Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Mole repeller Ecosniper LS-997MR

Mole eco-sniper - modern mole repeller, shrew, mice, ratssnake little bear from the land plot. Simple application, efficiency, reasonable price have made the device popular among gardeners and gardeners. The radius of impact is 15 acres. Suitable for continuous operation throughout the warm period.

Product Description

Eco-sniper LS 997 MR - an advanced model of the mechanical eco-sniper. It is a long rod with a metal body. At the top is a motor with a displaced center of gravity, as well as an electronic circuit that provides oscillations of different frequencies. Vibration is created every 15-75 seconds, lasts from 1 to 4 seconds.

On a note!

The constant change of vibration fluctuations prevents animal addiction, increases the efficiency of the device, saves energy. Ecosniper works from batteries, which often come as a gift.

Operating principle

The repeller creates vibrations in the soil to a depth of 10 m, the radius of action in an open area covers 15 acres. After turning on the Ecosniper, fluctuations in the soil begin, which the mole's body catches. This is not the device that instantly drives animals from the conquered territory, but gives discomfort with constant continuous operation.

Vibrations irritate the nervous system of the animal, make staying in their own hole uncomfortable. You can notice the result of the repeller during 1-2 weeks. Moles build moles at a depth of not more than 2 m, most of the time they are in tunnels located no more than 50 cm from the soil surface.

On a note!

The eco-sniper does not harm the life of the mole, but makes it crawl into the territory where the shock of vibration is not felt. Like other safe repellers, (both on ordinary and solar powered), does not affect the well-being of a person, does not threaten health, the entire warm season can be used if necessary. Universal mole remedy will clean the garden, garden, flower bed, and also will help get rid of other underground inhabitants - mice, shrews, a bear, ferrets, rats, snakes.

Application rules

Mole repeller Ecosniper LS-997MR
Mole repeller Ecosniper LS-997MR

The repeller instruction is extremely simple, does not require special skills.

  1. It is necessary to insert the batteries, choose a suitable place, put them into the ground by about 1/3 of the part.
  2. Turn on the device.
  3. The metal case protects the repeller from moisture, sunlight, but it is advisable to install the device under cover. Additionally, build a "roof" from improvised means.

In an open area, one Ecosniper is enough for 15 acres. If there are buildings, a cellar, pits, it is recommended to install several devices on different sides of the land. The device should remain on during the whole warm season, the first result can be noticed after 2 weeks. The absence of new molehills on the surface of the earth will testify to the departure of moles from the site.

The repeller independently adjusts the vibration frequency, but the battery charge should be checked periodically. The rest of the device does not require additional maintenance, cleaning, if used correctly, it lasts for several seasons.

On a note!

Moles do not hibernate, in search of food they continue to gradually make new passages underground. In order to prevent animals from settling in the garden, garden in the spring, a repeller is also used in the winter. Manufacturers do not prohibit this, but it is worth worrying about tightness, since electronics can suffer from severe frosts and high humidity, and fluctuations in frozen ground are not so noticeable.


  • put the batteries;
  • choose a suitable place;
  • deepen the rod 1/3 part into the ground;
  • turn on the device;
  • periodically check the battery charge.

It is allowed to take additional measures to scare away or catch animals, if their family is large.


Mole eco-sniper
Mole eco-sniper

Reviews about the mole repeller Ecosniper LS 997 MR are different. Gardeners, gardeners note high efficiency, fast results, safety, affordable price or note the uselessness of the device.

I bought the most expensive Ecosniper with great hope. I have a small garden, according to the manufacturer, one device would have completely managed. But this did not happen a week or two. Moles quietly dug tunnels at a distance of 1 m from the repeller. Here one of two things - either Ecosniper does not help, or moles are absolutely deaf. I will try do it yourself scarershopefully helps.

Oleg, Moscow

This version of the Ecosniper is much more powerful than the previous ones. Moles were wound up in the country, use poison I didn’t want from the intruders, I decided to scare him away. The result was noticed after 10 days, they stopped digging the ground. On my suspicions, they went to the neighbors, as they began to complain about the mounds in the garden. Repeller works, helps, great thing!

Andrey, Tver

Every spring there was always one problem - moles. Fought by various means, decided to try the Ecosniper repeller. Ordered on the Internet. Especially did not believe in efficiency, but hoped. A week later, the animals stopped digging the ground, which testified to a quick, carefree victory.

Anna, St. Petersburg

An effective repeller is made in Taiwan, the warranty period is 12 months, 4 batteries are included. You can buy in a specialized store or order online. The cost of this model is about 2000 rubles.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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