Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to deal with mice in the country and plot

House and field mice are frequent guests in garden and summer cottage areas, which is associated with an abundance of food and excavated land, where you can make holes. They spoil food and planting material, gnaw root crops and tree roots. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of mice in the country is very acute for gardeners.

What is the danger of the settlement of mice in the garden

Mice like browniesso and field voles with a short tail, who settle in a country house and on a garden plot, can cause a lot of trouble to a person:

  • create a fire hazard in case of damage to the wiring or wires in the country;
  • mice transmit infections and diseases;
  • spoil the products stored in the premises of the dacha and in the cellar, which after them become unsuitable for food;
  • during their long life in the room there will be an unpleasant "mouse" smell, which causes rejection or allergies;
  • on the garden plot, flower bulbs and tree roots suffer from vole mice, they gnaw holes in the ground, damaging the root system of plants.

Therefore, it is necessary to fight mice in the country with all available means and begin these activities faster, before the rodents have done much damage.

Prevention of the appearance of mice in the house

Harm from mice in the country
Harm from mice in the country

Small pests can penetrate into any building through very small holes and crevices, therefore, in order to prevent, it is very important to try to make the premises of the cottage the most airtight. To do this, it is necessary to carefully examine the walls for holes and mouse passages, existing ones should be repaired using glass wool or a fine metal washcloth.

For sealing, you can use sealant or foam, pay special attention to the holes through which the hoses from the air conditioner are inserted, and also cover all the cracks around the windows and doors of the cottage.

On a note!

So that the mice could not find the products, they should be stored in special containers. In the kitchen, keep clean, regularly clean the floor and other surfaces, do not leave food residues and make sure that taps do not leak. Trash cans are also better to have airtight.

Ways to fight mice in the country

Rodent Control Methods
Rodent Control Methods

Gardeners suffer from mice and have been fighting them for several hundred years, but due to their large numbers and high birth rates, mice regularly continue to annoy them. Over the years, effective means have been developed from mice in the country and many ways to get rid of them, which can be divided into 2 groups:

  • repelling and preventing the appearance of rodents in the country house and plot;
  • the destruction of pests.

Preventive and frightening methods of fighting mice in the garden and in the house include:

  • The easiest way is to get a cat that will catch mice in the yard and in the house. It is only important to remember that the use of poisons in this case is prohibited, otherwise not only rodents, but also the cat will die.
  • Methods of controlling folk remedies are very common - the creation of a fencing barrier from plants, poisonous or those whose smell scares off rodents: garlic, wormwood, black root, tansy, imperial hazel grouse, ledum foliage, elderberry branches, walnut leaves. Plants are planted or laid out in bunches near mouse holes, periodically changing to more recent ones.
  • To protect bushes and trees, celandine section is added to the trunk circles, for the winter, the trunks of fruit crops are protected by wrapping with a layer of fir branches, plastic from under the bottles, roofing felt or birch bark, in winter, snow is compacted around the trees.
  • The use of essential oils of mint, sharply smelling substances (ammonia, kerosene, etc.), the smell of which pests are afraid of, is used from field mice in a summer cottage: cotton-soaked cotton discs or rags in their habitats are laid out
  • One of the original ways to drive out rodents is to use used cat-like filler, which gardeners scatter around the perimeter of the dacha, plot and buildings, because the garage and the chicken coop are especially attractive to mice.
  • The use of ultrasonic repellers, they are sold in hardware stores or supermarkets. Such devices emit ultrasonic waves, which cause rodents to run away from the sound source, which will permanently get rid of mice in the country and in the garden.


Some Ultrasound rodent repellers can negatively affect not only mice, but also pets, which should be considered when buying.

Extermination of rodents

Remedies for mice
Remedies for mice

Control measures aimed at the destruction of pests are:

  • Set mousetraps and traps that are best checked daily.


    In order to avoid infection or infection, in no case should you remove a dead mouse from the trap with your bare hands, it is better to use a plastic bag or gloves, and then thoroughly wash the mousetrap.

  • Placement of poisonous drugs added to the bait, most often used coumarin, arsenic, warfarin. When choosing what to poison rodents, it must be taken into account that they adapt well to previously used poisons, so it is better to change them. You should also remember the presence of pets, as eating a poisoned mouse, cat, or dog can also be poisoned.
  • Using bait from gypsum and cereals, next to which they put a bowl of water: the animal will eat the bait, drink water, and the gypsum inside will harden, causing his death.
  • Glue traps, which are sold in stores, catch the mouse with the glue it gets into, trying to get the bait.
  • In winter you can fight against rodents by spreading hose cuts around the trees, where the baits with poison are put.

All mousetraps and traps are best set in places where mouse droppings or their holes are found. In the garden, voles often settle and climb out of a warm bed, where nests are safely built in the lower layers and breed.

How to protect root crops from mice

One of the most valuable plants in the garden is root crops, which usually ripen in late summer and early autumn and are often attacked and bitten by mice in the same period. There are several ways to protect potato planting and protect beets in the garden:

  • A proven preventive measure of protection against mice in the garden in August-September is the digging of carrot and potato beds along the perimeter and in the aisles, which destroys the mouse passages.
  • Sprinkling the tops of root crops with ash, also this technique is used in the cellar when the harvest was held and potatoes are put there for the winter.
  • You can save carrots or beets by choosing a seat away from the fence, closer to the middle of the garden.
  • Water the beds with ripened root vegetables with a solution of water and the contents of the cat tray.

To breed mice in the country house and garden plot is a long and continuous process, because in the autumn-winter period, all rodents move closer to sources of food and heat. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy these pests constantly using various methods.

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