Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Tick ​​tool for site treatment

With the onset of warm spring days, owners of private houses, suburban areas, nature lovers are concerned about one question - how to treat the site from ticks yourself. Experts recommend seek help from special services, but their financial policies are not always satisfied, many prefer to fight on their own.

Methods of struggle

Ixodid ticks not just painfully bite, leave behind inflamed blisters, but they are carriers of dangerous diseases, among which tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis. Everyone is recommended to avoid meeting them. In the absence of an epidemic, threats of infection apply safe methods of control - they timely mow the grass on the site, do not allow thickets, cut branches of bushes, crowns of young trees to a height of more than 50 cm from the ground. Create unfavorable development conditions for pests.

However, it is not always possible to ensure "sterility" at the summer cottage. Ticks can get into the yard with pets, stray cats, dogs, rodents. The situation is especially dangerous if there is a forest or a city park nearby. The fight against ticks is carried out in several ways - they act directly on themselves or animals, which spread parasites over the land.

On a note!

It is recommended to fence the site to prevent the appearance of wild animals, stray dogs, cats. Use traps for rodents or periodically lay out poison bait.

The most effective method of control is to treat the area from ticks with poison - insecticide drugs. Destruction of blood-sucking parasites in an open area occurs within three days, for about 2 months the drugs protect the site from re-infection. Chemistry from ticks is made in the form of a concentrated emulsion, solution, powder, and checkers.

Protection against ticks by folk remedies involves the use of certain plants, products with a sharp, persistent smell. Methods are more aimed at preventing infection than fighting, can be combined with other methods of killing pests.

Poison action

Tick ​​treatment
Tick ​​treatment

Processing of the territory from ticks should be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Otherwise, it will harm the environment, the health of animals, humans. All chemicals for spraying a lawn, garden, yard, meadow operate on the basis of a wide range of insecticides. Active components are classified as medium or low toxic substances, do not cause harm under certain conditions.

Acaricidal treatment from ticks cannot be narrowly targeted. Almost all insects die in the radius of action of the poison from the action of the poison. Spraying the site is safe for animals, if they do not run around the poisoned grass, climb the treated shrubs for 3 days.Otherwise, an allergic reaction to the skin, increased salivation, lacrimation, loss of appetite, and violation of stool vomiting may occur.

Means for treating the area from ticks penetrate the body of ticks by contact. It causes a malfunction of the nervous system, blocks the transmission of impulses. This leads to muscle paralysis, imminent death. Poison from ticks acts for a maximum of 3 days, then the toxicity is gradually reduced, but remains sufficient to persecute bloodsuckers for 1-3 months.


Anti-mite treatment should not be carried out in the garden, in the garden during the ripening season. If spraying has occurred, the crop should be harvested no earlier than 21 days later.

Ticks must be poisoned in a special suit, respirator, rubber gloves, and glasses. If the poison gets on the skin, an allergic reaction appears in the form of rashes, itching, redness, into the respiratory tract - intoxication of varying severity. Dizziness, nausea, headache, chills can be felt, vomiting, diarrhea, palpitations, decreased blood pressure, other consequences of poison poisoning when trying to eradicate parasites are present.

Proper Processing Algorithm

Tick ​​treatment
Tick ​​treatment

Tick ​​treatment is called pest control, and drugs are called acaricides. Each tool is accompanied by an instruction with which you must first familiarize yourself. It is necessary to adhere to the recommended dosage, dilute the composition in the indicated proportions.

How to spray the area from ticks - a wide choice. You can buy the drug in a specialized store, from employees of special services, order online. Anti-mite treatment is carried out using a household spray bottle or a spray bottle.

Spray the land in calm weather to prevent the spread of poison in an erratic direction. It is necessary to direct the spray gun in the direction of the wind so that the spray does not fly towards the person. It is necessary to cultivate the land, garden, grass early in the morning or in the evening. You also need to monitor the weather. Precipitation during the first three days after disinfestation reduces the effectiveness of the drug, re-treatment after 7-10 days is required.


You need to process the garden in the early spring before leafing. At such a time, ticks are not yet active, the poison will not allow them to begin full-scale settlement of the territory. During the flowering period of trees, tickling is prohibited. Poison is deadly for bees and other insects pollinating plants.

