Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.


Ticks - arachnid arthropods, which are carriers of dangerous diseases: encephalitistick-borne paralysis, typhus, Lyme disease. Faced with a blood-sucking parasite can not only outdoor enthusiasts or tourists, you can suffer from a pest attack even when walking in a park or park. Hiding on tree branches and in the grass, the bloodsuckers are waiting for a suitable victim to catch on and get enough of human blood. Therefore, before going to nature or to any forest-steppe zone, you need to take care of your protection using a tick repellent. You can protect yourself from blood-sucking parasites by various methods, using chemical or folk remedies.


There are several types of preparations against arthropods: acaricidalrepellent and combined.


Acaricidal - a means of killing ticks. They have a paralyzing effect on arachnids, which subsequently causes their death. Available as aerosol or crayons.


Due to the content of toxic substances in the composition of such products, they are used exclusively for processing adult clothing, avoiding contact with the body. The protective effect lasts on average for two weeks.

Aerosol Tornado Anticlesch

An aerosol that destroys bloodsuckers, which includes alpha-pericamethrin, a substance that kills ticks. Processing of clothes from ticks is carried out in a well-ventilated area or on the street. The composition is sprayed at arm's length 25-30 cm from the fabric surface. Processed clothing is ready for use after the agent has completely dried. The protective action lasts up to 15 days. If things get wet or wash, the treatment is repeated.

On a note!

The composition can not be used for the processing of children's clothing, as well as things of pregnant and lactating women. The price of the bottle (100 ml) is in the range of 90-100 rubles.

Aerosol Gardeks antiklesch

Gardex Remedies for ticks
Gardex Remedies for ticks

Another effective tool that destroys ticks, the active components of which are alphacipermetrin and permethrin. As auxiliary substances, perfume and hydrocarbon propellant are used. The composition is detrimental to parasites in contact with treated clothing.

The processing of things is carried out in the same manner as described above. The action of active substances lasts for two weeks. After washing or getting things in the rain, the clothes are soaked again.

Aerosol can not handle skin, things of children and women during pregnancy and lactation. Aerosol spray can cost Gardex 150 ml in the region of 200-240 rubles.

Aerosol Permanon

Escaping Ticks it is possible also by means of Permanon aerosol, in which permethrin acts as the active substance.The contact of parasites with the composition leads to their rapid poisoning (pests begin to die after 5 minutes), after which the bloodsuckers themselves fall off from the attachment point on clothes.

An aerosol agent is sprayed onto clothing at a distance of 25 cm from the fabric surface. The applied composition retains its protective properties for 10-14 days.

On a note!

You can extend the protection period to the right moment if you pack your clothes in an airtight bag. The disadvantage of this tool is the lack of resistance to water.

Fumitox Antischisch Spray

It is possible to escape from ticks through the drug Fumitox-ant tick. The tick and mosquito spray contains alphacipermetrin and N, N-diethyltoluamide, due to which it has a lethal effect on parasites.

The protective effect of the drug lasts up to 15 days. If the outlet in already processed clothing is delayed, it must be folded into a sealed plastic bag. The cost of the spray (100 ml) in the range of 80-90 rubles.

Crayon Pretix

It is an acaricidal agent based on alfamethrin and alfacipermethrin. Both insecticides have a neuroparalytic effect on parasites, which leads to a violation of their coordination, and subsequently to death. To prevent ticks from attacking, it is necessary to draw in chalk two distinct strips in the area of ​​the legs and shoulders. A bloodsucker caught on poisonous particles will die within 5 minutes and fall off clothing.

The disadvantage of this tool is the rapid shedding of the active composition, as a result of which there is a need for re-processing. The cost of acaricidal chalk is about 35 rubles.


We often go hiking, so in order to protect ourselves from tick bites, always take Gardeks anti-mite with you. Very effective and easy to use tool. We spray all outer clothing and equipment with an aerosol - and parasites are not afraid of us.


Tick ​​protection products
Tick ​​protection products

Repellents are tick medicines that have a deterrent effect. They can process clothes and skin, paying particular attention to the favorite areas of the bloodsuckers (armpits, the inside of the knees, neck).

Repellent products may have a different composition. The most common component is diethyltoluamide, the smell of which is not only afraid of ticks, but also flying insects. They can be in the form of a spray, gel, lotion or cream.

Spray OFF Extreme

OFF Extreme Spray is the best tick repellent. It guarantees long-term protection against tick bites, mosquitoesmosquitoes horseflies and others blood sucking pests. The active ingredient is N, N-diethyltoluamide (30%). Drug Off It has a pleasant smell, does not leave greasy spots on the skin and things.

