Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Where are the bugs hidden in the apartment

Bed bugs unpretentious, therefore they live in those places where they are suitable for temperature and access to food. The main food for them is human blood. In rare cases, they bite pets, rodents, birds. Comfortable for them is the same temperature as for a person, so you should start looking for where the bugs are hiding in places of rest and sleep.

Where do they come from

Bed bugs can settle and hide in suitcases, they can be brought from a business trip, travel, brought from a place of work, a gym, a bath, purchased with antique furniture. They live in medical facilities, can move from neighborsstay after the previous owners. You can find out that bed bugs appeared in the apartment by the following signs:

  • Bad smell. It is quite specific, secreted by a special gland present on the body of the insect, therefore bedbugs stink. You can clearly hear where the nest of parasites is located, you can see how it looks in the photo. Parasites live in it, they differ in sizeby age. Next to them are the eggsexcrement. Sometimes finding a nest is very difficult. We must proceed from the fact that bedbugs love nooks that are well protected from light, because during the day they sit motionless, not betraying their presence in the house.
    Bedbugs in the apartment
    In the apartment
  • Traces. Insects leave behind traces in the form of feces, which can be near the places of greatest congestion. They look like small black dots resembling ground pepper. Plus - a specific smell. If such blood spots are on the bed, it’s immediately clear where the bugs live. The cause of the appearance of blood traces may be his "killing" during how the bug bites, a man mechanically tries to throw him off, under the weight of his weight saturated bloodsucker, you can simply crush. As a result, blood flows from it to the bed. Insects do not have glands secreting secretion, with the help of which blood coagulation occurs. Therefore, the smallest droplets remain in the place of bites. You can check if there are bugs in the house at night with a white sheet after the treatment. By spreading it and turning on the light, you can immediately detect insects.
  • Bites They will also help you find out if bed bugs are found in the apartment. On the skin in place bedbugs blisters appear, swelling near them, and small droplets of blood on top. Itching also appears, sometimes severe pain is felt. Nearby on the human body can be about 3-7 bites, which are located close to each other.

If such signs are not visible, then parasites are still few. To find shelters where bed bugs can live, night inspection at peak activity of pests will help - from 3 to 5 in the morning.

The note! Bed bugs breed fast, which is the main reason for their appearance. Once in a new habitat, they instantly spread throughout the premises. The fight will be much more effective if fight bugs joint efforts with neighbors.

Where to looking for

If we are talking about bed bugs, then you can already understand from the name where they like to live, but bloodsuckers live in other places, so we will consider this question more broadly and find out where the bugs still live.

  • Mattresses. They are the most dangerous. Bed bugs They love to live in them, it is here that they live, from there they get to bed. Carefully check the seams, folds on the bed, the holes in the sheet. Parasites also like to live in pillowcase pillows, because they create suitable conditions: heat, human proximity and humidity. Because the bed bugs do not like lights, blankets and sheets are not the things where bed bugs can be found. But the duvet cover needs to be examined carefully. For a long time they do not stay in it, since it is washable. An extreme case when bedding in the house is rarely washed.
    Bed bugs
    In the bed
  • Furniture in the bedroom. Parasites wind up in sofas or beds. Often in folding products, the frame is made of wood. Over time, cracks and cracks form in it, those habitats that bed bugs love. Especially they "respect" soft upholstery, in which there are folds, seams, a fleecy surface. You should also pay attention to bed frames, especially at the head of the bed.
  • Indoor furniture. Bed bugs like to be found in closets. They can hide in chips, cracks, at the joints of shelves. Finding them there is much easier than in mattresses or pillows.
  • Curtains, curtains, clothes. Knowing that the apartment has bed bugs, clothes, curtains must be checked. If there are a lot of insects, they can definitely populate them. Unlike linen, curtains and curtains are much less likely to be washed, and bedbugs seem to know this and are happy to hide in their folds.
  • Skirting boards, slots, doors, windows, paintings, wall and floor carpets, laminate. If the population of bloodsuckers has increased sharply, then the bugs necessarily live in these places. Glancing at them, you can easily find them. It can be single individuals or whole nests.
    The habitats of bugs in the house

Interesting! Bed bugs live where they can touch their back and abdomen at the same time. This makes them feel safe. In the apartment, these are skirting boards, slots, pages of books. They quietly penetrate there due to their flat body shape.

How to get rid of bedbugs

If the above factors are present in the apartment, it is necessary to deal with urgent killing bugs. Get rid of them using folk remedies, will not work. It is necessary to deal with them with special strong drugs. You need to immediately go to the shops of Moscow or the city where you live and purchase strong remedies for bedbugs and start processing the apartment. You can pre-read reviews of people who could forever get rid of bedbugs. Living in the apartment in which they live is unacceptable. After their bites, wounds remain, appears allergic reaction, an infection may be introduced into the body.

During the processing of the premises, special attention should be paid to wardrobes, where they like to be found. Sometimes individual individuals can choose clothes for their habitation, they can settle in it larvae. If even a small number of bugs remain after processing, after a short period of time they will breed again.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Sasha

    Everywhere! Where we just did not meet them in the apartment while trying to get rid of. You really need to look at all the furniture, slots, baseboards, sockets, nest everywhere!

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