Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of Drosophila in the kitchen with storefront and folk remedies

Drosophila are small flying insects that start in the apartment in the presence of spoiled vegetables and fruits. Also they used as food juice and rotting remains of indoor plants. Despite the fact that these small flies do not bite people and animals, do not drink blood, and do not spoil furniture, they still decently annoy the residents, flickering around the room. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of Drosophila, many housewives are puzzled in the summer.

Insect features

Drosophila are small fruit or fruit flies, the size of which does not exceed 2 mm. Females differ from males with a pointed abdomen and larger body sizes. Most often there are midges of yellow-brown color, there are also black and orange individuals.

Drosophila fly enters the apartment with vegetables or with soil, which is taken for planting. Drosophila eggs remain in the ground. In the presence of favorable living conditions, they quickly settle in a new place of residence: at a time the female lays up to two dozen eggs, and in throughout his life (insects live for about 2 months) it is able to put up to 10 of these clutches. The development cycle of an egg to an adult takes no more than 10 days. Therefore, if you do not get rid of fruit flies in time, very soon they will populate the entire apartment.

On a note!

Eggs fruit flies lay in rotting fruits, berries, vegetables and plants. Hatching from them, the larvae hide in the vegetable flesh, where they later pupate. The newly appeared individual is capable of breeding already on the second day from the moment of its birth. In this connection, if you do not take timely measures to get rid of Drosophila flies in the apartment it becomes very difficult.

How to get rid of Drosophila at home

Fruit flies
Fruit flies

To get rid of Drosophila in the kitchen, you must first find their habitat. Attracting insects can be a rotten banana, a tomato or a slice of apple rolled up under the refrigerator, stale waste in the bin, a dirty bowl and an untidy pet cage.

To remove Drosophila, it is enough to dispose of spoiled foods, get rid of garbage, washing and drying the bucket, as well as clean the saucer and remove the pet’s cage. If insects wound up in flower soil, then it is necessary to transplant the plants into pots with fresh soil.

On a note!

Moths will not annoy if they carry out a general cleaning in the kitchen, getting rid of excess trash, missing products and dirt.

If too many insects have divorced, it is necessary to fight with Drosophila through the use of folk and chemical agents.

Recipes from the people

You can get rid of midges on your own using folk remedies that are available in every home.


The Drosophila trap is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to fight.

  • In its quality, a plastic bag or a plastic bottle is used, into which the bait is placed. It can serve as a spoiled banana peel, honey, various berries and fruits. Drosophila also willingly fly for jam and juice.No less attractive for fruit flies and the smell of apple cider vinegar. Small holes are made in the bag or bottle. Smelling the aroma of goodies, midges will be trapped, but they will not be able to get back.
  • You can catch midges in another way, using a glass jar on the bottom of which a liquid treat is poured. Then a paper cone is inserted into the container so that a small hole is at the bottom. The aroma of sweets will attract the attention of insects. Infiltrating fly trap, they will not be able to find a return exit.
  • The easiest way to get rid of fruit midges in the apartment is to use a mixture of juice and liquid for washing dishes. Taken in equal amounts, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and poured onto the bottom of a plastic glass or any other container. The smell of a sweet drink will attract flying pests, however, the individuals who feasted on it will not be able to take off due to the detergent.
Drosophila traps
Drosophila traps

other methods

It is possible to destroy fruit midges in the house by airing the premises. It is enough to leave the window open for several hours so that the insects die. However, this method is an example, when outside the window the air temperature reaches negative levels.

Very effective for dealing with annoying midges are aromatic products:

  • Odor of essential oils affects fruit midges. The insects of the aroma of cloves, patchouli, verbena, and also ylang-ylang do not tolerate.
  • Camphor is another folk remedy for Drosophila. Really do not like the smell of this substance fruit midges. It is enough to heat the crushed product in an old pan until it begins to smoke. For a person, such couples do not pose any danger, but midges cannot transfer him.
  • If Drosophila wound up in flowers, you can get rid of them with the help of garlic. It is enough to spread a few finely chopped cloves of garlic on the soil surface. As the aromatic properties disappear, the raw materials should be replaced with a fresh portion.
  • If midges harm the indoor plant, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution of manganese. They should process the flower every two weeks.
  • To get rid of Drosophila larvaethat wound in flower soil will help matches. It is enough just to stick a few pieces of sulfur end into the ground.
  • You can even remove fruit midges with kerosene. So that the pungent odor does not create much discomfort to the inhabitants of the housing, a small amount of combustible liquid is mixed with water. The resulting solution is washed windows and doorways. Turpentine, which has similar properties, is also used for this purpose.

Industrial facilities

Means against flies
Means against flies

It is much faster to destroy midges with the help of industrial means. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of traps, repellent and aerosol products.

  • Raptor - glue trap with a sticky inside, equipped with bait fluid. Insects flying to the aroma, touching the adhesive surface, tightly adhere to it. Moreover, from the outside, the device remains clean and neat, which does not create discomfort and disgust. You can operate the trap for a month. One fixture is designed for a room with an area of ​​10-12 square meters. m. A set of traps for fruit flies and liquid bait is within 140 rubles.
  • Combat - fumigator with a plastic case, in the kit with which there is an insecticidal liquid. When it is connected to the network, toxic fumes evaporate, which can kill insects. The insecticidal composition affects both midges and mosquitoes, flies and mosquitoes. The effect can be observed already an hour after application. The cost of the kit is 300 rubles.
  • Gardex Extreme - DETA-based repellent aerosol is effective against midges, mosquitoes, horseflies and mosquitoes. They can process exposed parts of the body, clothes, as well as places of accumulation of insects.The spray can is equipped with a special cap with a lock, which prevents spontaneous spraying of the repellent composition. The residual effect extends for 8 hours (when applied to the skin), up to 5 days (when processing clothes and household items). The price of an aerosol is in the range of 300-320 rubles.
  • Dichlorvos is another insecticidal aerosol that can easily poison fruit midges. The active substances of the drug are cypermethrin and tetramethrin. The composition is odorless, they can poison not only midges and flies, but also mosquitoes, wasps, moths, cockroaches, ants and other harmful insects. The tool is sprayed in places of accumulation of pests: one cylinder is designed to process 80 square meters. m. the surface to be treated. The price of the bottle is 100 rubles.
  • There are also sticky tapescoated with a special composition. They are effective against Drosophila, flies and other flying insects.
Means against flies
Means against flies

On a note!

Aerosol products are sprayed in Drosophila habitats, having previously removed food products. At the end of the treatment, the room must be thoroughly ventilated.

The appearance and disposal of fruit midges can be avoided by maintaining order and cleanliness in the house. Fruits and vegetables should not be left on tables for a long time, and those that have deteriorated should be disposed of in a timely manner.


Cats in the summer are a fairly common occurrence. Especially a lot of Drosophila during the harvest season. My method of getting rid of them is quite simple: you just need to throw out the leftovers of vegetables, and midges disappear by itself.

Ksenia, Saratov

In the summer I try to close a lot of juices and fruit purees for my grandchildren, so midges at this time are commonplace. I turn on the fumigator in the evening, and there is no flying creature in the house.

Valentina, Kostroma

I use in the summer homemade Velcro. They are good at catching flies and midges. And no chemistry is needed.

Alexander, Samara

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