Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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How to relieve swelling and itching from mosquito bites in a child and an adult

A tumor and redness from a mosquito bite appears every time after an insect attack. Unpleasant symptoms without special treatment disappear after 2-3 days. Particular attention should be paid to the situation when the tumor is large, accompanied by severe itching. In this case, we are talking about the presence of an allergic reaction, which requires special therapy.

Causes of swelling and redness

During the bite mosquito introduces a special substance that softens blood vessels, slows down blood coagulation, temporarily anesthetizes. Within 5 minutes, the insect calmly drinks blood, and only after a few minutes a person feels a sharp pain of a bite.

Mosquito venom enters the bloodstream, causing an instant reaction of the immune system. A swelling, redness, and itching appear at the site of the bite. The degree of intensity of unpleasant manifestations depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the amount of poison that has entered the bloodstream. The situation worsens with numerous bites.

On a note!

Mosquito venom is not as dangerous as bees, wasps or hornets, unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own after 2-3 days. Relieve itching can be easily folk remedies. In the usual reaction to Mosquito bite spot no more than 5 mm. Well-being does not worsen.

A typical clinical picture is shown in the photo.

Typical clinical picture of a mosquito bite
Typical clinical picture of a mosquito bite

In some cases, a strong allergy to mosquito bites, the reasons for which are as follows:

  • overly sensitive skin;
  • tendency to an allergic reaction;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • children's age up to 1 year;
  • a special reaction of the immune system to a protein that is found in mosquito venom.

A local allergic reaction appears almost immediately, changes in well-being appear during the first day. Below in the photo you can see the symptoms clearly.

Allergy Symptoms:

  • red spots larger than 5 mm;
  • the presence of an additional rash;
  • severe unbearable itching;
  • fever at bite sites;
  • blisters;
  • tumor;
  • headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, weakness.

If after a mosquito bite, the affected area is strongly swollen and reddened, you should use means to reduce pain, prevent complications. Which method of therapy to choose depends on the complexity of the symptoms, general condition, individual characteristics of the body, age, and localization. So, if the child has swollen eyesFirst aid should be provided as soon as possible.

An allergic reaction to a mosquito bite
An allergic reaction to a mosquito bite

First aid for swelling, redness

The sore spot should be disinfected in order to remove the infection, prevent the penetration of a secondary infection, and stop the inflammatory process. Antiseptics help cope with itching, improve the condition of the skin. For first aid, folk remedies, special pharmacy preparations are used.


  1. Rinse the bite site with cold water. It is advisable to use laundry soap or antibacterial.
  2. Treat with antiseptic. For this purpose, use any product with an alcohol content, citrus juice, tea tree oil, calendula, baking soda paste. In the wild, they use their own saliva, which is a strong antiseptic.
  3. To remove the swelling, ice cubes are applied, any cold object.
  4. At home, special preparations after mosquito and midge bites in the form of suspensions, cream, gel, lotion.
  5. Calming the skin, getting rid of itching helps tincture of valerian, motherwort.

In most cases, these actions are enough to stop the pathological processes, stop allergies, activate regenerative processes. In the presence of a strong allergic reaction, they start therapy with the use of pharmacy drugs with a different mechanism of action.

Necessary actions after a bite
Necessary actions after a bite

Tumor treatment, redness

With minor symptoms for therapeutic purposes, it is advisable to use folk remedies. If the condition does not improve during the day or initially there are signs of severe allergies, pharmacy drugs are used.

Folk remedies

To eliminate redness, swelling, itching, apply the juices of plants, vegetables, fruits, tinctures, decoctions. Places of bites are wiped several times a day or make lotions, compresses for 20 minutes.

  • Herbs have therapeutic properties: lemon balm, peppermint, thyme, chamomile, St. John's wort. It is allowed to mix several components. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw material is poured into 250 ml of boiled water. Insist at least 30 minutes. In the wild, from the bites of mosquitoes, a clean sheet of plantain is applied, treated with celandine juice, dandelion. Aloe vera juice will help relieve swelling from a mosquito bite, other unpleasant symptoms. The sheet is cut in half, applied to the epidermis or lubricated with juice.
  • Some vegetables have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Use garlic, onions, parsley, potatoes, carrots, beets. Rub the components on a fine grater or grind in another way. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Lemon juice has disinfecting, neutralizing properties.
  • Extremely effective oils - olive, castor, tea tree, calendula, sea buckthorn. Using these tools, you can get rid of edema, redness in 1-2 days. Also used and mosquito essential oils in order to prevent bites.
  • Baking soda paste is an effective first aid. Add a little water to a pulp state, apply for 10 minutes to a sore spot several times a day. Itching disappears in 5 minutes.
  • The skin is treated with a weak bite solution, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, tincture of calendula, valerian, motherwort.
  • Soap soap, tar soap, foam treat the damaged epidermis. Wash off after 20 minutes.

