Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to get rid of bed bugs on your own quickly and forever

Just two decades ago bed bugs unless featured on the pages of the stories of M. Zoshchenko, to see them with their own eyes was nonsense. Now these insects are beginning to actively fill the living quarters. Climate warming, the quick adaptation of bloodsuckers to chemicals, the illiterate approach of the population to baiting parasites contribute to the rapid growth of the bug population. The myth that bugs live only in dirty, untidy houses turned out to be untenable, gloss and sterile cleanliness will not protect against their penetration. And so the question of how to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment is becoming more and more topical.

Features of bugs

To find effective ways to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment will be much easier if you know their physiological characteristics. The insect has a flattened body, the size of which when fed up, barely reaches 8-9 mm (see photo). The speed of movement of an adult is about one meter per minute, larvae only 25 cm. Bed bugs lead a nocturnal lifestyle; they go on a parasitic hunt at night, predawn. In the daytime bedbugs in the apartment are hiding in dark places. They prefer to equip their settlements closer to the victim, directly on the sleeping bed, sofa. Willingly placed under the baseboards, on the walls under the wallpaper, in the joints of furniture and dark, inaccessible places. Insects have good sense of smell and certain flavors. bedbugs are afraid.

Stages of development of bugs
Stages of development of bugs

Adults feed with an interval of 5-10 days, larvae require more frequent nutrition. The full development cycle under favorable conditions ranges from 28-40 days. One mating for a female bug it is enough to lay eggs throughout its life. Over its entire life cycle, the duration of which reaches 18 months, the female can lay up to 500 eggs, and in one day 5-6. The eggs are protected by a strong shell, so almost no chemical product can destroy them.

At temperatures above 50 ° C, below 20 ° C and mechanical crushing bedbug eggs die instantly.

Ways to deal with bedbugs

To permanently get rid of bedbugs at home, you need to assess the extent of infection and choose an effective method. In 70% of cases, bed bugs first occupy sleeping places: bed, mattress, sofa. It is necessary to carefully and thoroughly check these items. Habitat parasites - a sight not for the faint of heart. In order to prepare yourself for this mentally and know exactly how to detect bugs nests and how they look, you can watch the corresponding video.

If a nest is discovered - a chaotic accumulation of adult individuals, larvae, eggs, chitinous shells, dark excrement, a difficult choice has to be made: to throw out or carry out pest control.If the mattress or sofa is old, fighting bed bugs for the right to possess it does not make sense, it is easier to get rid of the sofa itself. In addition to sleeping places, one should examine the entire space of the apartment, furniture, decor items, books.

Bed bugs
Bed bugs

A common reason for the appearance of bugs in the apartment may be neighboring apartments. In this case, the answer to the question of how to get rid of bed bugs involves communication with neighbors and the development of common measures. Otherwise, do not cherish the hope that it will be possible to get rid of blood-sucking insects for a long time. If there are a lot of infected apartments, and one of the owners refuses to carry out disinfection, you can contact the SES and they will forcefully process the apartment of the neglected tenant.


“I never thought that I would have to face bugs. Having discovered these unpleasant creatures in her apartment, she did not become shy and went to the neighbors with a survey. It turned out that in our entrance there are 7 infected apartments. The culprit turned out to be a dysfunctional neighbor who pulls all trash from the trash. Not only did he drag these parasites into the house, he also completely refused pest control. They wrote a collective letter to the district police officer, he sent the case to a civil court and a forced disinsection was ordered. Together we managed to get rid of vile bugs. "

Olga, Volgodonsk

The choice of method, how to get rid of home bugs, depends on the assessment of the contamination of the room, time, finances and forces that a person is willing to spend. The most popular ways to fight:

  • Contacting specialized services is the easiest and most effective way to permanently and quickly get rid of bed bugs in an apartment. No need to puzzle over which drug to purchase, how safe it is. In professional companies, the manager always clarifies all the details about living, the presence of allergies and other nuances. The processing time ranges from 3-6 hours, depending on the area. Destruction of bugs with a guarantee in a one-room apartment in Moscow it will cost 1,200-1,600 rubles and depends on the remoteness of the facility. In regions, the price may vary slightly. Disinsectors irrigate surfaces and interior items, but do not naively believe that they themselves will move the bed, wardrobes, take out houseplants, pack and wash clothes. This amount of work is done by the owner of the apartment.
    Processing Services
    Processing Services


    “I rented an apartment and a few days after checking in at night I felt that someone was biting. He turned on the light and saw a bug on his body. He did not hesitate for a long time, in the morning he called the sanitary service, the guys arrived, did quickly cold mist treatmentliterally in 3 hours. Since then, I have not seen more bugs. ”

    Oleg, Volgograd

  • Self-destruction of bugs using insecticides. An affordable way for everyone to purchase effective insect repellent it is possible in any hardware store, on online trading floors. The price can vary from 100 to 1200 rubles. The effectiveness of the event depends on the drug and following the instructions. In order to forget about bed parasites forever, usually there is a need for reprocessing the apartment.
  • Temperature exposure - in terms of toxicity, is an absolutely safe method and has good results.
  • Mechanical impact is a dubious method, the essence of which is to clean the premises with a vacuum cleaner and night ambushes in order to catch the bug by surprise and kill it with a slipper. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on perseverance and perseverance.

    Bedbug Control Methods
    Bedbug Control Methods
  • Folk methods of getting rid of bed bugs in an apartment. Cost may not always be lower than with modern chemicals. The effect of application varies in each individual case and most often folk remedies good only for repelling insects for a short time.

