Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Is a bear able to fly

Flying bear
Flying bear
Medvedka is called a masterpiece of evolution. In appearance, it is not like any insect. The front massive legs are more reminiscent of the limbs of a mole. The body length reaches 8 cm. Rigid wings are located on the back, but lives under the ground. Plus, it’s a great swimmer. People call it a crustacean. At the sight of an unusual creature, involuntarily, the question arises - does the bear fly or not.

Can it take off in terms of anatomy

A terrible muzzle with powerful jaws, massive digging forelegs, running mids, hopping backs, a strange body and wings on the back cause dislike, fear, bewilderment, as well as the question of can an insect bite. With this “set of tools” you can do everything - dig the soil, run on the ground, swim in the water, fly in the air. All this bear can do to a greater or lesser extent.

In the world there are about 100 species little bear. Slightly different body structure. In particular, the length of the wings. The species that are found in our area have 2 pairs of wings — the anterior ones are short, stiff, rounded in shape, and the posterior ones are long, open during flight. In a calm state, they fold over the abdominal cavity, become invisible.

On a note!

Insects with short hind wings do not know how to fly into the air, because the structure of the body does not allow them. There are also representatives of the species in which they are completely absent.

Does the bear fly

The insect spends most of its life underground, which is why it hard to catch . Digs numerous passages, constructs holes, nests. Goes to the surface of the earth for replenishment of food supplies, for mating. It does this mainly at night. Wings are practically unnecessary, but occasionally uses them.

Medvedka can fly pretty well. The pest travels long distances in search of better habitats. Females flock to the call of a male who emits melodic trills in his hole.


A bear in flight is a terrible sight. Huge creatures up to 8 cm in length, make noise, hum, chirping.

In males, the wings are always longer; they go even beyond the abdominal cavity. Therefore, flyers from them turn out much better. The female is larger in size, reluctantly takes off into the air. Rises up during the mating season, to search for a partner or fleeing from adverse living conditions, fleeing enemies or from the action of the repeller.

Scientific publications describe how the bear flies, to what height it is able to climb. It does not come off far from the earth, rises up to 5 m.

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