Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Ticks in Krasnoyarsk 2019

Where to pass the tick for analysis in Krasnoyarsk, where to get the vaccine for free or for money, what is the situation regarding the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis in 2019 - these and many questions I worry about all the inhabitants of the region, so the following information will help you orient yourself and direct them to the right actions.

The situation in 2017

Over the past 10 years in Krasnoyarsk there has been a steady downward trend in incidence tick-borne encephalitis. This is facilitated by measures to destroy parasites in forests, in the fields, near residential buildings, as well as vaccination of the population. Last year, 231 cases of the disease were registered, which corresponds to an indicator of 8% per 100 thousand people.

In the medical and preventive organizations of Krasnoyarsk for the extraction of ticks, more people began to apply, in comparison with previous years. Officially recorded 21011 people, of which more than 3 thousand children. Emergency free immunoglobulin vaccination was received by 63% of applicants, mainly children.


In 2017, 7 fatal cases were registered in Krasnoyarsk. All patients were not vaccinated in advance. Therefore, vaccination remains the main preventative method of the disease. Last year, 134537 people were vaccinated. It is recommended to start in the fall - October, November, the second vaccine is received in the spring. After 12 months, revaccination is carried out. Subsequently, vaccinations are made every 3 years.

Rapid diagnosis of ticks was carried out in laboratories. For analysis, the residents of Krasnoyarsk bring more than 10 thousand parasites. An affirmative result was obtained in 2% of cases. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the volume of preventive treatments of the area is constantly increasing. In 2017, acaricidal pest control was carried out on an area of ​​4428.13 hectares.

Ticks in Krasnoyarsk 2019

This year, the heat came much earlier, ticks woke up after hibernation in March. While there are cases of viral encephalitis, borreliosisNo other infections have been reported.

To pick up a parasite, it is not necessary to go deep into the forest, pests can hide in the city park, in the grass near the lake, in the courtyard of your own house. Last year, a pet brought the first tick in March to the apartment of Krasnoyarsk. Tick ​​Season will begin in March-April, will end closer to October.

Tick ​​bite preventive measures
Tick ​​bite preventive measures

In order not to become a victim of bloodsucking parasites, you need to remember protective measures. Even vaccinated people should be careful.

  1. Use repellents.
  2. Protect skin with clothing with cuffs.
  3. Wear hats when heading for the forest.
  4. Do not use sweet perfumes that attract parasites.
  5. In the forest, you should inspect each other every 2 hours, remove parasites from clothing.
  6. Upon returning home, throw everything in the wash, take a shower, carefully inspect the body.
  7. Check for pet parasites.
  8. Spend site processing near the house, household, country. For this use acaricidal drugswell established Tsifoks, Ram, Dr. Klaus.

The forecast and rules of conduct are no different from previous years.The only difference is that people began to take the issue of prevention much more seriously, therefore, cases of infection appear much less often.

Where to get a tick for analysis in Krasnoyarsk

The first signs of the disease appear 14-30 days after tick bite. Hand over blood for encephalitis earlier than two weeks after the attack of the parasite is not recommended, since the result will not be reliable. In order to calm their nerves, to timely respond to the problem in case of infection, the tick after extraction, Rospotrebnadzor recommends taking it to the laboratory for analysis.


In Krasnoyarsk, only a living tick or a dead one, but a whole, is taken as the test material. Therefore, it must be removed carefully. You can remove the parasite yourself or seek help from specialists.

In the first case, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. To treat the place around the tick’s body with medical alcohol, this will weaken the muscles of the parasite and facilitate extraction.
  2. Pick up the body at the base with tweezers or special device. Gently begin to rotate in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. Changing direction is not recommended. For 2-3 turns, the parasite will be outside.
  3. In a glass jar, put a cotton wool moistened with water, on top of the pest, close the lid.


Material should be taken for examination within 48 hours. Where to check the tick in Krasnoyarsk, information is updated every year on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. The Hygiene and Epidemiology Center is operating all year round at ul. Sopochnaya, 38.

With an increase in the number of citizens' appeals, the detection of encephalitis parasites, tick reception centers in Krasnoyarsk will begin to open in different areas of the city. Addresses will be posted on the site later.

Tick ​​research
Tick ​​research

Last year, survey centers were located on the territory of state clinics, as well as at the following addresses:

  • Krasnoyarsk, st. 26 Baku Commissars, 29;
  • Lesosibirsk, st. Mira, 5;
  • Achinsk, st. Tolstoy, 23;
  • Minusinsk, st. Komarova, 1.
  • Kansk, st. Edeyman, 9
  • Sharypovo, 2 microdistrict, 8/4
  • Zaozerny city, st. Mira, 54, pom. 27
  • Balakhta district, n. Balakhta, st. Soviet, 113a.

You can make an appointment directly on the clinic website or by calling (391) 202-56-19, 202-58-08. The approximate work schedule is from 8.30 to 16.00 on weekdays, on weekends from 12 o’clock.

