Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to get rats out of a private house

Rats live in close proximity to humans, which causes a lot of inconvenience. With the onset of cold weather or with a significant increase in the number of rat flocks, individuals behave more impudently. They make their way into the house, roam around in the cellars, drag eggs in the chicken coop. Leave a bad smell rat droppings, the danger of contracting terrible diseases. How to get rid of rats in a private house, which is more efficient - to expel or destroy?

Biological methods

The natural enemy of rodents is a cat. Even the smell of the animal scares off the animals. The cat fulfills its hunting instinct by chasing rodents. Do not mind eating fresh meat.

If even a kitten can cope with mice, only an experienced cat can overcome a rat. A large rodent in a battle with a cat is able to win. Therefore, not always a cat agrees to catch rats, and sometimes just flees.

To use the "biological weapon" from pests in the house, you need to be confident in the abilities of a cat. Choose not a thoroughbred feline, but a half-wild creature with pronounced natural instincts.

On a note!

The cat rarely binds to rats, not particularly chasing mice. Only a cat, not inferior to large rodents in size, can bring rats out of the house.

Mechanical methods

Catching rats
Catching rats

If rats appear in the house, the thought of using traps, traps, visits your head. Mechanical methods of control were the first inventions that made it possible to cope with rodents on the territory of their own possessions.

Modern devices for mass disposal of rats are sold in specialized stores. Can do do-it-yourself rat traps.

There are pros and cons to using mechanical control methods. The rat, caught in the trap, emits piercing screams, thereby scaring away the rest of the rodents. In the future, several possible events. Rats leave the room or simply bypass the traps.

The same goes for rat traps. A trapped animal becomes a warning to others. An exception is masked traps, the existence of which rodents do not know. A row of plastic bottles under the steps, with a cut off neck, oiled with vegetable oil - good protection against rats. Rodents fall into the bottle, cannot get out of it.

The mechanical methods of control include the manufacture of loops for rodents. They are made of nylon cord, flexible wire. Tighten the loop, placed in places where rats were seen, against their movement. Rodents often move along the walls in the darkened part of the room. Head fall into the loop. Try to move on, show efforts. The loop is tightened.

On a note!

They also catch a rat with a towel, if there is time and desire. They quietly wait in a dark place, when the animal appears, sharply throw a towel. There are several drawbacks to this method - you need to spend time and be able to respond quickly.There is a person’s smell in the room, the rat can smell it, not get out of the mink.

Gel traps

Rat glue
Rat glue

Common products for the mechanical capture of rodents are adhesive gel traps. Within 14 days glue from rodents does not lose properties, instantly fixes everything that gets into it. One touch of the foot is enough for the rat to firmly adhere to the trap.

The methods of killing rats are impressive in variety; a gel trap among them occupies one of the first places in terms of effectiveness. There are several advantages:

  • you can catch a whole brood of rats;
  • does not contain toxic substances;
  • used in any room.

The glue is applied to cardboard, plywood, plastic. Fix to the floor with screws, nails. The size of the trap should be within 50 * 50 cm. The glue is applied in a solid line with indents between rows of 3-5 cm. The glue strip should be 5 cm wide.

You need to check every day. Throw a trap, make a new one, or get rid of adherent pests, update the glue layer. Lime rats in this way succeeds in a few weeks. To lure into a trap, in the center place a fragrant bait.


The smell of smoked meat, fish, meat, fried fat, chips, cheese, seeds attracts rats. Large rodents respond less to flour, cereals, grain, sweet foods.

Ultrasonic repeller

Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers
Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers

A modern invention that operates on the basis of ultrasound. The human ear does not feel vibration, so the operation of the device does not affect well-being, does not affect health. The device works from a city electric current network or on batteries. So that rodents do not get used to ultrasound, it is possible to periodically change the frequency.

The area of ​​action depends on the power of the device. Carpets, furniture drown out. It is recommended to place a repeller in each room so that a negative background is present throughout the house. Devices are recommended to be installed for 1 month, then a break should be taken.

Ultrasonic repeller acts on the nervous system. It is capable of driving rats in 3-4 weeks. The animal feels constant discomfort. The only way to get rid of feeling sick for a rodent is to flee.

On a note!

Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers It is recommended to use in parallel with other methods of control. There is no exact information on how ultrasound affects pets. If the house has a hamster, guinea pig, decorative white rat, you should refuse to use the device.

Chemical methods

Rat poison
Rat poison

Rats and mice can be removed with toxic substances. A specialized store offers a wide selection of drugs with a poisonous effect. Surprisingly, a wide variety of forms with different exposure intervals.

It takes 2 weeks to poison the rats in the house. Immediately before using the poison, you need to understand the features of its action. To destroy rats at home, you can use drugs based on anticoagulants. Drugs are allowed to be used in a residential building, provided that the instructions for use are strictly followed.