After the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to treat the skin with a moisturizing, nourishing cream for several more days.

Pharmacy preparations

External preparations for treating a bite site
External preparations for treating a bite site

A direct contraindication to use for any means is the presence of individual intolerance to the components. Before active use, a test should be performed. A small amount of the selected drug is applied to the elbow bend or under the knee. Observe the state for half an hour. In the presence of any unpleasant symptoms, the use of the drug is prohibited.

  • Homeopathic. Active ingredients are oils, plant extracts. Vaseline, lanolin, paraffin, beeswax are used as a base. It is allowed to use small children during pregnancy, feeding.Means soothe, soften, nourish, resist inflammation, disinfect, moisturize, accelerate regeneration processes. Effective drugs - balm asterisk, Rescuer, Off, Arnica, Komarex, Mosquitol.
  • Antihistamines. The composition contains substances that can stop the synthesis of histamine, which provokes an allergic reaction. Due to this, inflammation stops, itching, swelling, and redness disappear. Means increase local immunity, restore water balance, accelerate the recovery process. The drugs have age restrictions, you need to read the instructions. In most cases, it is allowed to apply from 2 years. Effective remedies - Psilo-balm, Fenistil-gel, Bamipin, Soventol.
  • Hydrocortisone. The active ingredient is the synthetic hormone of the glucocorticosteroid group. The substance has a quick effect, stops an allergic reaction. The tool cures itching quickly eliminates red spotsswelling in a few hours. It should be used as directed by specialists. The duration of therapy for mosquito bites is no more than 7 days. If, with independent treatment, the condition does not normalize within 3 days, you need to stop therapy, seek the help of doctors. It is forbidden to apply on the skin in the presence of open wounds, dressings should not be used. Effective drugs - Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, Elokom.
  • Antibiotics. It should be used for complicated eczema with the addition of a secondary infection, which is especially common after combing mosquito bites. In this case, suppuration, weeping appear, the area of ​​redness increases. Combined action drugs contain a hormonal substance and an antibiotic. Apply should be no more than 7 days. The best remedies are Fluorocort, Baneocin, Flucinar.

Drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy or ordered online. With severe allergies, antihistamines are additionally taken - Elcet, Eden, Diazolin.

Treatment of swelling and redness in children

Ointments used for mosquito bites in children
Ointments used for mosquito bites in children

Under the age of 1 year, the child's body reacts to insect attacks particularly sharply. The child has redness, a tumor almost always occurs. Since the baby’s skin is extremely sensitive, special care should be taken in choosing the right medication, than smearing mosquito bites on a child.

Funds up to 1 year:

  • cucumber juice, potato;
  • tincture of calendula, valerian, motherwort;
  • tea tree oil, sea buckthorn;
  • any alcohol tincture;
  • ammonia;
  • decoction of chamomile, calendula, peppermint;
  • Bepanten ointment;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Advantan.

Funds after 1 year:

  • Psilo-balm;
  • Fenistil-gel;
  • Cream Moskitol;
  • Gardex Lotion;
  • Arnica;
  • Fluorocort;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan;
  • Triacutane;
  • Betamethasone.

It is allowed to use any folk remedy in the absence of individual intolerance. In a child, swelling from a mosquito bite disappears more slowly than in adults, on average, the skin recovers in 5 days.

Useful Tips

After mosquito bites, you should not immediately use antihistamines, hormonal ointments. With frequent use of funds, an overdose may occur, side effects, addiction develop, epidermal atrophy develops. Using special drugs is advisable only with obvious signs of a severe allergic reaction.

The remedy for mosquito bites from the category of homeopathy should be in every home medicine cabinet. The drugs are safe, not addictive, rarely provoke side effects, are highly effective. To prevent insect attacks, it is recommended to use protective mosquito repellent on walks, while staying in nature.

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