Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Symptoms and treatment of Lyme disease in dogs

Borreliosis in dogs is often diagnosed. It is impossible to inspect all skin integuments perfectly, and shake out tick It doesn’t always work out. The disease itself appeared relatively recently, several decades ago. The disease came to Europe from the USA and Canada, initially the distribution area was limited to these countries.

Causative agent of the disease

Lyme disease in dogs or borreliosis is caused by spirochetes belonging to the genus Borrelia burgdorfer. Carry them ixodid tickswhich the animal picks up is not a walk. Studies have shown that the disease is a typical natural focal infection in certain areas, which periodically flares up or fades away.

The main victims of spirochechs and ticks, respectively, are domestic and wild animals, as well as humans. Tick-borne borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis in the territory of distribution they completely coincide, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis of the disease.


In the world there is only one animal that is not afraid of borreliosis - this is a deer.

Infection pathways

Infection of a dog goes in several ways:

  1. Most often, the disease is transmitted to the dog from an infected tick when it is bitten. The saliva of the parasite contains spirotech, which instantly enter the bloodstream and are carried to the organs where they divide and form entire colonies.
  2. During pregnancy, a dog bitten by a tick gives the kids an illness. The placenta is not an obstacle. When breastfeeding through milk, puppies do not become infected, the virus does not penetrate into milk.
  3. With a blood transfusion, donated blood can retain parasites for a long period.

There is no direct infection of a person from a dog, the disease occurs only after a tick bite, which the owner tried to remove.


In most cases, with good immunity, the infection is neutralized even with a bite. A tick bite of a pregnant dog for short periods will lead to fetal death of the offspring.

Symptoms of Borreliosis in Dogs

It is difficult to understand that a dog has borreliosis, there may be no characteristic symptoms at all. Only a blood test will help determine the disease, which the veterinarian will recommend when contacting the clinic. However, there are signs of borreliosis that need attention.

Symptoms of Borreliosis in Dogs
Symptoms of Borreliosis in Dogs


Veterinarians advise paying special attention to the body temperature of the dog. The very first sign of a disease is a fever, which has a time limit. High temperature is replaced by normal and so several times. This condition takes vitality, the dog becomes inactive, lethargic, tries to lie more. Often the animal completely refuses food, but drinks the usual amount of water. Depletion and loss of strength will be the first consequence of the defeat of the disease.

Joint damage

Veterinarians call borreliosis an insidious disease due to the fact that after a fever the dog is almost completely restored, behaves as usual, becomes more active, and nutrition returns to normal.The owner does not pay attention to the recent fever, but in vain. After some period of time with Lyme disease, the animal will become difficult to move due to problems with the joints. Manifestations of borreliosis are recognized:

  • swelling of the joints, accompanied by problems with movement;
  • upon examination, even with a light touch, the pet shows its discontent, squeaks;
  • often the swelling is due to accumulated pus, purulent arthritis almost completely immobilizes the dog, it is very difficult for him to move independently.

Such symptoms often occur after prolonged remission, when the owners have already forgotten about the fever and the tick removed.


The further spread of spirochetes throughout the body brought by a tick will cause seizures. This is an indication that borreliosis has entered the dog’s muscle and nervous system.


It is this symptom that may indicate that the pet will not be completely cured.

Other symptoms

Further, the musculature of the dog suffers from the tick and the disease brought by it. Most often, this manifests itself in the arbitrary expiration of the contents of the bladder and intestines. The dog leaves traces of itself everywhere. A disorder of the nervous system may also occur.

Signs of Borreliosis in Dogs
Signs of Borreliosis in Dogs


One of the symptoms of Lyme disease at this stage is the constant smell of urine. This is also dangerous because in the discharge of the pet there is a large number of pathogens. Further, infection of other animals and even humans can occur.

If the dog is not treated, the cardiovascular system is affected, it is during this period that there is a high mortality rate from heart failure. Another animal suffers from pain in all muscles and body tissues. The final stage of the course of the disease is a combination of purulent arthritis and arthrosis of all joints, neurological disorders, and fever.

Diagnosis of the disease

The symptomatology of the disease is quite extensive, it is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis without additional studies. The disease is diagnosed in veterinarians with good equipment, in a small office they are unlikely to be able to determine the ailment.

First of all, serology is performed, to confirm the diagnosis, the veterinarian can prescribe other studies. Confirmation of the disease involves emergency treatment of the dog.

Dog Borreliosis Treatment

Depending on the stage of detection, treatment of the disease is carried out, most often spirotech from a tick leaves the body after a course of antibiotics. Veterinarians recognized such drugs:

  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • tetracyclines;
  • amoxicillins.

The course of treatment with drugs lasts at least 4 weeks. In addition to an antibiotic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to eliminate the effects of a tick bite, and Katozal is additionally prescribed to many dogs to improve metabolic processes.


For some dog breeds, the use of an antibiotic will negatively affect well-being, the symptoms will worsen, the dog may die.

The effects of borreliosis in dogs

Lyme disease may not manifest itself for a long time, and symptomatology does not always allow you to recognize the disease correctly. It has been clinically proven that unpleasant consequences occur even after therapy.

Complications after Borreliosis in Dogs
Complications after Borreliosis in Dogs

A dog that has contracted a tick disease will die without treatment, before suffering a long torment. Her joints will swell, incontinence of the urinary system will be observed, problems with the heart and muscle system will occur.

With proper and timely treatment, the disease will recede, the animal will become cheerful and active. However, more and more often veterinarians in many countries register sharp repeated outbreaks of arthritis and arthrosis in dogs that have had the disease even after 5-7 years, and all studies do not show the presence of spirochete in the body.


The disease is easier to prevent than to treat, it is the prevention of ticks that can protect the dog from such troubles. It is necessary to do this in advance, at the very beginning of spring, while insects and parasites are not yet active. Protect the dog from the tick There are several ways:

  • a great option would be collar, many manufacturers guarantee the action of the product for 2-7 months, the dog should wear it constantly, and not just for a walk;
  • for a month the dog will be protected from the tick by a drop at the withers, then the procedure will need to be repeated; also effective tablets
  • treatment spray it will save the dog for 3-4 weeks, the drug will not give a longer action.

Not a single remedy can save the dog 100%, therefore, a thorough examination and timely contact to the veterinarian will help the pet to maintain health, and sometimes life.

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