Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How and how to treat a room from bedbugs

Bedbugs bothered cavemen with their bites. Having moved with a person to apartments and houses, bed bugs continue to deliver discomfort to residents today. Scientists chemists, biologists, genetics are struggling to create a universal, effective and safe means of controlling the population of this blood-sucking parasite. Consider the most popular ways how to process an apartment from bugs in order to get rid of synanthropic insects forever.

Professional Ways to Fight

The most effective method of controlling bugs is professional apartment processing. In large cities, there are many companies that are engaged in the disinsection of private apartments and industrial, office premises. The advantage of this option is the use of effective means:

  • professional insecticides that require special equipment and skills to work with them - Klopoveron, Sinusan, Ksulat-25, Furry, Microcin;

    Xulat C25
    Xulat C25
  • the use of efficient, but expensive devices that the owner of the apartment will not purchase - cold and hot fog generators, cryogenic freezers, industrial hair dryers.

Applied products provide a prolonged and combined effect. At hot mist treatment Suspend high temperature insecticide. Cooling down, the finely dispersed preparation evenly and slowly settles on all surfaces, penetrating into inaccessible places of localization of bugs. Similarly carried out cold mist treatment, the difference is only in the temperature of the insecticidal cloud. Before processing the apartment from bugs, experts assess the degree of its infection.


Disinfestation methods depend on the extent of infection of the apartment with furniture bugs. If parasites are in the room for less than a month, then it is necessary to process all residential areas. In the presence of parasites in the house for more than a month, sanitation is carried out in common areas - the kitchen, bathroom, corridor. When bedbugs bother the owners of the apartment for more than six months, the room is given the status of quarantine, in which processing is carried out on condition that the house is completely cleaned of old furniture.

Firms give different duration guarantees - from 1 year to 5 years. Used insecticides are safe for humans. At the request of the customer, odorless products are used. All preparations do not leave marks on furniture, walls, upholstery. They can effectively fight both adult bugs and their larvae and eggs. Disinfection cost starts from 1500 p. for a one-room apartment. Professional companies can additionally create a barrier against insects from entering the apartment from the outside. But such services are not always available. Often, apartment owners prefer to process the premises on their own.

Professional processing
Professional processing

Self-Processing Methods

You can independently use several ways to combat bed bugs. We will not consider it as a serious means - the physical destruction of parasites.Slippers and the newspaper will not help to clean all the secluded places of accumulation of pests. Various bug traps do not justify themselves, because with a strong infection, insects simply fall from the ceiling.


The method that is used today to create a barrier for bedbugs to enter the bed was described in his story Bedbugs by Leo Tolstoy. Water plates placed under the legs of the bed only stopped the bloodsuckers for a while. The writer was forced to leave the hotel room when parasites began to pour from his ceiling on his bed.

Traps that are manufactured by industry also have their drawbacks. They must be regularly changed, emptied, and they cannot clean the house of bed bugs.

Thermal impact

Scalding, burning, freezing have been used by people since ancient times. Bed bugs can multiply, turn into adults, live in a narrow temperature range. A temperature below - 20 ° C or above + 50 ° C destroys not only imago, but also parasite eggs. To process a room from bugs, creating such extreme conditions is quite problematic.

The temperature of the death of bugs
The temperature of the death of bugs

Prolonged exposure to low temperatures can damage water pipes and heating pipes. A home bug is hidden in the crevices of the furniture and the floor, under the baseboard, in the upholstery of a sofa and other upholstered furniture. So, to freeze insects in shelters, the temperature should be even lower. The use of cryogenic plants, liquid nitrogen or other refrigerants in a separate apartment is unprofitable and does not give 100% of the result.


Bedbugs were the scourge of the Middle Ages. To combat parasites invented various methods. So the four-poster beds were invented as a means of protection from bedbugs falling from the ceiling. The kiln cooker was very popular. This samovar-like “aggregate” killed insects with steam. People used special “devices” for burning bloodsuckers. But these "news" could not reduce the number of parasites and people suffered from bedbugs until the middle of the 20th century.

It is difficult to heat the apartment above + 50 ° C, since the use of a powerful building hair dryer that can give the desired effect is an expensive pleasure. A turbo lighter is flammable and can spoil furniture.

