Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Do home or bed bugs smell

Whether home bugs smell, not everyone knows. The opinions of those who discovered the presence of parasites in their home often diverge. In reality, a specific aroma is one of signs of bugs in the apartment. It becomes especially noticeable in places of the greatest concentration of insects. Bedbugs may not have a smell if pests got into the apartment relatively recently and have not yet managed to breed.

Why do parasites smell

What do bed bugs smell like? One smell of bugs resembles parsley, others compare it with jam, for the third it is similar to a raspberry aroma. There are people for whom the bugs smell of cognac, nuts or even a banana. For someone like, but if you feel at least one hint of the above listed smells, you should carefully examine your bed and furniture. Especially if you haven’t eaten either raspberries or almonds recently.

Bed bugs

The sugary sweet smell is secreted by odorous glands, the openings of which bed bug located on the back of the cephalothorax. The composition of this secret includes biologically active components that are toxic to other living things. The odorous liquid can cause paralysis and even death. Insects use it not only for communication, but also for protection. In this way, males try to attract a female for mating or scare away your brothers in the struggle for food. Isolated bloodsucker pheromones are also used for orientation in space.

If crush the bug

Odorous discharge depends on the type of insect. Especially strong incense emit stinkyMost of which are herbivorous insects.


If the insect is crushed, then the smell secreted by it is much stronger than when the pest is alive. At times of threat, the parasite develops a symptom of fear, as a result of which its glands begin to intensively produce a special repellent fluid. The consequence of which is a large amount of poison produced. This explains the excessively odorous secret at the time of the death of the pest.

What bugs smell

Especially in this regard, green stand out forest bugs, which can often be found in raspberries. Putting a berry from a bush in their mouths and chewing juicy flesh, many do not notice the insect sitting in it. After which the unpleasant taste remains in the oral cavity for a long time.

Bed bugs

Bug bug - Another representative, distinguished by its smelly discharge. Insects begin to attack a person’s housing with the advent of colds. Trying to catch this agricultural pest, many have to crush it, experiencing the unpleasant smell of a bug.

The first on the list of such smelling insects is a wood shield, the habitat of which is forests and forest-steppe zones. In comparison with his other brethren, he releases a strongly smelling liquid, even at the slightest danger. Such a pungent smell of bugs has not only a deterrent effect, but also serves as a poison for their future victims.


More often, people have to smell bed bugs. After all, they are found not only in residential buildings, but also in hotels, hostels and even sanatoriums, that is, where there is a constant source of food - a person.However, even with an excessive accumulation of insects, their specifically unpleasant cloying incense is much weaker than that of their forest relatives.

Therefore, the question of whether parasites still smell or not depends on this particular nuance. The characteristic smell will be saturated in the whole room only in case of a long stay of bloodsuckers in the apartment. It is not always possible to get rid of such aromas by one general cleaning. After all, the reason for this is also excrement, traces of them remain on the furniture and walls. And besides, the fragrance lasts a long time. bugswhich use for parasite control. Therefore, redecorating is sometimes the only way out in such a situation.

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