Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

The most dangerous ants in the world

Ants are these tiny toilers who have always delighted and amazed people. Insects are able to organize their labor to the smallest detail. Moreover, each inhabitant of the anthill has its own responsibilities. In nature, there are more than 14,000 species of these insects. And not all of them are useful. There are killer ants that pose a serious danger to human life. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

On a note!

Bloodthirsty insects include fire and nomad ants, bullet ant and Australian bulldog ant. Ant bites capable of provoking an allergic reaction, the result of which may be asphyxiation and fatal intoxication of the body.

Nomadic killer ants

Nomad ants, or as they are also called Siafu ants, are insects that are used to roaming. They do not build anthills, but prefer to travel from one territory to another in a large column. That is why they are also called stray killer ants.

The width of a string of insects can be more than a dozen meters. Towards the end, the column narrows and becomes like a tail up to 45 m in length. Stray ants usually make such march-throws during daylight hours, overcoming about 300 meters in one hour. Their habitat is Africa, North and South America, Central and South Asia.

Nomadic killer ants
Nomadic killer ants

During the movement of nomad ants, all those whom they meet on their way disappear. It can be not only wood lice, caterpillars or running bugs. African killer ants can easily attack even small animals: a mouse, a snake, a frog or a lizard. Nevertheless, they still cannot afford to eat a man. But the result of extremely painful bites of a nomad ant can be a severe allergic reaction.

Nomads became famous not only for their formidable disposition, but also for their size, which allowed them to occupy one of the top positions in the ranking the largest ants in the world. Nomadic ant soldiers responsible for protecting their congeners usually come from the edge of the column. These are quite large insects, whose body length reaches up to 15 mm. They are given a terrifying appearance by the jaws, the size of which is much larger than the head of the nomad. The female is much larger than the male: the length of her body during egg laying is up to 50 mm. A photo of a nomad is presented below.

In the middle part of the string, nomad workers move, who carry future offspring and food on their bodies. With the advent of night, insects clinging to each other with their paws, build a nest for their queen queens.

On a note!

The huge body size is not the only feature of female ant nomads. Females are also champions during breeding periods. Every day they lay 100-130 thousand eggs. A more prolific insect does not exist in nature.

Bulldog Ants

Bulldog Ants
Bulldog Ants

Bulldog Ants - these are the most dangerous ants in the world. Black insects are considered one of the largest. The body dimensions of the working bulldog reach a length of up to 40 mm, the uterus is slightly larger - about 45 mm. A feature of these representatives are powerful jaws.They are quite long and have notches along the edge, which allows insects to easily capture prey. Below in the photo you can see how dangerous termite looks.

Bulldog ants are poisonous ants. Another feature of these insects is a powerful sting, the bite of which can be fatal. So a person who is located next to an anthill exposes himself to great danger. After all, at the entrance to anthill usually several workers are on duty. In the presence of danger, they immediately signal this to their relatives.

According to statistics, much more people die from the bites of these cannibals than from the attacks of snakes, spiders and even sharks.

On a note!

Surprising is the fact that the bulldog ants are able to carry the load 50 times greater than the dead weight of the insect.

Red fire ant

Red fire ant
Red fire ant

Representatives of this species have a bright color, which served as the basis for their name. As a result of a bite fire ant synopsin - a toxic substance that causes a severe chemical burn, penetrates the human body. Pain from a bite of a pest is identical to an open flame burn. The consequence of this skin lesion is usually an allergic reaction, and anaphylactic shock is also possible.

Insects usually attack a person with a whole group if it poses a danger to their anthill. Not one thousand people suffer from ruthless bites of pests every year. After a bite, blisters and swelling appear on the body of the victim, from which scars form after several days. Nausea and vomiting, dizziness and an allergic reaction appear.

On a note!

The habitat of such a termite is the territory of America. In recent years, you can meet a fire ant killer in Russia.

Ants bullet

Ant bullet - this name insects got because of their behavior. During an insect bite, a person feels unbearable pain commensurate with a gunshot wound. The venom of this species contains poneratoxin, a toxic substance that causes severe pain. Usually the pain syndrome persists throughout the day. As a result, another name “ant 24 hours” stuck to the insects. During this time, the victim suffers in agony, accompanied by intolerable pain and convulsions.

The body length of working individuals usually does not exceed 25 mm, the uterus is slightly larger (up to 30 mm). Representatives of this species are common in South America. Their favorite habitat is trees, from the crown of which pests attack their prey. Falling from the branches, they emit a peculiar squeak that serves as a signal for their relatives. As a result, not one, not even ten individuals attack the victim, but a whole ant colony.

Yellow ants

Yellow ants are also one of the most poisonous insect species in the world. You can only meet them Arizona. The consequence of ant bites is not only the formation of a large swelling and the development of allergies, but also a high probability of death. In Russian latitudes there are also yellow antsHowever, this is a completely different species - Lasius Flavus, migrated from India in the 19th century.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Pauline

    What only mother nature did not create!

    1. Jana

      I am glad that such horror stories do not live in Russia.

  2. Maksim

    I would not want to meet with such "beauties".

  3. Vadim

    Once I had to meet with an ant bullet. He accidentally experienced his bite. Really painful words cannot be expressed.

  4. Natalya

    Solid monsters. I saw something similar to nomadic ants in our garden.

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