A good result can be achieved with processing the apartment with a steam generator. Ideally, this device should create a vapor pressure of at least 4 atmospheres and a temperature of + 100 ° C to process all the secluded places of the nests of bugs. Hot steam will kill not only bedbugs, but also cleanse tissues from contaminants and ensure disinfection. Using a steam generator it is convenient to process upholstered furniture, textiles, carpets, and bedding for pets. But the procedure will have to be repeated several times to completely get rid of insects.

Steam generator
Steam generator

Increases the efficiency of the thermal method, alternating high and low temperatures. It is worth evaluating the safety and cost-effectiveness of these methods, before buying an expensive building hair dryer or a container with liquid nitrogen.

Chemical methods of control

The most effective and affordable, in a private apartment, is the chemical method of controlling synanthropic insects. When using insecticides, which are many on the open market, special skills are not required. They are safe for warm-blooded animals, including humans. Many odorless bugs or flavored. Means from domestic bugs do not require a long absence of residents in the apartment.


Modern effective drugs for bedbugs often contain several insecticides from different groups, which increases their infectious ability, helps fight insects resistant to popular insecticides. The composition is often supplemented by synergistic substances that enhance the action of active components, which expands the spectrum of action.

Ready-to-use products in convenient aerosol form are available, sprays. Emulsions are easily diluted to the desired concentration with water. Having instructions, prepare solutions for the disinsection of apartments with varying degrees of infection and for prevention.

The most popular remedies for bedbugs:

Spray agent
Spray agent

Liquid preparations are used to disinfect clothes, textiles, soft toys. It is enough to soak a thing in an insecticide solution, and then wash it at a temperature of + 60 ° С. Using the solution it is convenient to process floors, walls, furniture, tiles, plastic panels.

Folk recipes

For those who do not want to live in an apartment treated with chemicals, folk methods for controlling bugs are available. Their impact is based on bedbug fears strong odors. More than 20 plant species possess repellent properties. Kills insects only powder made from dried flowers of Dalmatian chamomile. It began to be used in ancient Greece. Under the name "Persian Powder", a natural insecticide came to Europe with trading caravans and was actively used until the middle of the 20th century.

The safest folk remedies for bedbugs - These are decoctions of repellent plants that are used in the processing of premises, clothes, and furniture. The use of table vinegar will help not only get rid of parasites, but also cure a bug bite. Sachets with dry lavender, citrus peels, wormwood, mint, tansy not only expel parasites from the nests, but also deodorize the room. The same effect is observed when the use of essential oils from bedbugs.

Essential oils, mint, eucalyptus
Essential oils, mint, eucalyptus


At the court of the French monarch Louis XIV de Bourbon there were court perfumers who created perfumes on the basis of essential oils that frighten off bugs, fleas, and lice. In 1829, in the book "Faithful, convenient and cheap means used in France for the extermination of bedbugs," a detailed description of these spirits and recommendations for their use were given. A brief description of the effectiveness of the use of aromas in the fight against "bloodsuckers" was also given there.

Such an abundance of methods for the destruction of synanthropic insects in the room allows everyone to independently choose how to process furniture from bedbugs or the walls and floors of the apartment. But each of these methods requires compliance with the rules for processing the premises.

How to handle an apartment

Before choosing a method of combating domestic bugs and the most effective drug, the room where the treatment will take place, you need to prepare:

  1. Pack tightly and remove food, personal hygiene products, cutlery.
  2. Handle bedding, wash and pack clothes in vacuum bags.
  3. Remove and process carpets, curtains, tapestries.
  4. Take indoor plants out of the apartment.
  5. Remove pets, fish, birds.
  6. All residents, except the person who will process the apartment, must leave the room.
  7. Move furniture away from the walls.
  8. Carry out a general cleaning.
  9. Close windows and doors to avoid drafts.
  10. Processing begins from the far wall of the room, moving to the exit.
  11. Thoroughly treat all the bugs places of accumulation of parasitespossible shelters, walls, windows, doors and openings of air ducts;
  12. Close the room and leave it for 3-4 hours for a more complete disinfection.
  13. Ventilate the apartment thoroughly for 30-40 minutes.
  14. Wash touched areas with soap and soda.
  15. The remaining area is preferably not washed 3-4 days.
  16. Re-process after a week.


Despite the fact that the bulk of insecticides belongs to hazard class 3-4 (safe for warm-blooded animals), personal protective equipment should be used when processing the room - a suit that covers the entire body, rubber gloves, safety glasses and a respirator.

Proper treatment of the premises and compliance with safety rules will help get rid of parasites without causing harm to health.

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