Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Is there a vaccination against tick-borne borreliosis

Vaccination against borreliosis is not done. There is no specific prophylaxis, as such. Preventive measures include compliance with certain rules to avoid tick bite, and also after the detection of a sucking parasite. Another dangerous disease - tick-borne encephalitis. In this case, vaccination is used as a preventive measure.

Infection process

To know how to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to study the mechanism of its development, the path of infection. The carriers of infection are animals, to a greater extent rodents - rats, the mouse. Mite It feeds on the blood of a sick animal, it does not become infected, but becomes a distributor.

Provokes borreliosis either Lyme disease a certain type of bacteria is borrelia. They concentrate in arachnid saliva, are in an inactive state. When a person bites a person, bacteria enter saliva through the skin. Initially develop there, forming a swelling, inflammation, redness. After a while, they enter the systemic circulation, spread throughout the body.

On a note!

The incubation period of tick-borne borreliosis lasts an average of 14 days. Initially, a large spot appears on the skin, up to 60 cm in diameter. And after a couple of days, vivid symptoms of Lyme disease appear. During this period, the death of borrelia begins, in the process they release toxic substances that cause a number of negative consequences.

The danger of tick-borne borreliosis

It is impossible to determine by appearance whether a tick is infected or not. According to statistics, the infection rate reaches 70%. The risk of disease increases with prolonged suction of the parasite against a background of weakened immunity. More often transmit the infection females that are able to remain on the human body for up to 7 days.


The first symptoms of Lyme disease are the result of toxicosis. Instantly, body temperature rises, muscle aches bother, nausea, vomiting, weakness, headache appear. The clinical picture resembles influenza, but there are specific symptoms - photophobia, lacrimation, sour eyes, restriction in neck movements, strained muscles of the face. The condition is normalized even without special treatment within a week, the further development of borreliosis after a tick bite takes place according to one of two scenarios:

  • antibodies are produced in the human body, immunity stops the disease;
  • bacteria continue to multiply, affect the brain, central nervous system, muscles, internal organs - the liver, spleen, heart, kidneys.

In the absence of qualified therapy, borreliosis passes into a severe form that is difficult to treat. Complications - loss of vision, deafness, osteoporosis, arthrosis, disability, paralysis, dementia, death.

On a note!

The main treatment method is antibiotic therapy. Drugs are selected in each case individually, with timely therapy they stop the development of the disease, eliminate symptoms. Immunity is developed unstable, a person can get sick again the next year. There is no vaccine for borreliosis, so non-specific methods of prevention must be followed.

Lyme Disease Prevention

Not every tick is a carrier of infection, but the risk of infection must always be remembered. IN peak activity of parasites May-June, September-October, it is recommended to be especially careful when staying in nature.


Exist tick protection clothingbut it is mainly used by specialists performing work in dangerous places - loggers, archaeologists, border guards, agricultural workers. As well as fishermen, hunters. Modern suits have traps - pockets, places saturated with insecticides. Since the cost of workwear is not less than 1800 rubles, ordinary nature lovers are in no hurry to use it.

Tick ​​Clothing
Tick ​​Clothing

On a note!

If there is no special suit, it is necessary to wear trousers, a sweater with long sleeves, socks, a hat. Cuffs should be on the sleeves, trousers should be put into socks. In this case, the tick will not be able to get to the skin, after a while it will fall to the ground.


Every 2 hours, it is recommended that you examine each other or yourself. With such actions, you can remove the tick even before it has time to suck. After returning home, you need to do a checkup, take a shower. Ticks are concentrated under the armpits, on the neck under the hair, in the groin, on the back. These places need special attention. Hungry parasite the size no more than 4 mm, so a magnifying glass or a magnifying glass will not be superfluous.


Apply funds based on insecticaricidal substances. They have a paralytic effect, do not allow the parasite to stick. After a few minutes of stay in the treated area, muscle paralysis occurs, the tick falls to the ground. You can use any repellent with a similar action. The most effective means Clean house, TaigaRaptor GardexRaid. You can buy them at any hardware store, the average price is 250 rubles.

Tick ​​Sprays
Tick ​​Sprays

On a note!

In the absence of a professional drug, folk remedies are used to repel ticks. Parasites are afraid the smell of cologne vanilla, essential oils - lavender, geranium, eucalyptus, chamomile, citrus fruits.

Public prevention of tick-borne borreliosis consists in informing the population about the danger of the disease, the epidemic state, pest control, parks, forests, squares, the destruction of rodents - mice, rats. Since there is no vaccine for Lyme disease, nonspecific preventive measures are the main way of protection.

What to do after a bite

Experts recommend doing the following:

  • when a tick is found, come to the emergency room so that doctors can remove it;
  • send parasite analysis to the laboratory (paid procedure);
  • for prevention, timely prevention of borreliosis, start taking antibiotics;
  • 14 days after tick bite turn in infection testsif during the study of the parasite bacteria were detected.

When the characteristic symptoms of Lyme disease appear, you need to call a doctor, report a case with a suction tick.


Vaccination against borreliosis and encephalitis is not done. Exist vaccine only against the last disease. Tick-borne encephalitis is a viral infection, when detected, it is administered immunoglobulin to activate immunity, antiviral drugs. To prevent the disease, 3 vaccines are made with a break of 1 month, 1 year. The effect lasts 3 years.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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