Processing a suburban area is allowed at any time, but so that the use of poisons does not harm the environment. In nature, tools are used to treat the territory 3 days before the planned vacation.

How to get rid of ticks in a summer cottage

To make sure that the territory is contaminated, you can perform one simple action. Early in the morning, moisten a piece of light cloth or a towel, walk with it along the grass, bushes, barely touching the surface of the greenery. If there are parasites on the site, they will surely crawl onto a light canvas.

To treat grass from ticks, trees, shrubs at a level of 50 cm from the soil surface can be one of the following drugs.

Pesticides against ticks
Pesticides against ticks

Medilis Ziper

Professional product is in the form of a concentrate. Tick ​​liquid is dissolved in cold water. 5 ml of the concentrate is diluted with 1 liter of water. The amount of the finished solution is calculated based on the area. 50 ml of concentrated preparation is enough to kill mites on 10 acres. It is recommended to treat the garden, lawn, yard in the early spring, late autumn, or 3 days before a family or company is planning to visit nature. The action lasts 40 days. A 500 ml bottle costs about 1,200 rubles.


I had to cultivate the area near the house, because ticks did not give life to us or animals. Have bought Medilis Ziper. For processing used a garden spray. Great remedy. Cope with bloodsuckers for 3 days, valid for about a month. Another effective anti-tick toolSuitable for processing countryside. Spraying is carried out with a spray gun.

Ilya, Tver


A broad-spectrum insecticaricidal drug. The active ingredient is permethrin. The solution is prepared immediately before processing. For 1 liter of cool water, 2.5 ml of concentrate is required. 100 l of the finished solution is enough to poison ticks per 1 ha of area. Means Taran valid after processing for about 50 days. The price of a 50 ml bottle is 380 rubles.

Dobrohim Fos

You can protect yourself from ticks in the country with the help of a proven domestic product. Concentrated insecticide contains an active substance and a synergist to enhance the effect. A bottle with a capacity of 50 ml is enough to poison ticks per 100 square meters. The price of the drug is 390 rubles. 10 ml of concentrate are consumed per 1 liter of cold water. The maximum effect lasts 15 days.

Quiet evening

Smoke bomb from blood-sucking insects, including ticks. Easy to use, does not require complex preparatory manipulations. The active substance is in a tin can, there is also peat. After igniting the wick, the checker begins to smolder, toxic smoke is released into the air. Install the checker should be 10 meters from the place you want to protect, in the direction of the wind.

Smoke bomb Quiet evening from ticks
Smoke bomb Quiet evening from ticks

The advantage of the drug is in the passive participation of a person, processing is carried out independently for 2 hours. Poisonous particles settle on the surface of grass, leaves of shrubs, trees, a radius of 250 square meters. m. Properties are retained for about a month. Arriving in nature is allowed 3 days after pest control. The price of checkers within 500 rubles.


Last year we were going to the forest to rest with an overnight stay. But the company that went before us warned us that a lot of ticks spoiled the whole rest. Bought checker Quiet evening, processed the site. After 4 days, we rested calmly, enjoyed the singing of birds, rather than annoying mosquitoeswere not afraid to pick up ticks. Effective method, easy to use.

Andrey, Moscow

Also effective Tsifoks, Dr. Klaus, Iksoder, Cypermethrin. Chemical treatment from ticks is highly effective, but not safe, so many people prefer to use less effective methods of control.

Folk remedies for ticks

Actions are aimed at creating adverse conditions for bloodsucking parasites.

  • Fence the site with a fence to prevent the appearance of homeless, stray, wild animals.
  • Set traps, traps, put poisonous bait for rodents.
  • Mow the grass, remove the old branches, clear the bushes, cut the branches at a height of 50 cm from the ground.
  • Periodically arrange picnics, burn a fire - smoke parasites with smoke.
  • To plant along the perimeter of a site of a plant with a persistent smell - calendula, marigold, peppermint. It is recommended to summer residents for removing bloodsuckers.

Another effective method is to process the clothes, your body, and not the entire area. Use repellents, essential oilscologne. You can drive away a bloodsucker by smell. Protect yourself through body treatment special spray.

If it is not possible to defeat bloodsuckers on their own, they turn to experienced specialists for help. The services process the territory with modern, effective insecticides and use high-class automatic equipment.

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