Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to breed Fitoverm from the Colorado potato beetle

A lot has been created to deal with the Colorado beetles pesticideswhich are based on insecticidal components. However, toxic substances to one degree or another can be dangerous, both for the plants themselves and for human health. In this connection, many gardeners prefer safer drugs. Fitoverm from Colorado potato beetle - a preparation of biological origin, which is relatively harmless to humans due to its composition, gained great popularity among gardeners. The properties and features of the use of the tool will be discussed in this article.

About composition

The remedy Fitoferm from the Colorado potato beetle is an insecticide of organic composition, the basis of which is aversectin C - the product of the activity of special microorganisms living in the soil. The concentration of the active substance is 2 g per liter of emulsion.

Penetrating through the contact-intestinal method into the body of a garden pest, the active component affects its nervous system, contributing to the development of paralysis. Subsequently, the poisoned insect loses its appetite, and it no longer poses a danger to garden crops. In this connection, there is no need to collect plant parasites.

Fitoverm from the Colorado potato beetle
Fitoverm from the Colorado potato beetle

The popularity of Fitoverm means due to the mass of advantages:

  • High efficiency is provided by a unique composition, the effect of which on the body of insects can be observed after 8-10 hours from the time of treatment of the site. The maximum effect is achieved after an incident of 3-6 days. Especially effective in hot weather.
  • Security. A drug of natural origin It has no harmful toxic compounds. Moreover, it does not penetrate the plant membrane of the leaf plate and does not accumulate in it. In this connection, does not constitute a danger to humans and garden crops.
  • A wide range of actions. Effectively Fitoverm against Colorado potato beetle, tick, cabbage, leafworm, moth, peach and melon aphid, as well as other pests.
  • Organic insecticide has a short decay time.
  • The tool is not addictive in insects.

However, like most drugs, the Fitoverm remedy for the Colorado potato beetle has several disadvantages:

  • The precipitation-resistant agent is not well fixed on the surface of the sheet, and therefore, there is a need to use additional adhesives. Usually, soap and other detergents serve as theirs.
  • The organic composition affects only adults and their larvae, but it does not affect the oviposition of Colorado potato beetles. It is for this reason that there is a need for re-treatments.
  • High price. The price of the drug varies depending on the dosage, starting from 15-20 rubles. Transparent liquid can be issued in ampoules (2, 4 and 5 ml), bottles (10-400 ml) and 5-liter canisters.
  • The use of the biological product Fitoverm from the Colorado potato beetle in combination with pesticides is unacceptable.

Application rules

Phyto farm application from Colorado potato beetles
Phyto farm application from Colorado potato beetles

It is necessary to prepare the working solution in accordance with the type of culture and the dosage indicated in the manual (how to dilute Fitoverm is indicated in the instructions). For processing vegetables from Colorado potato beetle concentrated emulsion is diluted in a proportion of 1 ml per 1 liter of water. To protect the potatoes, 3 sprays are carried out throughout the season with an interval of 20 days. It is preferable to use the composition in dry and calm weather.


Despite the safety of the biological product when working with it, personal protective equipment should not be neglected.

Numerous positive reviews of Phytoverma from the Colorado potato beetle are evidence of its effectiveness.


The appearance of the Colorado potato beetle on potatoes usually causes me a storm of emotions and indignation. So many insects divorced this summer that I was forced to resort to more radical methods than use of folk remedies. So the choice fell on Fitoverm. She did everything in accordance with the instructions, as a result of which she was rewarded with a positive result. Super tool. I advise everyone.

Marina, Vologda

The garden was sprayed with Fitoverm twice, and there were no problems with the bugs. Cool stuff. Recommend.

Roman, Enakievo

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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