Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How many days does a mosquito bite go through?

How many mosquito bites go through depends on the individual characteristics of the body. For rural population attack mosquitoes does not create as many difficulties as it happens with the townspeople. It’s not only a habit or knowledge of a particular bite remedies, but in a state of health and body adaptation to insect bites.

Typical body reaction

In the process of a bite, a mosquito injects a special substance under the skin that prevents blood from clotting, making it easier nutrition process. The immune system instantly responds to damage to the integrity of the skin, the ingress of a foreign substance. The lesion is very itchy.appears swellingredness, itching, blister.

With a normal immune response, the spot does not exceed 5 mm, swelling subsides in one day, redness lasts a maximum of a week. During the same time, the epidermis is completely restored. The situation does not require special treatment. Suppress mosquito itching you can easily own saliva, any alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide.


Representatives of the countryside are exposed mosquito bites since birth. Antibodies to insect saliva are gradually being developed, the body does not respond very clearly to the attack of pests. To eliminate itching, they use their own saliva, plantain, lemon juice, dandelion, cucumber. The very next day no one pays attention to the affected areas, they themselves pass gradually.

Sensitive skin bites

Mosquito bites
Mosquito bites

In small children, after an attack of mosquitoes, large red spots appear on the body. This situation is due to overly sensitive skin, a weak immune system. After how many days the unpleasant symptoms disappear, it depends more on the efforts of adults.

Initially recommended treat a mosquito wound medical alcohol, ammonia, alcohol tincture of calendula, valerian, motherwort. Or wipe the wound soda solution - 1 teaspoon of baking soda is used for 1 cup of water at room temperature. This procedure will disinfect the wound, prevent infection, eliminate itching, and stop the inflammatory process.

A few more days it is recommended to process mosquito bites balm asterisk, Boro-plus, Bepantenom, any drug based on natural ingredients. In this situation, unpleasant symptoms disappear in 2 days, the healing of the epidermis will last a week.


In the absence of the necessary measures that accelerate wound healing, there are several options - mosquito bites will disappear on their own within 14 days or with combing, the infection will get into the wound, the treatment will last 20 days.

The same situation can happen with adults with excessively sensitive skin, with weakened immunity.

Allergy to mosquito bites

Bite allergy
Bite allergy

As such, there is no poison in the saliva of mosquitoes, but a special secret provokes allergic reaction more-less. If a mosquito bite is kept in a swelling state for more than 10 hours, itching intensifies, redness increases, they indicate an allergic reaction.

With a severe allergic reaction, the child may experience temperature rise, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, nausea, sleep disturbance. To stop the pathological process, special antihistamines or hormones are required.

Initially, it is recommended to treat bite sites with an antihistamine. Active substances eliminate the external symptoms of allergies, inhibit the production of histamine, thereby stopping the pathological process. One of the most effective drugs is Fenistil gelwhich is allowed to be used by children from 1 month. Claritin is its analogue.

With a deterioration in overall well-being, the action of local antihistamine ointments is supplemented with tablets, drops. The dosage is selected based on age. Effective remedies for children and adults Fenistil, Claritin, Diazolin, Elcet, Eden.


If no improvement is observed within 3 days, stop treatment, since in such cases it is advisable to use hormonal drugs based on glucocorticosteroids. It is allowed to use them no more than 10 days, but after 3 days the obvious signs of allergy disappear. The doctor should prescribe the drug. Often prescribed Betamethasone, Advantan, Lorinden, Hydrocortisone ointment.

Secondary infection

Treatment for complications after a bite
Treatment for complications after a bite

Severe itching from mosquito bites makes scratching a sore spot. A small wound appears in which pathogens penetrate. Inflammation begins, redness increases. Pus accumulates in the wound. The situation is peculiar to young children, whose actions and sensations were not followed by adults.

If comb bites, they do not pass for a long time, constantly inflame, a lump appearsseal. It is recommended to use local antibacterial drugs - Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, Tetracycline.

In the presence of a severe allergic reaction in combination with a secondary infection, treatment should be prescribed by a specialist. It is forbidden to use hormonal drugs with glucocorticosteroids, prescribe combination drugs, where the main active component is an antibiotic. Effective drug Elokom C, Triacutan.

How many days mosquito bites disappear depends on the correctness of the action. With timely therapy, the skin will fully recover in 14 days. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms will haunt a person for a long period of time - a month or more. If mosquito bites do not pass, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

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