer, placed in the vineyard. When using poison, you must observe your own safety measures, the environment. Prevent the death of beneficial insects, birds, animals. Preparations are deadly for bees, do not use during flowering.

Experienced Wasp Tips

To get rid of pests on own site, to protect berries from damage, winegrowers advise the following:

  • Destroy nests autumn or early spring.
  • Significantly reduce the number of pests homemade traps from plastic bottles, adhesive canvases.
  • As a bait in the spring, early summer, it is better to use protein foods - meat, fish. Wasps get food for their growing larvae, which need a lot of protein. Products are sprinkled with boric acid or watered with a solution of insecticides.
  • A solution of baking soda with soap will be able to protect against the attack of a berry. The product enters the body with a bite, repels a bitter aftertaste. In the stomach, soda causes increased gas formation, which is dangerous for insects by death. Spraying is carried out at any stage of the growing season. You can spray the solution using a household spray bottle and a spray bottle.

To increase the effectiveness of each method, it is recommended to combine several methods of control at once. For small vineyards, a net will become a reliable protection, which prevents wasps, flies, birds, and other pests from reaching the berries.

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