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What to do if a leg swells after a mosquito bite

What to do if a mosquito has bitten, and a leg is swollen - seek help from specialists. This condition after an insect attack indicates the presence of allergic reaction to mosquito biteswhich requires special treatment. Antiallergic ointments, antihistamines are prescribed. If only the part where it directly bit mosquito, you can deal with edema on your own.

Causes of edema

If a leg swells after a mosquito bite, this indicates an individual reaction of the immune system to a violation of the integrity of the skin, the ingress of a foreign substance. Normally, edema develops only at the site of the bite, the diameter of the redness is not more than 5 mm. When processing with a disinfectant, applying a cold compress, swelling and redness disappears during the day.

Swelling across the leg can occur either with a large number mosquito bites or with weak immunity. There is practically no true allergy to mosquito saliva. The risk of edema increases by itself with a tendency to an allergic reaction. The affected area can swell instantly, then the tumor passes to the entire limb.

The same situation can happen if a child is bitten by a mosquito. The main reason also lies in the excessive sensitivity of the skin, weak immunity. The leg can be very swollen, itchy, but if you take the necessary measures, all this disappears in a couple of hours.

On a note!

If a child under 1 year old has the ability to swell at the site of the lesion - a typical reaction, in older children and adults, leg edema after a mosquito bite is not normal.

Bite site edema treatment

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, accelerate the healing of the skin, prevent the ingress of a secondary infection, you need to perform simple steps.

Treatment of edema at the site of the bite with folk remedies
Treatment of edema at the site of the bite with folk remedies

Immediately after the incident, you need to disinfect the wound using pharmacy drugs and folk remedies. How to anoint a mosquito bite:

  • ammonia;
  • ammonia;
  • quality vodka;
  • a solution of table vinegar;
  • baking soda paste;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • boric alcohol;
  • tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, calendula;
  • juice of cucumber, potato, celandine, dandelion, aloe;
  • plantain leaf;
  • honey;
  • menovazine;
  • propolis tincture;
  • laundry, tar soap;
  • saliva;
  • tincture of valerian, motherwort, calendula.

Ordinary cold or warm water is also used to wash the wounds on the leg. The therapeutic effect occurs with water of any temperature. But cold faster eliminates edema, constricts blood vessels, relieves itchinganesthetizes.

The next stage of therapy is aimed directly at removing edema. At home, use:

  • ice cubes wrapped in cheesecloth;
  • meat or fish from the freezer;
  • Aloe leaf, previously placed in the freezer for several minutes;
  • chilled bottle of drink;
  • a compress of cold water.

On a note!

The procedure should be done about 4 times a day.After such active actions, swelling from a mosquito bite decreases within a day.

Swollen foot treatment with antihistamines

Swollen foot treatment with antihistamines
Swollen foot treatment with antihistamines

If a leg is swollen from a mosquito bite, the first steps are identical - disinfection, cooling compresses. It is more correct to see a doctor with such a symptom, if for some reason it is impossible to do this, the following drugs are used.

Antihistamines for mosquito bites eliminate the external symptoms of allergies, remove tissue swelling, redness, itching. Inhibit the production of histamine, thereby stopping the pathological allergic process. The drug is used up to 3 times a day, applied in a thin layer. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components.

  • Psilo-balm. The active component of an antiallergic anti-mosquito bite is diphenhydramine hydrochloride. The tool has analgesic, cooling effects, so the effect is felt almost immediately. Available in tubes of 20, 50 g. It is stored 3 years from the date of manufacture. It is released without a prescription. Allowed to use remedy for children from mosquito bites since birth. The cost of a tube of 20 g is 280 rubles.
  • Fenistil-gel. The active substance is dimethindene maleate. Antihistamine, antiallergic, antipruritic agent perfectly relieves swelling, cools the skin, anesthetizes, promotes wound healing. Children are allowed to apply from mosquito bites from 1 month, apply a thin layer to the affected area. Children should not be applied to large areas. Is released Fenistil-gel without a prescription, the cost of a tube of 30 g within 400 rubles.

On a note!

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to take antihistamines inside. One of their main actions is the elimination of edema. The dosage is selected according to age, weight. Effective preparations are Fenistil drops, Claritin suspension, Diazolin tablets, Elcet, Eden, Suprastin. The course of therapy for mosquito bites should not exceed 10 days.

Natural leg tumor treatment

Natural leg tumor treatment
Natural leg tumor treatment

The network of pharmacies has a wide selection of drugs that help relieve swelling, stop pathological processes, and eliminate allergy symptoms.

  • Nezulin. Cream-gel contains extracts of herbs - chamomile, celandine, licorice, plantain. Oils - lavender, basil, mint. And also D-panthenol. It is allowed to apply about 4 times a day. The price of Nezulin in a tube of 30 g is about 100 rubles.
  • Gistan. An effective remedy contains a complex of plant components - immortelle, chamomile, and a series of. As well as vitamins to enhance the body's defenses, accelerate cell regeneration. The cost of the drug is 170 rubles.
  • Boro Plus. An antiseptic contains many plant extracts, oils. Relieves itching, redness, swelling, helps the skin recover. It has no contraindications. Due to the persistent smell of plants, it additionally has a repellent effect and can be used as a protective mosquito repellent. The price of a tube with a capacity of 30 g is within 100 rubles.

On a note!

To relieve swelling, you can also use D-panthenol ointment, Menovazin solution, Menthol oil, Boromentol, balm asterisk.

Treatment of edema with hormonal drugs

Treatment of edema with hormonal drugs
Treatment of edema with hormonal drugs

With a severe allergic reaction, large red spots, inflammation, intolerable itching, swelling of the tissues appear. From one bite the whole leg can swell. In most cases, antihistamines are prescribed for oral administration, as well as external ointments based on glucocorticosteroids.

  • Advantan. One of the few hormonal drugs that can be used by children from 6 months. It is made in the form of ointment, cream, suspension. The active ingredient is methylprednisolone aceponate. Relieves unpleasant symptoms, accelerates the process of tissue repair.It should be applied to the foot with a thin layer 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy for children no more than 5 days, adults - 2 weeks. The price in pharmacies for a tube of 15 g within 570 rubles.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment. One of the most affordable means at a cost of 30 rubles. It is released without a prescription. It is allowed to use for children from 1 month. The active component is a hormone from the group of glucocorticosteroids - hydrocortisone. Apply on the foot with a thin layer about 3 times per day.
  • Beloderm. Antiallergic drug with pronounced decongestant, antipruritic effect. The active substance is betamethasone. It has a quick effect, a gentle attitude towards the skin. Contraindicated in case of varicose veins, individual intolerance. The foot is treated 1-2 times per day. The course of therapy is not more than 14 days, for children half. The price in pharmacies is 130 rubles.

If swelling on the leg continues to hold for three days of active therapy, you need to stop treatment, seek help from a specialist.

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