Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Rubit mosquito repellent

Rubit from mosquitoes comes in the form of a transparent concentrated emulsion. Before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution, which is poured into a spray bottle or a spray bottle. The drug retains properties on the treated surface for about 30 days.


Remedy for mosquitoes is made on the basis of a new generation insecticide - cypermethrin. The substance belongs to low-hazard substances, if used correctly, it does not harm humans, pets.

Cypermethrin penetrates the body mosquitoes by contact. It slows down the transmission of nerve impulses, causes muscle paralysis, and leads to death. To get rid of mosquitoes, a minimal amount of poison is enough. The substance is resistant to ultraviolet rays, temperature. The auxiliary composition slightly maskes the unpleasant odor of the insecticide, provides stable adhesion to the treated surface.

Solution preparation

Concentrated Rubit is sold in 100 ml containers. Before starting use, it is necessary to prepare a solution. Water of room temperature is used. 25 ml of the drug are dissolved in 1 liter of liquid. Mix thoroughly, pour into a spray bottle, spray bottle.

A solution with this concentration is designed to disinfect the premises from pests. Spray ceilings, walls, corners, doors. Apply in the open air. They handle garbage bins, basement doors, and space above an enclosed body of water.

Chop off mosquitoes
Chop off mosquitoes


Chopping off mosquitoes can be used to process clothes, tents, bags, backpacks. The solution is prepared less concentrated. 10 ml of the drug is enough for 1 liter of water. Pest control is carried out outdoors. To put on things is allowed after their drying. Pest protection lasts about 8 hours.

Terms of use

Instructions for use Rubit does not differ from other insecticidal preparations.

Pest control:

  • Processing should be carried out in rubber gloves, a respirator, a protective suit, and glasses. The drug when it enters the mucous membranes, the skin causes an allergic reaction. Without a respirator, poisoning can occur.
  • They close windows, doors, carefully spray ceilings, corners, walls. Leave to act for 2 hours, thoroughly ventilate. It should be washed in places where human hands may touch. Other people may enter the room, animals are allowed after cleaning.
  • Before disinsection, it is necessary to take clothes, food, utensils out of the room, or hide them in cabinets, cover with cling film and bags.

A bottle with a spray, a spray is kept at a distance of 25 cm from the surface to be treated.

Garment Processing:

  • take to the street, hang on a clothesline;
  • process to a wet state from a distance of 25 cm;
  • leave for 1 hour, during this time the unpleasant odor of the insecticide will disappear, the fabric will dry out, the poisonous substance will spread over the entire surface.

Repeat spraying is allowed after 4-8 hours. The number of treatments per day - no more than 2 times.


Cypermethrin is the most common insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. Its effectiveness has been proven repeatedly. However, children under 12 years old are not allowed to use for pest control. Children are recommended to enter the premises after treatment after 10 hours.

Reviews about Rubit confirm the effectiveness of the drug, warn of the need to clearly follow the rules of the instruction.

Customer opinion

Rubit mosquito repellent
Rubit mosquito repellent

We were going to rest in the forest with an overnight stay for 2 days. Birds, water, bonfire, barbecue, fresh air. But this whole attractive picture is overshadowed mosquito bites. We bought Rubit, well-sprayed tracksuits, windcheaters, and a tent. This protection was enough for us for 10 hours. The next day they repeated it again. Ready solution can be used within 3 days. But it should be hidden from direct sunlight. One of the most effective means to protect against mosquitoes in naturethat we had to use.

Alina, Moscow

At the cottage mosquitoes occupied the veranda. It was impossible to be there neither day nor evening. We ate alive, I even had to look, how to smear the bites of a child. She carried out pest control by Rubit, 2 hours did not enter the house. When they entered it again, not a single insect squeaked. Good mosquito repellentbut it must be used wisely.

Tatyana, Voronezh

Chops for processing clothes I would not apply. There are special mosquito sprays. Indoors - only non-residential. Or, if you can spend the night somewhere. I have this drug that causes nausea, headache, and weakness. His grandmother used in the village when we were little. Out of ignorance, they entered the house, no one really held us back, so this is the result. Caution and only if absolutely necessary! It’s better to use proven folk remedies for mosquitoes!

Veronika, St. Petersburg

( 3 grades average 4.67 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    Sprayed 1 time around the perimeter of a plot of 1 hundred parts on the fence at the buildings and all summer without a mosquito. Diluted 100ml in 20l of water

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