Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Soda solution for mosquito bites for children and adults

Soda from mosquito bites for children is one of the most affordable, simple, safe and effective remedies. A paste, a solution are prepared from soda, combined with other ingredients. To get rid of mosquito bites, make lotions, compresses, put on top of soda, rubbed with powder. The tool has no contraindications, age restrictions.

Beneficial features

Soda against mosquito bites acts due to pronounced antibacterial properties. After an insect bite, a tiny wound remains on the body, which swells, reddens, becomes inflamed in one instant. If disinfection is not carried out, pathogens enter an open, albeit small, wound. A striking sign is the appearance of suppuration, sores. Soda destroys harmful microorganisms, helps stop the pathological process.

Inflammation of the tissues begins under the influence of bacteria, which, once in the wound, begin to multiply actively. Since baking soda neutralizes their effect, the inflammatory process stops. Edema, itching disappears, redness decreases.

During the bite mosquito injects a special substance that does not allow blood to clot, makes it easier nutrition process. People call it mosquito venom. As such, there is no poison in the mosquito's body, but this substance is a strong allergen, causes an instant reaction of the immune system, which reacts with swelling, itching, swelling and redness.

On a note!

Baking soda is able to neutralize the action of the allergen, since it has an antihistamine property.

When to use

Soda from mosquito bites
Soda from mosquito bites

Reaction to mosquito bites each person has an individual. Depends on the sensitivity of the skin, immune system, age, tendency to allergic reactions, genetic predisposition.

An allergy after a bite always occurs, but the degree of difficulty of the symptoms is different. Normally, spots from mosquito bites do not exceed 5 mm, have a slight swelling. Itching disappears without special treatment or with the use of folk remedies within a day. The skin is fully restored in 3-5 days. If there are deviations from this norm, they speak of a strong allergic reaction.

Soda from mosquito bites is used during a normal reaction, immediately after an insect attack or when the bite site is very itchy. The tool is used if the wound does not heal for a long time either child combed a bite till blood.

On a note!

In young children, traces of mosquito attacks are much more pronounced. The body is covered with large red spots, an additional rash may appear, blisters. This is due to too soft, sensitive skin, a weak immune system, and a greater tendency to allergies.

Application methods

Folk remedies for mosquito bites
Folk remedies for mosquito bites

Traditional medicine is used in several ways.

  • Paste. Recommended for adults, children over 3 years. The amount of medication required depends on the number of bites. The pasta is prepared extremely simply - baking soda is diluted with a small amount of water to a pulp state. Apply the composition to the affected areas, leave to dry. The powder is subsequently crushed or washed with warm water and soap.Do not use paste for treat bites of young childrenbecause it is too aggressive for the delicate epidermis.
  • Solution. You can make a soda solution in a few seconds. Pour water into a glass, throw 1 teaspoon of the main ingredient, mix. Wet a cotton wool, bandage or gauze, folded in several layers. After biting with a soda solution, they wipe the wounds or make compresses. Soda lotions with a bite are allowed to be used by children from birth.
  • Combined remedy. Initially, you should wipe the wound with vinegar. This substance neutralizes insect venom, including the secret of mosquitoes. Before the procedure, vinegar must be diluted with warm water or room temperature. After which the wound is crushed with soda powder, gently distributed throughout the inflamed area.

An effective remedy for mosquito and midge bites obtained from toothpaste with menthol, to which a little soda is added. Thoroughly mix the ingredients, apply to the bite site. The tool, in addition to the therapeutic effect, also has a cooling, sedative, relieves severe itchingthat disappears in 5 minutes.

On a note!

Duration of treatment for mosquito bites depends on the complexity of the symptoms, the number of bites. On average, 2 days of active therapy are enough to completely restore the skin in order.


In addition to individual intolerance, the drug has no contraindications. However, it is necessary to take into account the features of the skin in order to avoid the aggressive effects of the component. Do not apply paste more than 2 times a day. Compresses are allowed to be done 3 times for 5 minutes. It is advisable to wipe the affected areas three times a day. If the improvement of the skin within 2 days of active therapy does not occur, you should seek help from a specialist. It is contraindicated in case of severe allergic reaction.

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