Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to save rabbits from mosquitoes on the street and in rabbitry

Vaccination against rabbits for mosquitoes does not protect them from attack by parasites, but prevents the development of a dangerous disease transmitted by mosquitoes, fleas, midges. It is recommended to vaccinate not only animals that are kept in cages in the open air, but also indoor decorative rabbits. To repel mosquitoes, various repellents are used.

Dangerous disease

Myxomatosis is an acute viral infection that begins to develop after an infected bite. mosquito. Mass disease of rabbits is observed during the period of special activity of insects - spring, autumn. But it can happen in any summer month if the window keeps humid warm weather.

The incubation period lasts about 14 days. The first symptoms are souring eyes, swelling, the development of purulent conjunctivitis. After a few days of illness, seals appear on the genitals, head, around the anus. Rabbits lose weight, stop breeding. 2-3 weeks after infection, the animals die.

The disease is easily diagnosed with clear signs of myxomatosis. However, there are forms of the disease with mild symptoms, and cases of virus carrier are also known. Sick rabbits are killed, the cells are cleaned, disinfected. The room in which the animal houses are located should be disinfected. Healthy rabbits are sedimented, vaccinated.

For breeders, myxomatosis is a serious danger. Within a month, the entire population dies. Experts recommend vaccinating young animals at the age of 1.5 months, then periodically revaccinate. Myxomatosis prophylaxis schemes are several - twice a year or every 3 months.


To avoid a dangerous rabbit disease, you need to seriously think about how to protect rabbits from mosquitoes. Vaccination does not give a 100% guarantee, but significantly reduces the risk of illness. Additionally, you need to use repellents that will repel mosquitoes by smell.

Cell protection

Rabbits and mosquitoes
Rabbits and mosquitoes

Rabbits absolutely can not resist the attack of annoying mosquitoes, so the mission of defense is entirely on the person. To get rid of mosquitoes in rabbitry is one of the main conditions. It is also necessary to create favorable conditions for animals to live - a sufficiently large area of ​​the cage so that pets can move freely, cleanliness, fresh litter, the absence of stagnant water in drinking bowls, and the penetration of sunlight.

On a note!

In the dark, wet rabbitry mosquitoes live and breed around the clock. Larvae go through a full development cycle in a week. The habitat is stagnant water, moist soil, litter with urine, feces. Initially, you need to clean the cells, if necessary, rebuild them.

But even under ideal conditions, insects can climb into the cage to animals. There are several ways to protect rabbits on the street:

  • Application folk remedies. Used herbs, vegetables, decoctions of plants with a persistent odor. Rub the cells with garlic, onion, elderberry, tincture of valerian. Rabbits are indifferent to these smells, mosquitoes do not tolerate them. You need to repeat the procedure daily, so this method is not suitable for everyone.
  • Tobacco and peppermint are put directly into the cage. Protection is even more effective if these mosquito plants can be planted near rabbitry.
  • You can protect rabbits that are kept in cages on the street from mosquitoes by special smoke bombs. The range of the agent is up to 30 m. The main active ingredient is permethrin, which causes muscle paralysis in insects, leading to death. For animals, the dose is not dangerous. Active components settle on grass, soil, kill parasites within 30 days.
  • If the rabbits live in a specially equipped room, disinsection is carried out in the absence of animals inside with wide-spectrum insecticides or smoke bombs. There are special preparations based on fir oil.

Cells need to be treated with an effective tool already in April, as mosquitoes begin to show activity at a temperature of +12 degrees Celsius. With the mass reproduction of insects, chemical preparations should be combined with folk remedies.

On a note!

Another method of combating mosquitoes is a special device that attracts insects with heat, infrared light. Mosquito lamps produce different shapes, power, you need to hang up near the cells. A typical example is appliance terminator, which is produced in different variations.

Wool repellents

Wool repellents
Wool repellents

Broths, tinctures from plants, can save rabbits from mosquitoes and midges essential oils, some substances with a strong odor.

  • Spray wool from a bottle with a spray decoction of tansy. The infusion is prepared very simply. Pour the potion with boiled water, leave for a day.
  • Do not bite mosquitoes of rabbits, if they smell of tobacco. To prepare an effective product, cigarette butts are required, which are poured for a couple of hours with cold water or a shredded plant. In the latter case, the tobacco is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes, left for 24 hours.
  • Garlic tincture. Pour water, after 8 hours it can be used to process wool. Repeat the procedure every 2 days.
  • Dissolve lavender oil in room temperature water, citronella. Spray the coat. The oil-based mosquito repellent is highly effective, protection lasts a maximum of 24 hours, cooking lasts a minute, no need to wait until it is infused.
  • A few drops of valerian are applied to animal hair. The smell is very intense, long weathering, does not affect the nervous system of rabbits.

Folk remedies can scare away mosquitoes without much effort. If the number of animals is large, rabbits are impressive in size, use special preparations.

Professional protection

Checkers for processing rooms from mosquitoes
Checkers for processing rooms from mosquitoes

At the time of processing the premises, the cells need to be moved to another place. For disinsection with subsequent protection, insecticidal sprays, solutions, and checkers are used.

  • Tambey. Medical and preventive checker. The average price of a tool is 340 rubles. The drug is intended for disinfection of agricultural, livestock buildings. It is used for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases, but due to the presence of fir oil, it has a repellent property against mosquitoes and increases the immunity of animals. The weight of the checker is 200 g, this is enough for processing a room with an area of ​​200 square meters. m. Rabbits are not required to be removed from the premises. The checker burns for an hour.
  • Vortex. Checker for disinsection of the room from harmful insects. The mosquito repellent contains permethrin aerosol. After ignition, caustic smoke is released, which penetrates into any cracks, increasing the effectiveness of pest control several times. After equipment, it is possible to transfer into rabbit cages after 2 hours with preliminary ventilation. From mosquitoes, 100 g of funds is enough to process a room with an area of ​​650 square meters. The drug from mosquitoes weighing 100 g costs 200 rubles.
  • Fomor. An insecticide in the form of a checker.It is based on permethrin. Smolders within an hour, use of the room after the appointment is allowed after 2 hours. Kills about 30 species of harmful insects. The price of the drug is about 300 rubles.
  • Biolarvicide. A modern effective exterminator of mosquito larvae. The ecological product contains pathogenic bacteria that enter the body of larvae during feeding. The drug is completely safe for the environment, since it has a selective effect - exclusively on mosquito larvae. One gram of product is enough to process 10 square meters. Dilute with water according to the instructions. Spray ponds, damp rooms. It is allowed to apply repeatedly, the maximum is 2 weeks.

Often, special mosquitoes are used to protect against mosquitoes. spraysthat children are allowed to use. When processing rabbit fur, care must be taken so that the spray does not get into the eyes, mouth, nose. It is allowed to spray the back, where the animals will not reach to lick the substance. Gardex, Lafes, Picnic, Moskitol, Kysh mosquito, Oh, Hunter. Protection is valid for a maximum of 8 hours. It is contraindicated to use if an allergy develops in animals after spraying wool.

For processing the premises also use the usual aerosols, sprays. The effectiveness of these drugs is not too high compared to checkers, but can be used as a first aid. Use any repellent - Off, Picnic, Mosquitol, Clean house and even Dichlorvos.

On a note!

Decorative rabbits also need protection, despite living in a person’s house. In this case, any repellents in the form of records, liquid fumigators. It is advisable to treat the pet's hair with essential oils.

Rabbits and mosquitoes - the combination is very dangerous. In addition to the risk of myxomatosis, there is a likelihood of an allergic reaction, immunity is reduced, young growth is slowed down, sexual activity is reduced.

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