Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Cypermethrin from bedbugs

Bug cypermethrin is one of the widely used insecticides to which insects have not yet developed immunity. Effectively used in pest control, sometimes in combination with others no less effective remedies for bedbugs.

Composition and release forms of Cypermethrin

In its pure form, it is a clear, colorless liquid with a faint odor. Technical cypermethrin contains 8 types of isomers, some of which actively act on flying pests, others on creeping ones.

Cypermethrin is part of the group of pyrethroids and is available in various forms:

  • emulsion concentrate containing the active substance 5-25%;
  • powder that can be dissolved in water;
  • tablets.

Insecticides are used for destruction of bugs by sanitary and epidemiological services. However, in recent years, cypermethrin-containing products have been sold on the free market and are used at home.

Cypermethrin-based insecticides manufactured by Russian manufacturers:

  • Cucaracha- as part of 20% of this insecticide, has many positive reviews;
  • Tetrix - the emulsion contains 25% cypermethrin, packaged in 250 ml and liter bottles, which are used for professional processing;

    Means Tetrix-1
    Tetrix Remedy
  • Tsifoks - contains 25% of the active substance, used as a means for bedbug control;
  • Insecticide - the composition includes, in addition to cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide, permethrin;
  • Dichlorvos Neo - one of the most expensive means, but with low efficiency, because no residual effect;
  • Sychlor 10% cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos - widely used by disinfestation professionals to control bedbugs, not available to ordinary consumers • Sychlor 10% cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos - widely used by disinfestation professionals to control bedbugs, not available to ordinary consumers;
  • Clean House - available in the form of powder and aerosol;

    Aerosol Clean House
    Aerosol Clean House
  • crayon Mashenka It is used to prevent the entry of bugs into residential premises.

Cypermethrin Emulsion Concentrate: Composition and Effect

Cypermethrin from bugs includes the drug of the same name in a concentration of 25%. The drug acts contact - insects become infected only through direct interaction with it. How poison acts on an insect: an active substance blocks the nervous system bed bugthat causes his paralysis and death. The advantage of the tool is non-toxicity to people, as a result of which it is widely used for disinfection of children's and medical institutions.

On a note!

Cypermethrin is stable in an acidic environment, but is well neutralized by alkali. Therefore for cleaning after treatment It is recommended to use a soda solution.

Instructions for use Cypermethrin from bedbugs

To use it, the product must be diluted with water.How to breed and in what proportion, is indicated in the attached instructions, and also depends on the number of insects in the room. Standard mixes 25 ml of the substance and 1.5 liters of water, mixing thoroughly for 5 minutes until completely dissolved. It is better to take a container so that it is not a pity to throw it out after use.


When preparing the mixture, it should be borne in mind that the finished solution can only be stored for 8 hours. Usually 50 ml is enough to handle a large apartment.

Cypermethrin from bedbugs
Cypermethrin from bedbugs

How to use Cypermethrin: the prepared solution is applied with a paint brush or placed in a spray bottle. Handle everything places of possible accumulation of bugs: beds and sofas, baseboards around the entire perimeter of the room, cracks, corners. When spraying, the cylinder must be held in an outstretched hand so that the product does not fall on a person.

Reprocessing is carried out after 3-4 weeks for destruction larvae and young bugs hatched from eggs.

Insecticide Safety Precautions

Cypermethrin against bedbugs has low toxicity, but precautions are still necessary:

  • when working with toxic substances, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves on hands, protective clothing, a respirator and goggles to protect the eyes;
  • for high-quality processing of the apartment, all residents and pets must leave the apartment for a day;
  • wash all personal items from the room, wash clothes, toys and bedding at high temperature;
  • Remove the dishes and products or pack them tightly;
  • after processing, leave the apartment for 2-3 hours, after returning, open the windows and ventilate the room;
  • all surfaces to which children and adults will touch should be washed with a solution of soap and soda.


Cypermethrin is poisonous to fish, so before processing the living room with an aquarium, it must be tightly closed with glass, turning off the air supply through the compressor.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cypermethrin

Cypermethrin from bedbugs
Cypermethrin from bedbugs

Advantages of the insecticidal preparation:

  • the product is not affected by ultraviolet radiation - direct sunlight;
  • the action persists for 30 days after treatment;
  • Cypermethrin is not addictive in insects, therefore it remains highly effective;
  • the drug has a low level of toxicity to humans and animals, with the exception of fish and birds.


  • the substance has an unpleasant odor;
  • the price of Cypermetrin for bugs is quite high;
  • before use, the level of infection in the room should be taken into account in order to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug;
  • does not affect bedbug eggstherefore re-processing is required.

The price of drugs and where to buy

The cost of preparations containing cypermethrin differs depending on the concentration and variety:

  • Cypermethrin emulsion 25% - 100-2000 rub. (various packaging);
  • Arrivo-cyperus 50 g / l of substance, 5-liter cans - 6.8-10 thousand rubles;
  • Tsifoks 25% concentration of the substance - 130 rubles .;

    Means Tsifoks-1
    Means Tsifoks
  • Medilis Ziper - 250 rubles .;
  • Bassoon 100 g / l alpha-cypermethrin - 400-500 rubles.

You can order Cypermethrin and most insecticidal preparations with its content through online stores.

Reviews of Cypermethrin from bedbugs

On the advice of one of his friends decided to treat a private house from insects: bugs and ticks, which began to appear in the spring. At first, he doubted very much whether such a remedy helps from bugs. I bought Cypermethrin and processed all the rooms from pests, but before that I took all my relatives and animals away to my friends to spend the night. A few hours later I had to clean the whole house, because there were a lot of dead insects. So easy and simple we managed get rid of bedbugs and other animals. Thank you for such an effective tool.

Alexey, Moscow

Bedbugs were started in the apartment, from which all the households were horrified. I bought a product in the store called Cucaracha containing a strong insecticide.At home, I had to do a full treatment, evicting all relatives for a day to my friends. The bugs were safely poisoned, though after 2 weeks, individual individuals began to appear and processed everything again, as it should according to the instructions. Now there are no bugs in the apartment.

Michael, Odessa

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