Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Acaricides for ticks

Acaricidal preparations from ticks contain biological or chemical substances that can destroy blood-sucking parasites on the territory of a residential or utility room, in forest and park areas. These drugs are used for personal protection of people visiting such places.

Composition and purpose

The name "acaricides" comes from 2 words: acari (tick) and cide (shorten), which means a means of reducing the number of ticks. It is these drugs that are used to destroy the "bloodsuckers" on plants, indoors, city parks and forests.

Experts attribute ticks to the most dangerous parasites because of their ability to become vectors of severe infections:

  • encephalitis, which heavily affects the condition of the central brain and the entire human body;
  • Lyme disease (borreliosis), which is chronic in nature and affects many human systems: heart, blood vessels, nervous system, etc.).

That is why regular processing of the territory with special preparations is carried out in order to preserve the health and life of people and animals.

On a note!

The main substances that make up acaricides against ticks are chemical compounds of phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur and mineral oils.

Classification of Acaricides

According to the method of exposure, acaricides are divided into:

  • contact, causing the death of pests after contact of the drug with his body;
  • systemic - their components are absorbed by plants, and after the parasites eat processed greens they penetrate into their bodies;
  • fumigants - act through the respiratory organs;
  • intestinal - through the digestive organs.

Acaricidal drugs from ticks in their composition are divided into several groups:

  1. Insectoacaricides are drugs used to kill arachnids and insects.
  2. Specific acaricides are agents of a narrower focus, their action is aimed only at arachnids, refer to contact substances, destroy adults and their eggs.
  3. Acarofungicides - their action is aimed at the destruction of ticks and pathogenic fungi (sulfur in granules and powder), the main disadvantage is severe toxicity for many types of insects.
Acaricides for ticks
Acaricides for ticks


The first group includes:

  • chlorine-containing compounds (CSU) - the most effective means, which include dichlorodiphenyl trichloromethylmethane (DDT) and hexachlorane (HCH) - act on parasites by the contact-intestinal method, getting through the shell and digestive system, cause paralysis of the extremities and overexcitation of the tick’s nervous system, which he dies; the main disadvantage is rapid addiction (resistance) in parasites;
  • organophosphorus compounds (FOSs) - when an insect enters the body, they block the activity of ACE protein enzymes, which provokes impaired passage of nerve impulses, muscle tremors, paralysis and death of the parasite begin (Actellik, Karbofos,Sumiton); the disadvantage of the group of FOSs is the lack of effect on the eggs, as well as with frequent use, a gradual addiction to the drug is formed;
  • avermectins - funds that are obtained synthetically from soil fungi, have a neurotoxic effect, causing paralysis and respiratory arrest (Akarin, Fetiverm, Vertimek);
  • amidines - preparations are made from carboxylic acids, forming chemically stable compounds, they have a deterrent effect on parasites, and are used for the manufacture of animal products (collars, tick drops);
  • pyrethroids - are synthetic compounds that are similar in effect to the Dalmatian chamomile, have high but selective toxicity, and are used to treat ectoparasites in animals and agricultural crops (Danitol, Mauritius).

Specific acaricides

This group of acaricides from ticks has a diverse composition and is represented by drugs:

  • sulfur compounds or sulfacids - act in a contact way on ticks and their eggs, reducing the fertility of females (Omayt, Nissoran);
  • tetrazines (Apollo, Flumayt) - means that have active components that act at all stages of development of arachnids;
  • benzylates - contain bromine, which destroys parasites and has a long protective effect (Neoron), drugs have low resistance, that is, ticks do not develop addiction.
Tick-borne insecticide and acaricidal
Tick-borne insecticide and acaricidal

The use of acaricides: features and rules

So that the use of acaricidal agents is as effective as possible, they should be used according to the following rules:

  • the working solution should be prepared exactly according to the instructions that are attached to the purchased product, it must be used immediately, and the residues must be disposed of;
  • it is forbidden to store and reuse the prepared solution;
  • treatment for plants is best done using a special sprayer;
  • choosing the time for the procedure, you should be guided by the weather conditions: you need no wind and rain, the optimal time is morning or evening;
  • to guarantee the ingestion of insecticide-acaricidal preparations of contact-intestinal action, it is necessary to moisten all plants evenly and thoroughly;
  • optimal air temperature during spraying is + 15 ... + 25 ° С;
  • mixing different drugs is not allowed, because many are incompatible in chemical components and can mutually block each other.

On a note!

