Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of yellow ants in a summer cottage or garden

Yellow ants are natives of India. They came to us in the 19th century and firmly established themselves in comfortable human homes. Sometimes they are found in gardens and summer cottages, but with the onset of the first cold weather they move to houses and apartments.


Lasius Flavus ants are small yellow insects. The length of the female reaches 6 mm. Males grow no more than 3 mm. Several dozens of queens live in one colony, each producing numerous offspring. therefore pests breed fast enough.

On a note!

Pests can be found in any part of the apartment. They build nests in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bedroom.

Arthropods enter the house in several ways:

  • through ventilation;
  • through open windows and windows;
  • on street clothes and shoes;
  • through cracks in the walls and window sills.

Ant longevity depends on its species, living conditions. The yellow earth ant (lazius flavus) does not live long: the queens die in six months, foragers - in two months. But it quickly multiplies and occupies an increasing space in the apartment.

How to get rid of a yellow ant in an apartment and a house

Fighting Yellow Ants
Fighting Yellow Ants

Indoors, it is better not to use toxic substances. They can poison humans and pets. Therefore, from yellow ants it is preferable to use baits based on boric acid:

  1. Two tablespoons of fresh minced meat mixed with a teaspoon of acid.
  2. Two teaspoons of honey or thick jam are combined with three teaspoons of sugar and half a spoon of boric acid.
  3. One teaspoon yeast mixed with 0.5 cup sugar syrup and 0.5 teaspoon of acid.

Poison bait can be prepared with a borax. To do this, mix the powder, glycerin and water in a ratio of 1: 4: 2. Sugar or honey is added to the mixture and heated over low heat, stirring constantly, until the product becomes homogeneous.

On a note!

On the ant trails lay garlic or slices of seared lard. The scent of these products will make the invaders flee.

Lures laid out in the apartment where the places of accumulation of yellow ants were discovered.

If you can not do without chemistry, then it is better to use traps with poisonous bait (RaptorRaid Kombat) They are placed in the following places:

  • under the bath;
  • for the battery;
  • under cupboards and sofas.

The chemical acts on working ants, larvae and queens.

How to get rid of a yellow ant in a summer cottage

In the warm season, the pest can be found in the country. If you do not take action, then soon he will settle in the house or greenhouse.

Yellow ants in the country house and garden
Yellow ants in the country house and garden

The following insecticides will help to get rid of ants in a summer cottage:

  1. Muratsid. The active substance of the drug is diazinon. Four drops of the drug are dissolved in a liter of water. Fresh solution is poured onto the anthill.
  2. Ant-eater. It can be used in granules and in solution. In dry form, the product is scattered on ant trails. The solution is poured into the nest.
  3. Throw. Effective Polish drug based on chlorpyrifos. A solution is prepared from the preparation (100 grams per 10 liters) and watered with an ant hill and places of accumulation of insects.

Apply and folk recipesthat will help scare away insects. Among the plants, it is worth planting onions and garlic, and sow mint seeds under the windows of the house. Sensitive pest receptors react strongly to the harsh aroma of these plants.

On a note!

Around the site you can plant wormwood. Yellow ants do not like its smell either.

Among the plants it is worth scattering the crushed ash. It is safe for soil and plantations, and ants prefer to bypass it. The same substance is scattered around the perimeter of the house.

How to get rid of a yellow ant in a garden and in a garden

On open ground use insecticide DR Klaus. The bottle has an ejector to which a watering hose is connected. The chemical is sprayed on the beds and destroys all pests, including yellow ants.

If you do not want to use poisonous substances, then you can take advantage of the experience of our grandmothers who fought insects with simple and safe means:

  1. Sawdust impregnated with aniseed oil will drive insects away from plants.
  2. Trees and plants are treated with a solution consisting of 30 ml of flax oil, 5 grams soda and one liter of water.
  3. On the beds should be put leaves of wormwood, tansy, mint.
  4. Protect tree trunks in the garden, you can tie them with garlic arrows.

Yellow ants in the garden and the garden will disappear if the soil is fertilized and dug up before planting.


Flavus ant likes to settle where there is enough food and water. Therefore, the best prevention is the timely cleaning of the house. It is necessary to hide all food, wipe crumbs from the table, vacuum and mop the floors. In suburban areas you need to loosen the soil and carefully water the plants.

A pair of yellow ants in the house will not do the trick, but they can lead to uterus, which will produce numerous offspring. Therefore, it is important to start pest control in time in all available ways.

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