Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Tick ​​bite location: itching or not

After a walk, you must carefully check all exposed areas of the body, in recent years ticks divorced a lot. You can get a "lodger" not only in the forest, even strolling in the park, it is easy to pick up a parasite. It will not be possible to find out about the presence of an arachnid without inspection soon, since there are no extraneous sensations in a person. Whether a tick bite itches afterwards, not everyone knows.

Bite features

The tick penetrates under the skin of a person painlessly, it is possible to find out about the offender with redness of a certain area of ​​the skin. Visually, a miniature pest can not be noticed, one of the indicators of presence is a burning sensation, but the symptom does not appear immediately.

On a note!

This phenomenon is explained quite simply, the saliva of the parasite contains enzymes that anesthetize the bite site. This liquid is a strong allergen, the consequences of which can occur after a month. After tick removal in the right way, the bite site is itchy at times, but you can’t just comb it.

Why not scratch?

Tick ​​bite on the human body for some time does not manifest itself. As soon as the parasite drinks blood, it the body swells, redness begins to appear, in parallel, itching occurs.

Itching after a tick bite
Itching after a tick bite

There are several reasons why combing a bitten place is strictly prohibited:

  • in the process of combing to relieve unpleasant sensations, it is possible to introduce other infections;
  • if arachnid has not been removed, scratching can damage the body of the tick, which will provoke the occurrence of various diseases;
  • scratching a person does not get rid of the symptomatology, over time it will only intensify.


If the bite site turns red and itches, do not wait for improvement, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will appoint the necessary examination to a person after a biteprescribes local drugs.

What to do if a tick bite itches

If, after removal of the parasite, the site of the tick bite itches, it is a normal response. So the body fights with foreign substances in the body, which are strong allergens.

If after a tick bite the wound itches for the second week, you should not panic, it is better to use some means to help reduce symptoms. Panic is not the best way out of the situation, the use of funds will help calm unpleasant sensations quickly.

Remedies for itching
Remedies for itching

There are several methods to eliminate itching:

  • Medication involves the use of drugs from the pharmacy, a special place is occupied by funds containing antihistamine components. If the problem persists for a long time, itches after a week, the drugs will cope in this case too.
  • Folk remedies are also effective, the use of which has passed the test of time more than once. The most common option is a soda compress, it is the best lifeguard when itching.
  • An asterisk has a calming effect for external use, the plant is crushed, applied to problem areas, in neglected cases, the decoction of the plant is drunk. A good result will be given by the extract of hemamelis, decoction of angelica. Apply the options separately.

Itching or not is not so important, but if a person’s tick bite has swollen, then seeking help from a specialist is mandatory.When removing the parasite a fragment of the body may remain under the skin, which provokes the resulting inflammation. The reaction occurs when ingested borreliosisOnly additional research will reveal the true picture.

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