The cost of examining a tick for various infections in Krasnoyarsk:

  • encephalitis (CVE) - 247 rubles;
  • Lyme disease or borreliosis (IKB) - 681 rubles;
  • 4 infections - 1132 rubles;
  • 6 infections transmitted by ticks - 1730 rubles.

Branches of the Center are available in several cities of the region.

You can find out the result of a tick test in Krasnoyarsk in a few days by calling the phone above, or look at the clinic's website.

Where to go if a tick bit in Krasnoyarsk

Tick ​​bite
Tick ​​bite

You can pull out the parasite yourself or go to a specialist. Where to get a tick in Krasnoyarsk, there are several options. Contact the clinic at the place of residence, remove the parasite at the sanitary inspection room, at the trauma center, in the infectious diseases office.

Highly qualified assistance at any time of the day will be provided by specialists at the First Private Emergency Room at the Clinic in the North. Doctors remove the tick, send it for analysis, handle the bite site, carry out emergency seroprophylaxis from tick-borne encephalitis. If you have an insurance policy, help is free. Address May 9, 19a. Phone (391) 205-08-48, website. at the base of the Clinic in the North.

What to do if the tick test result is positive

Even before the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is recommended to introduce immunoglobulin. The substance activates the immune system, makes it produce antibodies. With timely assistance, the course of the disease is facilitated, the likelihood of serious complications is reduced. After analyzing the tick for encephalitis in Krasnoyarsk, if there is a positive result, you should protect yourself from serious consequences.

Immunoglobulin can be delivered after a tick bite in Krasnoyarsk at:

  • Medical Center "Hope", st. Urvantseva, d.14, tel .: +7 (391) 277-40-00.
  • First-aid station at the railway station, Art. Krasnoyarsk, tel .: +7 (391) 248-38-34, around the clock.
  • Ambulance substation of Sverdlovsk region, st. Parachute, d.19a, tel .: +7 (391) 261-87-11, around the clock.
  • Ambulance substation of Oktyabrsky district, st. Kurchatova, d. 17, tel .: +7 (391) 244-44-35, around the clock.
  • Ambulance substation of the Central region, Prospekt Mira, d. 35, tel .: +7 (391) 227-32-72, around the clock.

On a note!

With a tick bite in Krasnoyarsk, the cost of one injection of immunoglobulin is from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. in the presence of an insurance policy, the service is free. The price of insurance for a year does not exceed 500 rubles.

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccinations in Krasnoyarsk

Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine

They are carried out by domestic and foreign vaccines at the expense of citizens, employers, and municipal authorities — to schoolchildren and retirees. Tick ​​vaccination is available from one year old, but first tick-borne encephalitis vaccine recommended for children at 3 years. Adults should seek help from private clinics.

Schedule - 2 vaccinations per year with a break of 4-6 months. A year later, another vaccine. Subsequently every 3 years. You can get a tick vaccine in the following institutions:

  • Medical Center "Hope", st. Urvantseva, 14, price: 800 - 1100 rubles, t. 277-40-00,
  • Clinic on Kirensky, st. Academician Kirensky, 32, price: 800 rubles, t. 205-28-00,
  • KrasBioMed-Immuno, ul. Uritsky, 120, office., Cost: 650 - 700 rubles, t. 211-07-45, krasbiomed.rf
  • Clinic "Family and Health", st. Dubrovinsky, 106, cost: 660-700 rubles, t. 227-53-53, there is no time to get sick.
  • KGAUZ Regional AIDS Center, ul. K. Marx, 45, price: 700 - 1210 rubles, t. 226-84-10,

Working hours from 8.00 to 18.00, a break from 12.00 to 13.00.

Tick ​​treatment in Krasnoyarsk

The city authorities plan to spend 1 million 575 thousand rubles for anti-mite treatment of the terrain, which is significantly higher than last year. The total processing area is 315 ha. The plots are determined by the specialists of Rospotrebnadzor based on monitoring over the past year.

  • Sovetsky district: Vesny street, 17; Yastynskaya, 18/1 and Yastynskaya, 19a; three sites in the area of ​​the sports complex "Arena" North "; Abytaevskaya, 9; Urvantseva street, 4 and 6;
  • Central District: 58 hectares of squares in the Central District of the city, including Central Park;
  • Sverdlovsk district: the banks of the Bazaikha River, the area of ​​the Roev Ruchey flora and fauna park, the area around the Bobrovy Log fanpark (and the park itself, at the expense of its budget), the mountain at the Yenisei station, the Stolby reserve area, Torgashino and Vodnikov environs ;
  • Oktyabrsky District: the vicinity of the fruit and berry station, the lower and upper Akademgorodok, Studgorodok, Vetluzhanka, the area of ​​Mykolayiv Sopka, SibFU and the state farm “Udachny”.

Processing with modern effective drugs is planned to be carried out before May 20, after which specialists will double-check the result. If necessary, re-conduct pest control.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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