Poison for rats prevents the production of vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood coagulation. When toxic substances enter the liver, a pathological process starts. Rat poison not excreted by the kidneys from the body. Constantly accumulated by tissues. The action begins immediately, but the effect is felt after some time.

Rodents eagerly eat the bait, as flavorings and food additives are added to it. You can poison rats in 1 day. The speed of action depends on the dose of poison that has entered the body. For the death of an adult, about 6 g of a toxic substance is needed. With the accumulation of the desired concentration in the liver, internal bleeding opens.

On a note!

Mummifying agents have been added to the composition of modern toxic drugs.After the death of the animal, the body does not decompose, does not emit an unpleasant smell of decay, and dries slowly. Drugs are not addictive. Poison, which entered the body only 1 time, leads to inevitable death, but with a slight delay.

The most popular means are:

  • Rat death;
  • Goliath;
  • Storm;
  • Mortorate;
  • Nutcracker.

In addition to anticoagulants, there are drugs that can kill a rat much faster. They include components that cause severe toxicosis. It will be possible to breed rats in 1 day. This tool is Krysid. In a residential private house, it is recommended that rodents be hatched as a Rat in special cases. It can be used in a village house if it acts as a summer residence.

On a note!

Krysid allows you to effectively get rid of the entire family of rodents in the house. But it should be used only 1 time per month. During work, adhere to certain rules, since the drug is dangerous for residents of the house and others. Bury the dead bodies of rodents in the ground to a depth of not less than 0.5 m.

Folk recipes

You can permanently get rid of rats with folk remedies. The fight against rodents combines the use of mechanical methods, chemicals. Folk recipes can exterminate rats or expel.

Do-it-yourself trap

When you see a rodent in the house, you should not run headlong into the store for a trap to exterminate pests. You can quickly build a structure yourself, without much financial expense.

  • In a plastic bottle with a capacity of 5-10 l, the neck is cut off. Turn over, insert into the bottle. At the bottom put a fragrant bait. The neckline is fixed with tape. Set the trap in an inclined position near the stairs, shelves. The rodent gets inside, cannot get back. It remains to solve the question of how to kill a caught rat. The method is especially effective in the village for rat control in a private house.
  • Turn over a large pot for indoor flowers. On the one hand lift, insert a plank edge. In the center lay the bait. The rodent makes its way to food, clings to the tablet, is trapped. You need to install the structure on a solid basis in the dwelling - floor, concrete surface to avoid undermining.
  • Rats in a private house can be fought with a bucket of water. Pour, without reaching the edges, by 5-10 cm. Husk, straw, dry leaves with a thick layer are spread on the water. Grain, seeds are thrown into the center. A plate is placed in the bucket. She serves as a ladder. The rodent makes its way to the bait, falls into the water. It is possible to exterminate rodents without special efforts, periodically renewing the appearance of the trap. The method is good because you do not need to kill pests later.


Rat fight
Rat fight

The elimination of rats is carried out mechanically, chemically; scare methods are used.

  • Derive in 1 day of rodents can be wood tar. The tool is suitable for private homes, if rodents are seen in the barn, cellar, outbuildings, closet, in the sauna. Sprinkle ash on the floor. Rodents activate their activity at night. In the darkness, ash is not visible. Adhering to the body, causes irritation, burning. The animal tries to get rid of pollution by the tongue, the substance enters the stomach, causing discomfort. The rat does not die of ash, but flees.
  • A sharp smell will help drive out the rats. The rag is moistened with gasoline, kerosene, ammonia, vinegar, put in a plastic bag, make a small hole in it. The smell slowly fills the room, begins to drive away rodents.
  • Burn wool or a dead rat, throw in the basement. The smell of burning makes the rodents run wherever they look.
  • Herbs. To rats bypassed the house, did not want to stay in it for a long time, you can use plants. In each room, leave a bouquet of ledum, chamomile, wormwood, peppermint, tansy, black elderberry, rat rat.
  • Essential oils. The scent of mint, chamomile, lavender scares off rats.To spread the smell around the house, you can use a special lamp or spray a few drops on a wax candle, lamp bulb. When heated, the aroma will spread throughout the house. The odor acts favorably on people; rats drive out of the house.
  • Catch a rat. Scorch tail, release. The rodent will run to its relatives, who cannot smell the smell of burning wool. Itself will drive everyone out of the house.
  • Spicy mixture. Sprinkle hot pepper, dried chamomile, burdock seeds with thorns on the floor. Pepper, chamomile cause skin irritation, thorns cling to the coat, preventing normal movement. A few days of such inconvenience - rats will leave the territory.