During spraying, protective clothing should be provided for the person who will conduct it: a respirator, gloves, etc.

The procedure for using acaricides indoors

During the processing of the premises with acaricidal agents, it is necessary:

  • before the procedure, remove food products and household items;
  • remove from the premises all animals and people;
  • use personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves, etc.);
  • it is recommended to carefully handle the most inaccessible places (skirting boards, cracks in the floor, cracks, etc.);
  • close the room for several hours for maximum effect;
  • then open the windows and doors and ventilate all rooms (at least 40-60 minutes);
  • carry out wet cleaning with soda solution (you can use both baking soda and soda ash).

Acaricides for processing plants

The most popular acaricides for gardening:

  • Medilis Ziper - liquid concentrate, contains 25% cypermethrin, destroys adult ticks in the treated area, can be used to process clothes, protection time - 60-90 days; packaging cost of 0.5 l - 1,500 rubles .;

    Means Medilis Ziper from ticks
    Means Medilis Ziper from ticks
  • Sipaz Super - a strong concentrate that kills all ticks, acts for 1.5 months; highly toxic drug, price per 1 liter - 2250 rubles .;
  • Tsifoks - contains 25% cypermethrin, destroys ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flea and ticks, the price of 0.5 l - 700 rubles .;
  • Akaritox - a drug in the form of a suspension, the main active ingredient is alphacipermetrin, kills parasites instantly, including those located underground. price 1700 rub .;
  • Force Site - a preparation containing organophosphorus compounds of fenthion (25%); the price for 0.5 liter is 1550 rubles.


I spend annually tick treatment Means Medilis. There are no ticks and mosquitoes for a long time and you can safely be in the country.

Arthur, Voronezh

Acaridides for human protection

To protect a person who goes for a walk in the forest or on a picnic, it is recommended to use acaricides that contain toxic substances (alpha-cypermethrin, etc.).

Combined preparations containing acaricidal and anti-mite supplements, which include alpha-cypermethrin and diethyltoluamide, are used to scare away and destroy “bloodsuckers”. Due to their negative effects not only on insects, but also on humans, such tick remedies applied by applying to clothing.


Drugs are not recommended for use in children's clothing and for protection against pests of pregnant women.

Tick ​​Moskitol Spray
Tick ​​Moskitol Spray

The most common acaricides for humans:

  • Mosquitol (Mosquitall) - Russian-made aerosol produced by Biogard company, used for spraying on clothes and camping equipment from a distance of 20 cm, protection time - 1-2 weeks; the cost of 100 ml - about 120 rubles .;
  • OFF! Extreme - spray made in the UK, repels blood-sucking parasites, applied to exposed skin (except the face) and clothing, valid for 8 hours; price per 100 ml - 140 rubles;
  • Medilis-Comfort (made in Russia) is an insecticide-repellent agent that repels and destroys mosquitoes, ticks and other bloodsucking after application to clothing, it is forbidden to apply to the skin; protection time - up to 2-3 weeks; price per 100 ml - about 300 r .;
  • Gardeks Extreme (Gardex Extreme, pr-va Russia) - acts on flying and crawling "bloodsuckers", including taiga and forest ticks, price 150 ml - 100 r .; it is used for processing natural tissues, the protection time is 5 days, it is not used in children and pregnant women;
  • Breeze Antiklesche - an aerosol that destroys parasites provides maximum protection; it is applied to clothes worn over underwear; the validity of the product is 5-15 days; the cost of 140 ml - about 400 p.; acts similarly and Reftamid Antiklesh;
  • UltraThon - spray or emulsion (made in the USA), repels and protects against tick bites; allowed to be applied to skin and clothing (except leather); valid for 12 hours; price 177 ml - about 600 p.;
  • Komaroff Antiklesh (Chemist, Russia) - repellent spray, applied only to clothing and camping equipment from a distance of 20 cm; not applicable for children and pregnant women; protection period - 10 days; price 125 ml - 105 p.;
  • Tick ​​picnic - a spray that repels bloodsuckers, is used to process natural tissues, the protection effect lasts 3 days when stored in a bag; price 125 ml - 100 p.


Before going to the forest, I always process clothes with Gardex. It’s better to spend 100 rubles and a few minutes than sweat around the labs, taking tests after a bite, and worry: the tick is contagious or not.

Acaricidal drugs are widely used to destroy ticks and protect them from walking on nature or in the garden. However, you should carefully read the instructions so that their use is safe for people of any age, animals and plants.

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