For application to the skin, the composition is sprayed onto the palm of your hand for 3-5 seconds, after which open areas of the body are treated with patting movements (no more than 2 times a day). Things are processed at a distance of 15-20 cm until slightly moistened no more than 1 time in 3 days. The protective effect against ticks lasts for 5 days, against mosquitoes - for a month. The composition is not recommended for children and people with sensitive skin. The price range of the spray varies from 100-120 rubles.

Cream Barrier

Cream barrier will help protect the skin from carriers of tick-borne encephalitis pathogens. The composition of the product includes birch bark tar, due to which it has disinfectant and insecticidal properties. The composition provides effective protection against ticks for 10 hours.

The cream is applied to open areas of the body, they also process things: trousers in the shin area, sleeves - on the wrist. You can apply a creamy composition to the face, avoiding contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Equipment is also treated with cream (backpacks, bedding). A tube of 30 g costs about 100 rubles.

Cream Lesovik Makosh

Lesovik mite cream has a repellent effect due to the essential oils of geranium, citronella, lavender, wormwood and almond included in its foundation.It also has an antibacterial effect. Nontoxic composition allowed for use by children at the age of 2 years. The composition is applied to the wrists and legs, in the neck and ears. There is a jar of cream (20 g) about 300 rubles.

Ultra Thon Lotion

Ultra Thon Lotion
Ultra Thon Lotion

Another tool for ticks for people based on DETA, made in the form of a lotion. Protection from bloodsuckers is provided by a special polymer that increases the duration of action of the protective components. Interacting with odors and substances that are released by human skin and breathing, the stimulation of sensitive receptors of blood-sucking pests is blocked, as a result of which they do not recognize a potential victim.

When applied to the skin, the product retains its properties for 12 hours in conditions of high humidity and high temperatures. There is a lotion of 500-530 rubles.


We love to go out in the summer with family for picnics. We are saving ourselves from mosquitoes and ticks with the OFF Extreme spray, for children we take the OFF for children. I process clothes in advance and during the rest I do not worry either for myself or the children.

Lyudmila, Vologda

Combined funds

Combined anti-mite drugs combine both acaricidal and repellent effects, and, accordingly, are created on the basis of two active substances (alfamethrin and diethyltoluamide). Insecticidal-repellent products are available in the form of aerosol sprays that are applied exclusively to clothing. An example of such preparations is an aerosol:

Referring to reviews about tick remedies, such drugs are more effective and reliable.


So that pastime in nature is not overshadowed by ticks, mosquitoes and mosquitoes, I take the Medilis Ziper aerosol with me. The killer protects against parasites for 14 days. It is enough for them to handle things, equipment and a tent and you can safely enjoy a pleasant stay. Recommend.

Roman, Tula

Insect repellent
Insect repellent

For treatment and prevention of tick-borne encephalitis they also use a medication - tablets from ticks Iodantipirin. The chemical preparation based on iodantipyrine has a wide spectrum of action, it has interferonogenic antiviral and immunomodulating properties.

Take the medicine for ticks at 3 tablets per day according to the scheme specified in the instructions. Contraindications Iodantipyrine is pronounced impaired liver and kidney function, childhood, pregnancy and lactation. A package of 50 pieces costs 470-500 rubles.

Folk remedies

Not being able to use chemicals, you can use folk remedies for ticks, which are affordable and safe.

  1. Essential oils. Peppermint, clove, rosemary or eucalyptus essential oil is applied dropwise in places where ticks most often attack. You can also mix a few drops of any of the above oils with skin cream. The resulting ointment from ticks for people is a very simple, affordable, and most importantly effective and safe tick remedy.
  2. Vinegar. Apple cider vinegar will help to avoid the attack of bloodsuckers. It is enough just to treat them with exposed parts of the body, especially in those places where ticks most often attack. You can also get rid of bloodsuckers and with a mixture of vinegar (100 ml), water (400 ml), liquid soap (20 ml), lavender oil (3-4 drops).
  3. Olive oil Repelling bloodsuckers is effective when using a mixture of 4-5 tbsp. l olive oil, extracts of lavender and geranium, taken in equal quantities (20 k.). The resulting composition is used to treat the skin.


I try to use chemistry less, getting by folk remedies. And I was convinced that the essential oils are effective against ticks and mosquitoes. Cheap and cheerful. Recommend.

Veronika, Sevastopol

This method of scaring away is effective with a small accumulation of pests.If you plan a long stay in a potentially dangerous place, then it will be more appropriate to choose acaricidal or combination drugs, since they have a longer effect of protection against bloodsuckers.

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