Self use of insecticides

If you are still thinking about how to get rid of bed bugs at home, it is recommended to pay attention to insecticidal drugs. They do not leave marks and stains on the furniture in the apartment, are easy to use and effective. Chemical preparations intended for wet processing are most effective. This method allows the substance to penetrate into the smallest gaps. Crayons bedbug gels and dry powders called dustyare not able to penetrate into hard-to-reach spots of the apartment and therefore the result from their use is much worse.

Bedbug control in the house
Bedbug control in the house

According to their toxicity, insecticides are divided into 4 classes, the toxicity scale according to the degree of exposure to humans begins with low hazard and ends with extremely dangerous. According to the type of exposure, the drugs are divided into:

  • imagocidal - destroy adults;
  • larvicidal - have an effect on the larvae;
  • ovocidal - destroy the oviposition of insects.

Preparations for home use and composition differ. The most common are:

  • Pyrethroids - affect neurons and destroy insect nerve cells. At the bed bug muscle cramps begin, within a few seconds it wriggles and after a few hours it dies. With insufficient concentration, the effect of the drug may be reversible. The advantages of pyrethroid drugs are the lack of smell and safety of use.
  • Organophosphorus compounds - act on parasites through the digestive system. After application, the insect paralyzes almost instantly and after a short time it dies. FOS preparations include chlorpyrimark, averfos, Sinusan, they all have a sharp specific smell.

    Among all modern chemicals, preparations based on FOS are considered the most effective and reliable.

When using chemicals at home, safety precautions and personal protective equipment should be followed. During bullying in the apartment should not be people, pets. All hygiene items, food should be carefully packaged. All rooms, rooms, balconies, loggias should be processed in one go, so as not to allow the bugs to hide.

Processing Precautions
Processing Precautions

The most popular and affordable means for killing bugs at home are:

Most of all chemicals do not affect insect eggs. Therefore, in order to get the bedbugs out of the apartment completely, it is necessary to conduct a course of several treatments. Since larvae will appear for some time, the task boils down to the systematic destruction of newly minted individuals and to prevent them from growing to adulthood in order to prevent new egg laying. Only a set of measures, and strict adherence to instructions will help get rid of bed bugs.

How to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies

The answer to the question of how to get rid of bed bugs on their own, people have been looking for several thousand years. Over the centuries-old period of fighting bugs, a wide variety of folk remedies have been accumulated for the expulsion and destruction of disgusting insects. Ways like conspiracies, consider it makes no sense, due to their absolute futility. But along with this national piggy bank there are also very useful methods.

Most folk remedies that are applicable at home have a deterrent effect on bloodsuckers. Their use can be rational to make life easier in the period of neighborhood with bugs, while comprehensive measures are being taken to destroy them. The most popular folk remedies:

  • Table vinegar. The smell of liquid can scare off an insect for a short time.It is necessary to process all surfaces adjacent to the bedroom place. The higher the concentration of vinegar, the stronger the effect. Vinegar is sometimes treated with table vinegar to avoid penetration of migratory bugs from neighbors. Naphthalene has a similar effect.

    Bedbug Grasses
    Bedbug Grasses
  • Sprigs of mint wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary can keep insects at a distance for a short time and protect households from bug bites. Sheaves of grass are laid out around the perimeter of the bed, along window and doorways. Herbaria should be updated periodically, as the smell weakens over time.
  • Wet cleaning using dust soap.

You can try to get rid of bugs with the help of solutions based on kerosene, turpentine, ethyl alcohol. When conducting such experiments in an apartment, the combustible properties of liquids should be taken into account and fire safety procedures must be observed. A big minus of these products is a pronounced smell, for weathering of which it will take more than one day, and contact action. To get rid of parasites, the liquid must directly get on the bug. For sofa processing, upholstered furniture this method is also unacceptable, as spots may remain.

Recipes for the preparation of mixtures:

  • Mix 100 ml of kerosene and 100 ml of turpentine and add a few drops of naphthalene.
  • a glass of water, 30 ml of turpentine, 40 ml of kerosene, 60 g of green soap.
  • 200 mg of turpentine, 200 mg of ethyl alcohol, 10 g of camphor oil.


“After finding bugs in the apartment, I read reviews about the effectiveness of folk remedies, I decided to try to get rid of parasites by independent efforts. And they poured them with kerosene, and laid out the fragrant herbs for them, but the bugs continued to bite anyway. Only time wasted in vain. ”

Valya, Rostov

Temperature control against parasites

The temperature of the death of bugs
The temperature of the death of bugs

Bed bugs are very resistant to temperature extremes, but plus 50 ° and minus 20 ° are critical for both adults and offspring. This physiological feature was noticed as far back as the Middle Ages, and people poured boiling water over the places where insects accumulated. In apartments, this method is of little use, because interior items can deteriorate, and neighbors from the lower floors are unlikely to be happy with the appearance of drips on the ceiling.

The modern way to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment with the help of high temperatures is to steam generator application. A household appliance handles things, upholstered furniture, toys, walls, baseboards, sleeping places. All items of clothing, bedding that can withstand high temperatures are washed in hot water. To prevent re-infection, washed and dried items are packed in airtight bags.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Sasha

    Your “folk remedies” didn’t help, the bugs in the apartment as they were, they stayed, it’s a pity not the summer, I would have gone to the country for a month, they would have died out during this time!

    1. a lion

      I’m afraid to disappoint you, the bugs would probably move to the neighbors for a while, and then they would come back. If Folk remedies did not help, try to poison them yourself with chemicals, or contact a specialized service!

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