Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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Instructions for use Corado from the Colorado potato beetle

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle is a modern systemic insecticide. Potato processing carried out by spraying. Poison destroys adults, larvae of different ages, protects the culture for a month from a repeated attack by pests. The Corado product is economically consumed, does not harm the environment when used properly.


It is produced in the form of a concentrated liquid emulsion. Has a light specific smell. Packed in ampoules of 1 ml, 5 ml vials, 10 ml. Before use, you need to prepare a solution by diluting the right amount in cold water.

On a note!

Corado belongs to the third class of danger, so you need to work with it using personal protective equipment. Subject to all the requirements, the instructions do not affect the well-being of a person, kills pests in a few hours.


The active component is a broad-spectrum insecticidal substance - imidacloprid. Populations colorado beetles there are no resistant to this poison. Poison acts in several directions, providing high efficiency in a matter of days.

The insecticidal substance acts via the intestinal route. The maximum concentration of poison is retained for 5 days after processing potatoes. It penetrates into the body of insects when the product enters the chitin cover, during nutrition.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle
Corado from the Colorado potato beetle


After spraying, Corado is absorbed by the tissues of the plant, concentrated in the green ground part. The process occurs within 2 hours, after which the effectiveness of the drug is not affected by sunlight, heavy rains. Preserves properties from Colorado potato beetles for 30 days, but gradually the protection weakens, finally poison neutralized after a month.

Corado disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. After a few seconds, muscle paralysis, death. The larvae die immediately after spraying in a few seconds. The destruction of the entire population of Colorado beetles occurs within 14 days.

On a note!

Corado does not affect the eggs of Colorado beetles, but kills larvae immediately after birth. There is no need for reprocessing if spraying was carried out according to the instructions.

Solution preparation

It is recommended to breed Corado immediately before use. In this case, the maximum concentration of the toxic substance is maintained. However, manufacturers allow the use of the finished solution for 3 days, provided that it is stored in a dark place.

An ampoule with 1 ml of concentrate is intended for the preparation of 10 l of solution from Colorado potato beetles. Initially dissolved in 1 liter of water, thoroughly stirred, add another 9 liters. Pour into a household spray bottle or a spray bottle. The specified amount is enough for processing plants on an area of ​​100 square meters. m. The consumption of the right amount throughout the plot is calculated on the basis of this norm.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle
Corado from the Colorado potato beetle

User guide

Instructions for use Corado from the Colorado potato beetle is extremely simple, but requires strict adherence to the rules.

  1. You need to work with poison in personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, a respirator, a jacket with long sleeves, trousers. Violation of these instructions leads to side effects. If it enters the skin, the product causes irritation, an allergic reaction, penetration into the respiratory tract, and the esophagus. It threatens poisoning of varying severity.
  2. It is necessary to spray the plant early in the morning or in the evening. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant may suffer from bright sunlight - they will get a burn.
  3. The weather should be dry, calm. The spray gun should be kept so that the spray flies in the opposite direction from the person. Particular attention is paid to the back of the leaves, because it is there that the eggs, the larvae of the first age.
  4. It is recommended to spray the plant with poison during the growing season 1 time per season. In special cases, re-processing is allowed no earlier than 45 days after the previous one. It is forbidden to poison Colorado beetles 20 days before harvest.

Efficiency is reduced if heavy rain falls within 2 hours after spraying. You can not use the drug during the flowering period of the culture, since imidacloprid is a deadly poison for bees.

On a note!

The result of Corado’s action can be seen in half an hour. Adults die during the day. The drug kills not only Colorado beetles, but also many other pests - potato moth, caterpillars, aphids.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle
Corado from the Colorado potato beetle


Reviews about Corado are mostly positive if the tool is used correctly. It is allowed to use in summer cottages, fields.

We have been processing potato Corado for the third year. The result is wonderful. A neighbor poisons pests several times a season, we only 1 time a few weeks before flowering potatoes. Colorado beetles beats instantly, protects for a long time. Harvest wonderful harvest without much effort.

Anna, Moscow

Corado is one of the best remedies. We have a large potato garden, I don’t really want to process several times a season. This poison always helps out. Once sprayed the plant, forgot about bugs and other pests. Economically consumed, affordable price, there have never been any side effects. It is convenient to use - dilute the insecticide in water, pour into a spray bottle.

Anton, Voronezh

Buy effective remedy for colorado potato beetle it is possible in a specialized store, in the market, in the supermarket's business departments; they can be ordered on sites via the Internet. The price of Corado pleasantly surprises everyone. You can buy a bottle with a capacity of 10 ml for 55 rubles. Store in a dark place, away from sunlight. It must be used within 3 years from the date of manufacture.

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