Folk remedies
Folk remedies
  • Gypsum. The most common method is a mixture of gypsum with flour, sugar. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Treats are laid out on plates - covers. Near put a container of water. The mixture inside the stomach hardens, along with the insides of the rodent.
  • Poisonous mixture. 15 g of borax mixed with 20 g of rosin. Add 30 g of icing sugar to mask the taste of the poison. Arrange in places where rodents were seen. It is necessary to prepare the mixture in rubber gloves so that the smell of a person does not remain on the cooked dish.
  • Soda. Mix soda with sugar in equal proportions. Add some flour. The tool is safe for humans, pets, rats brings death. In the stomach, soda reacts with natural juice, a boring reaction begins. Gases are collected. Since rats are not able to burp, excessive gas formation, bloating leads to death.
  • Wine cork. Grind the cork, fry in lard. Fragrant rat bait is ready. In the stomach, the cork swells, deforms the internal organs, makes breathing difficult, and causes suffocation.
  • Alcohol. Wet bread in beer, put on a plate. Mice are attracted by the smell; they eat bait with pleasure. After a few days, beer complementary foods are transferred to vodka. First bred with water. Increasing the dose of ethanol every day. Then they are impregnated with pure vodka, but the taste of bitterness is masked by the addition of sugar. Rats develop alcohol dependence. They are not interested in another food, every day they make their way to a bowl. At this stage, you can safely kill rats, or watch how individuals degrade. Adult rats die from alcohol, new offspring are born weak, unable to survive.
  • Colchicum is autumn. The plant blooms in late summer, autumn. All parts are poisonous. For a deadly bait, you need 10 g of seeds. They are mixed with 200 g of any product - cheese, grain, seeds, cereals.
  • Beans, beans, simmer until cracked. Drain, dry. In a frying pan in vegetable oil, fry the beans with the seeds of chiliibuha.
  • Stearin. Chilibuha seeds to turn into powder, add sugar, raisins, grated stearin.
  • Quicklime. Mix with sugar in a ratio of 1: 3 so that rodents do not notice the unpleasant taste of lime. They are scattered in plates, placed in places where rats like to be.
  • Beer. Add alcohol to milk, leave a bowl. In the morning you can collect dead rodents.
  • Barbarian way. If you can’t get rid of rats, you should use a not very humane, but extremely effective way. Caught a few rats, put in a metal barrel. Starve. Over time, the rats begin to nibble each other, the strongest survives. This beast is set free. In a short time, it will destroy the entire family of rodents from small to large.

Folk remedies for rats are striking in their ingenuity. They can be used if there are small children, animals in the house, or you do not want to deal with toxic substances. If independent efforts do not give the proper result, you should seek the help of specialists. Breeding rats is a process that requires special effort, skill, and caution.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Andrew

    Traps were set from rats, traps. They bypassed their side. Not a single one was caught. Poison was poured. A week later they began to find the corpses of rodents, collected, buried. But I had to feel the other side of the coin. The rat ate poison, climbed under the floor, died there. Tore off the board, pulled out one person, after a while - again the smell. The situation repeated itself. There is no mummification. Maybe the mouse preserves the corpse, the rat doesn't.

  2. Vadim

    The rat rarely creeps into the house. It scares away the smell of a person. It can only appear under the influence of poison, or if a whole flock has settled. Set traps in the room where food supplies were stored. Caught more like. Only managed to drag.

  3. Irina

    The house has access from the kitchen to the cellar. There she once discovered a huge rat. Built a trap from a bucket of water. I got a monster after 3 days.

  4. Alina

    We tried an ultrasonic repeller in the country. Rats suddenly came to us. Was so terrified, hard to describe. I bought poison and a repeller. The poison for those who have already mastered the house, the device - who was just about to settle there. A month later, these monsters were not observed.

  5. Sergei

    Ash is the best cure for rats. Rugs, carpets were removed. They poured ash under the walls. Where possible, completely sprinkled the floor. After a week, rodents are not visible, not heard.

  6. Tatyana

    I interfered with flour, sugar, gypsum. I didn’t want to use poison. Rats were wound up in the barn, they were visiting the house periodically. Found a nest in the hay with a brood. I drowned small rodents, I had to tinker with large ones. It was treated with flour with plaster. Put in a bowl, some water nearby. Slowly they all choked. Found 3 corpses.

  7. Daria

    I bought a gel trap. Rats were caught in the country. In a residential building, rodents are not so impudent as to freely walk around the rooms, people are afraid. And there they felt freedom. I found litter on the table in the kitchen, sofa, windowsill, everywhere we visited. They built a trap, nailed to the floor. A week later, 3 hefty rats, 2 small ones were found. Raked along with the trap, buried. They put another one, no one caught. This is the end of the struggle.

  8. Sofia

    A rat crawled up to us, but it moved strangely. Slowly dragged legs, did not react to us at all. Decided under the influence of poison. The husband slammed the poker. It turned out that the neighbors were poisoning. In general, it would not hurt to warn if someone is involved in bullying rodents.

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